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For The Good Times is excellent as well (some beautiful ballad playing), all of these Prestige dates are worth grabbing. Check his sideman appearances as well, he's on some of the Boogaloo Joe Jones discs and others that are slipping my mind at the moment.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

keep in mind that rusty uses and amplified sax on some tracks. this could be the muffling you refer to.

what i like about this prestige date is that you get to hear grant green play on some blues tracks, which he didn't do during the same period on blue note.


While we are at it, is there any reissue available of the "Rusty Bryant Plays Jazz" LP (Dot DLP 3079) from 1957?

I must admit (now call me names if you want to :D) that within my collection of blues and R&B I have a certain liking for the "Honkin' Sax" school, including the very first Rusty Bryant LP (DOT DLP-3006), and tofollow things up in sequential order I'd like to explore his next item where he got more seriously into jazz.

Any info appreciated!

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