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yeah, so I stumble into a Wayne Shorter show...

Soul Stream

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So, I go to San Antonio yesterday to spend the night. My wife was running a mini-triathalon on Sunday morning. We get into the hotel downtown yesterday evening and find out Wayne Shorter is headlining some sort of convoluted city-sponsered Jazz Fest (the rest of the lineup was Smooooth Jazz!?).

Anyway, so I walk a few blocks down just in time to see Wayne Shorter walk on stage and hit his first note. An hour and 15 minutes later I leave fully satisfied I just stumbled onto the best jazz show in the world last night....


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were danilo, john & brian playing with him?

Yes, they were. Sorry, no pics...no camera. And as far as a set list...uhhh...to my ears, he played one continuous piece of uninterupted music for an hour a fifteen minutes. Although I'm certain there were "songs" in there that others would recognize, I didn't.

A very odd concert. Free to the public. Wayne and corny dogs, enchiladas and budweiser. Drunk rednecks behind me kept screaming "CRANK IT UP!!!!" at the soundman so many times that he eventually yelled back to them that this band was playing acoustic instruments as oppossed to the electric instruments of the bands previously. That made sense to the rednecks sort of as they then mumbled "yeah, them other guys were playing electric stuff." Definately the weirdest concert environment I've ever been in. Wayne didn't seem to notice although the hollering and beer shouts were certainly distracting throughout the whole show.

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Hahahahaha! I think I'll take my

"Buddha and Bennie" over "Bubbas and Wayne."

Maybe the band was caught off guard too?

I can't imagine that the band didn't notice the vibe. Although, they're such professionals and Wayne and Co. such geniuses that their message got through despite the audiences impuleses. Kind of like taming the savage beast. Wayne's music said it all and was so undeniable, even to a Lynard Skynard-type crowd. Now THAT is what great music does.

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All Wayne upcoming gigs can be found at www.imnworld.com, click on tour dates.

He's doing another free thing in D.C. on 10/1 on the Mall. He's in D.C. tonight for the Monk competition; he's playing with Bill Frisell and possibly George Benson at the Kennedy Center tomorrow. I'm volunteering at the rehearsals tomorrow, so I should see how that's going to go down. I have a copy of Grachan's new CD for him that Mark Masters gave me.


Edited by bertrand
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Man!! I wish I'd known about this!  :(  I would have made the drive up from Corpus for Wayne - and I actually could have made it yesterday too, that's the bad thing. 

Can we expand the "Jazz in Austin & Dallas" thread to include San Antonio too?

Seems like San Antonio gets better big name jazz than any other Texas city. Just this year or so I've seen, Herbie, Wayne, James Moody, Wynton & LCO, Joey Defrancesco and others in SA.

I'll post if I see anything else come up.

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Man!! I wish I'd known about this!  :(  I would have made the drive up from Corpus for Wayne - and I actually could have made it yesterday too, that's the bad thing. 

Can we expand the "Jazz in Austin & Dallas" thread to include San Antonio too?

Seems like San Antonio gets better big name jazz than any other Texas city. Just this year or so I've seen, Herbie, Wayne, James Moody, Wynton & LCO, Joey Defrancesco and others in SA.

I'll post if I see anything else come up.

Wayne is also playing in Houston next month (October 14):



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...almost forgot.

There was a ken & barbie newsteam couple-type that introduced Wayne. They were absolutely horrible. They even mentioned that Wayne had a lot of "Hits" and alluded that Wayne Shorter was a "group" of 4...alluding to the idea that they didn't even know that Wayne was one person...uggg.

Perez told a friend of mine after the show that during the introduction, Wayne just looked at him and said "America."

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Was that 'America' as in 'America, tssk tssk' or 'Only in America' or 'God Bless America'?

So I got to talk to Wayne last night for a few minutes at the Monk competition. I gave him the Grachan CD, and he spoke to me and some woman about how Monk and Miles and Coltrane and others saw the 'mission' in the music, but some others do not (I'm loosely paraphrasing, it was hard to hear).

Wayne cracked us all up - he had to introduce one of the finalists, and he made a point of making it obvious that he was reading from the teleprompter ('Good evening - it's great to be back at the Kennedy Center' etc.). We were in stitches.

He only played on one cut, 'Footprints', with Pat Martino, Bill Frisell, Herbie, James Genus and Terri Lyne Carrington. (James and Terri Lyne were the rhythm section for the evening, and Bob James handled most of the piano duties). It was a very loose version, but with no real solos, kind of like the Super Nova stuff, all very unresolved. He used the soprano at the event, but rehearsed on tenor. The rehearsal version (which was completely improptu) came off somewhat better, which proves once again that Miles was right.

The winner of the competiton was Norwegian Lage Lund, who did do a great set at the finals. The other competitors were also excellent. They were all very young though, so I wouldn't quite claim that any of them has found his true sound yet.

From a musical point of view, a very good year for the Monk competition. For once, I got to attend the rehearsals, and it was eye-opening. More on the musicians forum.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Man!! I wish I'd known about this!  :(  I would have made the drive up from Corpus for Wayne - and I actually could have made it yesterday too, that's the bad thing. 

Can we expand the "Jazz in Austin & Dallas" thread to include San Antonio too?

Seems like San Antonio gets better big name jazz than any other Texas city. Just this year or so I've seen, Herbie, Wayne, James Moody, Wynton & LCO, Joey Defrancesco and others in SA.

I'll post if I see anything else come up.

Wayne is also playing in Houston next month (October 14):



Damn and double damn! Here in Houston and I'm playing my own concert tonight and can't go!

Hey, you must be David Garrett from the Mobius forum? Hi!

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Man!! I wish I'd known about this!  :(  I would have made the drive up from Corpus for Wayne - and I actually could have made it yesterday too, that's the bad thing. 

Can we expand the "Jazz in Austin & Dallas" thread to include San Antonio too?

Seems like San Antonio gets better big name jazz than any other Texas city. Just this year or so I've seen, Herbie, Wayne, James Moody, Wynton & LCO, Joey Defrancesco and others in SA.

I'll post if I see anything else come up.

Wayne is also playing in Houston next month (October 14):



Damn and double damn! Here in Houston and I'm playing my own concert tonight and can't go!

Hey, you must be David Garrett from the Mobius forum? Hi!

One and the same - I obviously post more frequently there than here, but I didn't discover the "big O" until fairly recently.

You have my sympathies for the scheduling conflict - if it's any consolation, I'll think of you while I'm listening to Wayne and his band in a few hours. :g

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