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SS1, I got the 2-CD release a few years ago and listened to the first nine tracks, which were the first session.

I was disappointed. Smith hadn't perfected his hip stops sound yet, and what he did there was still for me too much like a roller rink compared to what he developed into.

Your posting this reminds me that I should listen to the next session on the disc, if I can find it somewhere. (That's the problem with not keeping my CDs in alphabetical order!)


I've had the TOCJ version for almost ten years, and I almost never reach for it. I've never really analyzed why that is, but Mr Russell may have nailed it. Also, I usually reach for the titles with Kenny Burrell. ^_^


I agree with the above statements - I tend to reach for the Smith's with the horn players and the live sets. Smith also recorded too many albums in too short of time for them to all be meaningful (when's the last time anyone here listened to Jimmy Smith Plays Fats Waller for more than the first time? How often do any of us play Movin' Along?) , though that wouldn't apply to this one, since it was his first. I picked up the 2 CD set for historical purposes, but have only listened to it once.


well, I mostly listen to disc 1 10-14 and the whole of disc 2 which includes the At the Organ vol. 3 recently reissued as an RVG. The last six on disc one and the second disc really show his new conception IMO better than the first 9 tracks.

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