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Argentina outwitted by the Germans. No classic and a disgraceful end.

I agree. The quality of football was increasingly disappointing on both sides. The luckiest team won.

Usually the luck goes with the better team. I'm not sure the Germans are better, but they have more stable team.

Edited by B. Goren.
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Argentina outwitted by the Germans. No classic and a disgraceful end.

I agree. The quality of football was increasingly disappointing on both sides. The luckiest team won.

both played the only tactic that worked against the respective oponent: attack early and do not let them get to build up their own game. Both teams were very nervous, which resulted in a lot of failed passes on both sides. Towards the end of the second extra time, both were hoping for luck on long balls. Not very attractive indeed. This should probably have been the final, not a quarter final. Both teams seemed to have sensed as much.

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In my view Pekerman should have brought Messi instead of Cruz. Messi is a far more creative player, and that's just what Argentina needed.

Hans - I agree we should have seen Messi. What I thought was most curious was bringing Crespo off, though. My change would have been Messi for Riquelme - in that playmaker role where Messi could have made something happen, and at which Riquleme failed today!

Personally, I'm gutted. I have absolutely nothing against the Germans, and wish them well (I have them nailed on to win their semi against either the Ukrainians or the Italians) - but I'd have loved to have seen more from the Argentines. After the magic they gave us in the Serbia & Montenegro game...

Imagine an Argentina v France/Brazil final :):wub: ...

Edited by Red
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Personally, I'm gutted. I have absolutely nothing against the Germans, and wish them well (I have them nailed on to win their semi against either the Ukrainians or the Italians) - but I'd have loved to have seen more from the Argentines. After the magic they gave us in the Serbia & Montenegro game...

Imagine an Argentina v France/Brazil final :):wub: ...

the problem is that since the Netherland game it has been obviously clear how to play these Argentinians. The Mexicans did it right and so did the Germans. There is little to no alternative once their combination play is interrupted by close defense. Their game may have looked impressive, but it was never really fast. Their defense looked like a sieve on several occasions when the Germans had a few minutes without feghing up their passes. Odonkor and Borowsky really pulled the game wide, further weakening the Argentinian defense. It is difficult to play your wings against them, but IF you manage, it all falls apart.

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and the best part about this game: NO DIEGO!!!

Obviously he tried to bring a friend with him into the stadium, but the officials wanted to see a ticket, which the friend could not produce. So Diego decided to stay outside as well. Lucky us!

I can just imagine the theatre he pulled off there at the gate... :rolleyes:

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Personally, I'm gutted. I have absolutely nothing against the Germans, and wish them well (I have them nailed on to win their semi against either the Ukrainians or the Italians) - but I'd have loved to have seen more from the Argentines. After the magic they gave us in the Serbia & Montenegro game...

Imagine an Argentina v France/Brazil final :):wub: ...

the problem is that since the Netherland game it has been obviously clear how to play these Argentinians. The Mexicans did it right and so did the Germans. There is little to no alternative once their combination play is interrupted by close defense. Their game may have looked impressive, but it was never really fast. Their defense looked like a sieve on several occasions when the Germans had a few minutes without feghing up their passes. Odonkor and Borowsky really pulled the game wide, further weakening the Argentinian defense. It is difficult to play your wings against them, but IF you manage, it all falls apart.

I'm with you - this is how to play them (this tight marking is a little similar to how Liverpool 'play' Chelsea in the Premiership, FWIW) - but I still find them incredibly attractive to watch when it gels!

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WTF was all that shite after the game you ask? Obviously an Argentinian player kicked a German full force in the shins and some tried to interfere. It all exploded some and I just watched a replay of Podolski getting hit in the face by some nut job running many metres just for that occasion.

and another WTF is that the Argentian trainer has just resigned, ja icon14.gif

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In my view Pekerman should have brought Messi instead of Cruz. Messi is a far more creative player, and that's just what Argentina needed.

I agreed completely. And I don't agreed with COUW about his analyse of the Argentinian team.

