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Obviously it wasn't on your priority list, but I would like to put in a word for the J.J. Johnson set. It will most likely go OOP soon, though it appears to be very slow-moving (I find it nothing short of incredible that it has been available for seven years without selling out).

You won't regret it, the music is wonderful. Besides, most of it will probably not be available again for decades.


The first shocking, and pleasing, thing about this is the process - ordered on Wednesday, shipped on Thursday, on my doorstep on Monday morning in perfect nick!

One thing, though, after all this hyperbole and carry on about the Mosaic mystique, I was sorely disappointed by the bland presentation of my first Mosaic set - just a plain ol' black box, nothing special at all. Dull, in fact. No colour pics, just B&W. A real low-rent job, IMHO.

(Just kidding)

Kenny---Pleased to hear that you're first Mosaic experiance was a pleasant one. But the black boxes, b&w photos and so on...that's all a part of the Mosaic aesthetic. It's like, they want the music to do the talking, not the packaging. Personally, I find their black boxes to have a certain austere beauty; very compelling to the Puritan in me. And you usually can't fault their liner notes!

Different strokes I guess. Enjoy! :g:tup:party:

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