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Guest Mnytime

He wasn't thinking or using the wrong part of his anatomy to think with. ;)

Guest Mnytime

Did Kobe sign the new contract with Nike yet? If not it should be interesting to see if they still sign him now.

Guest Mnytime

Pretty dumb. Of course, it could be hooey. Someone trying to get money.

Yea, but at best he is was in the wrong place for someone that is married.


Pretty dumb.  Of course, it could be hooey.  Someone trying to get money.

Yea, but at best he is was in the wrong place for someone that is married.

Yea, but at best he is was in the wrong place for someone that is married.

and how many professional athletes has that stopped?


Pretty dumb.  Of course, it could be hooey.  Someone trying to get money.

Yea, but at best he is was in the wrong place for someone that is married.

and how many professional athletes has that stopped?


I'll wait for a guilty verdict before I believe a word of it. Kobe is quoted in the LA Times as calling the charges "bogus."

C'mon, do you really think Kobe has to even try to get laid? He's too classy and too intelligent, and I think the charges are BS.


If the prosecutor's office feels that there is enough evidence to press charges, then it's a pretty safe bet that he was at least cheating on his wife. I'm pretty sure that was the point that Mny was making. If he was just cheating on his wife, I don't feel that's any of my business and it won't affect my feelings about him as an athlete. However, even if that's all he did, it was pretty stupid of him considering the potential impact on the value of his endorsements. It would definately tarnish his market image.


Denver TV is all over this story. I didn't read the article above, but - Kobe flew into Vail on the 4th with his wife and baby and posted a $25,000 bond. The charges have been sealed by a judge for the time being. If there's any truth to the story, it's not about looks or money, it's about arrogance and Kobe has plenty of that. :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)

i've given this some serious thought....

kobe is just trying to have a kid out of wedlock, like his mentor mj

da K O B E just wants to get it over with early in his career

it's in the "the idiot's guide for becoming michael jordan"


Edited by Soulstation1
Posted (edited)

Speaking of an "Idiot's Guide", how about the Damon Stoudamire handbook? Here's a guy who's already been busted for pot two different times within the last year, but who still thinks it's OK to carry a lid wrapped in aluminum foil into the Tucson airport. When he empties the contents of his pants pockets into the little bowl they provide before you go through airport security, they ask him what's in the foil. Displaying no obfuscatory pretense whatsoever, he responds, "you know what it is." My God, this guy has to be dumber than a sack of hammers. Or, as our local rag, The Portland Tribune, put it on their front page headline, "Damon and Damoner".

The Blazers, who are in the midst of trying to restore even a semblance of credibility with their local fan base, react by suspending Stoudamire (like in the middle of the Summer it matters) and fining him 250 large. Pocket change for someone who will earn $24 million over the next two years.

If the NBA thinks it doesn't have an image problem, they couldn't be any more wrong. I'm shocked that so many people continue to pay attention.

Up over and out.

Edited by Dave James
Guest Mnytime

By the way it is my understanding that the DA of the area is pretty uspet with the police. It seems the Police did all this without really involving the DA's office. The police went through the court instead of having the DA's office doing it.

Posted (edited)

i'm thinking of getting a zigzag paper autographed by damon.

you've gotta be stupid to try and bring that stuff on a plane with security as tight as it is. i was at the airport on the 4th.

damon needs to pay someone to hold his weed.

he is messing up and could lose that phat contract.

he is overpayed as is. 12-14 mill for next year.

he was know as damon stupidmire during his arizona days.

Edited by Soulstation1

It's no secret even to a nonsports fan like me that the NBA winks at pot smoking; they have for years, and frankly I don't disagree with the policy at all. Could it be that some of these players are so stupid that they think this protects them from prosecution by the law? :o

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