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I hate starting a thread about a set which I am sure must have been discussed before but I can't find anything on that one. :blink:

Now that 'Consequence' is about to be reissued, is there anything on the Mosaic set which has not been released yet or that is OOP at the moment?


Here's the discography of the Mosaic set:

(A) Jackie McLean (as), Charles Tolliver (tp), Herbie Hancock (p), Cecil McBee (b), Roy Haynes (d).

August 5, 1964

1402 (tk5) Truth BST 84179

1403 (tk17) 'Snuff -

1404 (tk18) Das' Dat -

1405 (tk24) Revillot -

1406 (tk31) Cancellation -

1407 (tk33) It's Time -

(B) Jackie McLean (as), Charles Tolliver (tp), Bobby Hutcherson (vbs), Cecil McBee (b), Billy Higgins (d).

September 16, 1964

1438 (tk1) Action BST 84218

1439 (tk3) Wrong Handle -

1440 (tk15) I Hear A Rhapsody -

1441 (tk19) Plight -

1442 (tk20) Hootman -

© Jackie McLean (as), Larry Willis (p), Bob Cranshaw (b), Clifford Jarvis (d).

January 29, 1965

1508 (tk2) Right Now BST 84215

1508 (tk3) Right Now (alternate take)

1509 (tk10) Eric BST 84215

1510 (tk15) Christel's Time -

1511 (tk22) Eco -

all titles issued on B2-84215 (CD).

(D) Jackie McLean (as), Lee Morgan (tp)-1, Charles Tolliver (tp)-2, Larry Willis (p), Larry Ridley (b), Jack DeJohnette (d).

September 24, 1965

1656 (tk4) Soft Blue -1,2 BNLA 457-2

1657 (tk7) Climax -1 -

1658 (tk9) On The Nile -2 -

1659 (tk11) Jacknife -2 -

1660 (tk16) Blue Fable -1 -

This session was originally assigned the title "Jacknife" and the catalog number BST 84223 in 1966, but it was not issued in that form.

(E) Jackie McLean (as), Lee Morgan (tp), Harold Mabern (p), Herbie Lewis (b), Billy Higgins (d).

December 3, 1965

1687 (tk3) Consequence LT-994

1688 (tk4) Bluesanova -

1689 (tk10) Tolypso -

1690 (tk11) Slumber (aka Soft Touch) -

1691 (tk12) Vernestune (aka The Three Minors) -

1692 (tk16) My Old Flame -

(F) Jackie McLean (as), Larry Willis (p), Don Moore (b), Jack DeJohnette (d).

April 18, 1966

1725 (tk3) High Frequency BNLA 457-2

1726 (tk8) Jossa Bossa -

1727 (tk15) Combined Effort -

1728 (tk20) Moonscape -

1729 (tk21) The Bull Frog -

This session was originally assigned the title "High Frequency" and the catalog number BST 84236 in 1966, but it was not issued in that form.

album index:

BST 84179 It's Time

BST 84215 Right Now

B2-84215 CD reissue of above

BST 84218 Action

BNLA 457-2 Jacknife (2 LPs)

LT-994 Consequences


Thank you Claude. I have just won it on Ebay for $125 and I am looking forward to that one as all the McLean music I own was recorded either before 1964 or after 1966! I have been waiting to grab this one for a while and I am pleased with the price.


Two of the 6 LPs in this set have yet to be issued domestically as single CDs: It's Time and High Frequency. It's Time has been available on CD in Japan; High Frequency nowhere.


Posted (edited)

You have got yourself a good set there.

I have had it since it came out and feel very much as if it is was a really selection...although I could never understand why they left out the Consequence material ( er sorry I meant Hi Frequency stuff sorry!!!! -_- )...I mean come on!

Anyway it was a beauty and a really good treat. I used to listen to it on and off for days upon end and then leave it for months but still go back to it fresh and enjoy it.


Edited by andybleaden

I'm a big fan on McLean's BN output but found the Consequence material to be a bit weak when I heard it and certainly not upto the rest of the material in the box. None the less I'll still be getting the upcoming Conn.

Posted (edited)

I thought Consequence was on there?   :blink:

erm yes its offical I am now talkin out a my rear end I meant the other one erm panic HI Frequency ...


I am in the shame of hell at cocking this one up.....which makes the other post re the OCtober conns even more annoying as I have this and I do not need to shred the cdr...( of hi frequency) ....good job I did not!)) :crazy:

Oh its so bloody confusing...why can they not issue the lot via a download thingy like with the verve stuff

Edited by andybleaden

See Claude's post (#3) above.

The Mosaic set includes:

It's Time


Right Now



High Frequency

You mean it gets worse!!!

Facts are hard to use when I have little or no brains

I am confusing the two fers now....both of jackknife 2fers were on the mosaic correct?

The Hipnosis 2 fer was the old jackie mclean quintet session and one with grachan moncur that saw the light in the moncur box set

I will shut up now and please ignore all I have said about consequence, hi frequency,jacknife etc except that they are all very very good

Yours humbly meek on issues discogrpahical whilst sat in my office

ANdy :ph34r:



Panic (for me ) over with.

Back home in the comfort of my own home and surrounded by music and not work!

The cd I was referring to was Hipnosis from 67 and wasn' t in the Mosaic set. I had a cdr of an lp burn which served until the Grachan Moncur select was issued.

I was lucky enough to have had Bout soul both as an lp then as the cd when that came out......but thanks for that anyway...I remember seeing that they only stuck the moncur tracks from this in the select...bit strange but I suppose the Grachan Moncur name leads that to happen :P

Mystery and small Mclean panic over for me

Thought for a minute there I had missed a set

Goes to show what they have reissued of his over the years though including reissuing all the LT seried with him on (vertigo and consequence)......and the other goodies that sat around for years

Now playing Eco from the Mosaic set on my pc to cheer me up after that nasty Blue Note wobble and I feelin damn good

I do have to say that this set represents Mosaic at their best for me :)


To think I didn't get the Mosaic whilst it was in production just because I had one of the sessions on CD already (Right Now !) . Stupid ,I know but at least I've managed to piece the set together over the years with a mixture of Conns, JRVG, TOCJ and a McMaster.

  • 4 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Wish I could have the Mosaic, but I just snapped up the last of these sessions in one fell swoop over the last few days. Can't wait to hear the material!

Well mr.Colinmce you made reappear this tread on purpose to me.

For years I have searched for this set, on and off, sometimes repelled by 'ebay craziness' and some foolish price.

In these times of crysis with super-euro quotes I had it 'mint' finally. Weird as I found no bid on it, so I had the lowest price. Its cost -Big Euro withstanding- has been close the average nowadays inprint Mosaic Box, shipping included.

Well worth occasion!

Edited by ArmandoPeraza

I have the Mosaic, but it has crap sound and I replaced all of it with a combination of LPs and TOCJ CDs.

Marvellous music, of course.

I have all Jackie's BN material, including the session with Ornette Coleman, which I like very much, even though normally Ornette is a bore to me.

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