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Long past time to replace my speakers- circa 1978 Speakerlab S3's that I built from a kit with help from my grandfather.

I'm looking at the Mission M35i's that Amazon is selling for $450/pr. This is alledgedly half price, but seems close to the going rate in the UK.

I've also considered the Axiom M60ti blems which are currently about $800. But the Missions are much less expensive and seem pretty nice.

Has anyone heard the Missions, or the Axioms for that matter?

Rest of my system: Onkyo TS-XR 600 receiver, Sony C222ES CD/SACD player, Sony 755 used as a DVD-video player.

As you can see I'm not an audiophile, just looking for some nice sounding speakers that don't cost a bundle.


Well dang, 58 views and no responses. Must not be popular speakers, which says something I guess.

Maybe I should rephrase my question: What are some speaker recommendations for under $1000?

I am not bent on getting floor standing towers, but I am leaning this way- simply because it seems that design gives the most bang for the buck.

We listen mostly to jazz, but also some world music, blues and older rock. The speakers will most likely go in a combination living room-kitchen-dining room, a so-called "great" room. They will probably not be used in conjunction with a TV or home theater system, i.e. they will be used for two channel playback.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Posted (edited)

I've had THESE for three years and they give very good, bang-for-the-buck, sound. I have a NAD C320BEE integrated amp and it works well with these speakers.

Edited by Matthew

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