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New Orleans Mayor's plea for help


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That's the word from someone that knows what's going on ON THE GROUND. He gives some simple solutions. Commandeer Greyhound nationwide and get those goddamn buses moving.

Also, his suggestion of banning press conferences until something's done was probably a good one.

To hear the Mayor break down at the end and start crying after he said "New Orleans will never be the same as we know it" was heart breaking.

Edited by Soul Stream
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I hope this does get things moving. It's amazing what people in power can do with a phone call or two.

I was in a hurricane response meeting for my company this morning. We set up our priorities this way:

1. Our employees

2. The communities where we do business

3. Our customers

It was nice to see all the work that was being done to get displaced employees jobs at other stores, make sure that all affected employees get paychecks even if they didn't work, etc. Some executives were in the room, and they got some pretty amazing things going:

- Stores need satellite phones? OK, send each a few...

- Employees need a place to stay? Alright, we're renting mobile homes and sending them down there.

- Employees having trouble getting food, water, toilet paper and other necessities? OK, we'll take distribution center trucks, buy a ton of these supplies from any place we can get them, and send it on in.

Websites have been set up for employees to get in touch with each other and let everyone know where they are (we still have a few missing, unfortunately :( ), and people have been offering to let affected employees live with them and work in their stores. People can do some pretty generous and amazing things if they work at it. And the best thing about all of this is that nobody is even talking about how much it's going to cost us. People need help, and we'll spend whatever is necessary to make sure things get taken care of.

I hope Mayor Nagin and the people of his city get what they need, and get it fast.

Edited by vibes
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