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NBA 2005-2006

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Is Bill Walton the absolute worst announcer in the history of the game? ...

What a frickin' moron.

He's atrocious. How does he keep his job?!

No, he's not the worst, but he's pretty bad (and he doesn't even have stupidity as an excuse). I remember a finals game from last year when it was tied at halftime and he said something about how the Spurs had the Pistons on the ropes. Greg Anthony had the biggest "WTF?" look on his face and pretty much said so.


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Another gem from last night:

"This just goes to show that basketball is 100% physical and 100% mental."

His co-announcer (can't recall who it was) just sat silent for a few moments and then said, "That doesn't make sense. How can it be 100% physical AND 100% mental. That makes 200%"

Walton then replies, "Oh you're comparing apples to oranges."


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Another gem from last night:

"This just goes to show that basketball is 100% physical and 100% mental."

His co-announcer (can't recall who it was) just sat silent for a few moments and then said, "That doesn't make sense.  How can it be 100% physical AND 100% mental.  That makes 200%"

Walton then replies, "Oh you're comparing apples to oranges."


It's too bad ABC doesn't have Marv Albert & Steve Kerr -- those guys are really good. (Is Doug Collins announcing this year? I dig him too.) Mike Fratello needs to quit coaching and come back to announcing.


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i hate to admit this

the pistons are playin' some ball

probably the best starting five in the league


WTF is up with the clippers are they taking over the staples center?

# 08 is still a chump

Yep I'm back!!! Hey Soulstation, what's up? i was one of the fire victims in California two years ago and just now am getting back into our home.

Look for the Pistons to take it all barring injuries. They have best starting five and best next 6-10. They are deep.

And yes, the Clippers are taking over, just watch. #8 is still getting a lot of his points off of selfish "no passing" shots or "Pass what, I've got the ball dude." Kobe takes a lot of bad selfish shots. In short.......


:bwallace2: :bwallace::g:cool:

Edited by BruceW
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WTF is up with the clippers are they taking over the staples center?

Well, they have a good team and their roommates don't. With Sacramento stinking it up (Losing to the Knicks at home? Now THERE'S a real WTF) and Phoenix crippled by Amare's absence, it wouldn't surprise me to see the Clips snag the division title (and consequently slot #2 or #3 come playoff time).


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I remember thinking last Friday that I would go nuts if the Warriors lost to the Knicks at home. Given how low my expectations are, I can't imagine how Kings fans felt.

Playing the Bucks tonight... hopefully Baron will feel a little better. (What the heck was Montgomery doing playing him in the Monday blowout?) It was funny to see Taft and Biedrins averaging 1 foul/2 minutes.

For those Warriors fans excited by our 5-3 start, I'd like to remind you of the 2001-2002 season. We started 5-3 and finished the first half of the season 14-27. Then things really deteriorated and we ended up 21-61. :bad:


Edited by Guy
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I found this this article on Ron Artest so disgusting I had to email ESPN the following:

For Scoop Jackson to compare the Pistons/Pacers brawl to 9/11 is the utmost example of the blatant narcissism that is the real problem with sports today.  Everyone likes to talk about how athletes are spoiled, but this goes for all the loud-mouthed sports talk fools on the radio, all the inane sports journalists, and everyone involved in covering sports that like to take any tiny event and turn it into the LARGEST CATASTROPHE MANKIND HAS EVER FACED!

Over 3,000 people died on September 11th, 2001.  To somehow equate that with a brawl between athletes earning millions of dollars and some dumb fans is so incredibly stupid and insulting, not to mention insensitive and conceited, is it any wonder that players get big heads and do equally stupid things? 

It's a game, people.  It's not life or death.  Get real.

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Bucks "rebound" on the road.

Bucks 90

Warriors 87

Bucks 5-2

Tough division, but hopefully they'll (the Bucks) make the playoffs this year.

Fortunately the Warriors bounced back from this loss (and they really deserved to lose considering that they played like crap for most of the game) by beating Portland. They just have to survive two more weeks and they get a break in the schedule.

Nice to see the Clips beat the Lakers! I'm guessing we will see that happen a few more times this season.

I'll go on a limb and predict that Dallas will snap the Piston's streak tomorrow, though it will be close.

Jim's response to Scoop Jackson was good. Why is so much of sports journalism so crappy?


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I think Dallas will be a tough test for the Pistons, especially after having to extend a little more energy than they would have liked to against Houston last night. You could tell by the way they were playing that Detroit was trying to get away with as little work as possible but Houston forced them to turn it up in the second half.

I do think, however, that Detroit will beat Dallas tonight.

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Bucks "rebound" on the road.

Bucks 90

Warriors 87

Bucks 5-2

Tough division, but hopefully they'll (the Bucks) make the playoffs this year.

Fortunately the Warriors bounced back from this loss (and they really deserved to lose considering that they played like crap for most of the game) by beating Portland. They just have to survive two more weeks and they get a break in the schedule.

Yeah, the W's were crappy bad against the Bucks. 90-87 is deceiving- it wasn't that close. We've been playing some bad ball at times, yet we're still hanging close through most of those phases thanks to some improved defense (defense? WTF is defense? :g ). If everybody (especially Dunleavy) can just groove their shooting a bit, and if we can start blocking off on the defensive glass, we're going to be pretty dangerous. Baron looked more comfortable against the Blazers last night, even going up for an alley-oop from Jason (there's a bassackward situation). Scared the hell out of me when I saw him jump that high, too. :rfr JRich had quite a game- a FUN guy to watch! I wish they could be just a little more consistent as a team, though. 34 in the opening quarter, and then something in the teens (?) in the second quarter. Anyway, 6-3 is feeling pretty good right now, and we would be 7-2 if not for the screwup in Chicago.

Just curious- anybody seen the Sonics yet? I haven't done any reading on the subject, in fact I don't even know who took over for McMillan. Are they still running the same type of offense?

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Anyway, 6-3 is feeling pretty good right now, and we would be 7-2 if not for the screwup in Chicago.

6-4, though maybe you're suffering amnesia about one of the losses. :) The minus is that despite the schedule being dense, it hasn't exactly been difficult -- mostly eastern conference teams and none of the western conference elite teams. OTOH, they've been competitive in almost every game. Interesting to see if they give the Clippers a run on Sunday.


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