Because the problem that MEXICO and GERMANY put on, was completely different and the ARGENTINIAN played completely differently against both team.

Here, what they have front was a strong and physicall if unsubtle team fit to fight and owning no more than one or two good technicians behind and two good forwards.

Argentinian should have kept the ball ON THE GROUND during all the match and try to go IN PERCUSSION WAVE into the GERMAN defense.

They could do it with TELLEZ, but not with CRESPO and surely not with CRUZ.

So, they should had MESSIE and even SAVIOLA in the team.

Playing on the ground, closed to each other with lot of movements in front of RIQUELME, offering lot of different solutions for him to use the ball (what they have done against SERBIA) was THE solution.

But no, they play with players too far from each others and throw the ball in the air nearly all the time.

Trying to fight PHYSICALLY this GERMAN team + bad coaching = qualification of a the GERMAN who doesn't have a tiny parcel of genius (BALLACK is very disappointing since the start of the tournement).

Enough to win aniway.

Bye bye ARGENTINA, you was the WORLD CHAMPION of the qualification round and you're nowhere now.

Edited by P.L.M
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In my view Pekerman should have brought Messi instead of Cruz. Messi is a far more creative player, and that's just what Argentina needed.

I agreed completely. And I don't agreed with COUW about his analyse of the Argentinian team.

well, I think we DO agree. So there! :g

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Everyone knew beforehand that this was not going to be artistry.

To be quite honest, I found the Argentinians to be a super huge disappointment. I thought they would be able to open up the game - and they did show they could in the first half - but to win a World Championship, you just have to win against different styles of playing and not hope that you get served the right teams that allow you to play ball. They just didn't have what it takes. Better luck next time.

And that sad show at the end? WTF? I can understand that you are disappointed, but that show of utter stupidity was a disgrace and just reinforces what I said before: they don't have what it takes.

In my little town here in Germany, the proletariat is hitting the streets in masses. ;)

I think I'll join them. :g

Cheers! :tup

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WTF was all that shite after the game you ask? Obviously an Argentinian player kicked a German full force in the shins and some tried to interfere. It all exploded some and I just watched a replay of Podolski [edit: Schweinsteiger] getting hit in the face by some nut job running many metres just for that occasion.

and another WTF is that the Argentian trainer has just resigned, ja icon14.gif

so, WTF was going on? The story is that the Argentinian players had been calling names on the German penalty kickers. Borowsky told them to shut the fuck up after he placed his goal. After the thing was over, Leandro Cufre mistook Mertesacker for Borowsky and kicked him in the eggs. He got a red card for that. (This ref was quite on top of things BTW.) This led to more unrest and those who tried to calm the situation were attacked as well. To top things off, Rodriguez had to relieve his frustrations and hit Schweinsteiger in the face. WTflyingF?!!


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Is that Argentinian with raised arm in the picture attempting to land some sort of a blow? Looks like a little sissy boy.

heheheh. Remember these guys are real stars of the theatre stage. If you hit someone, it has to look good and not just hurt.

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Why am I not surprised at the Argentinian antics. In terms of footballing how can you have any respect for a team that scores a goal with its hand or the antics of Diego Simeone in 1998. I lived in South America for many years and this doesn't surprise me at all. Further still, how can you have any respect for a people who hunted down their own people. Yes, I know it happens in wartime but this was peacetime. No, I have no respect for Argentina at all. I'm not glad they're gone and I'm glad Germany won. I hope they go through to the final.

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Why am I not surprised at the Argentinian antics. In terms of footballing how can you have any respect for a team that scores a goal with its hand or the antics of Diego Simeone in 1998. I lived in South America for many years and this doesn't surprise me at all. Further still, how can you have any respect for a people who hunted down their own people. Yes, I know it happens in wartime but this was peacetime. No, I have no respect for Argentina at all. I'm not glad they're gone and I'm glad Germany won. I hope they go through to the final.

It was war time in ARGENTINA at the time. A civil war.

Bring GERMANY for a counter exemple is a littlle harsh in this context.

When NAZIS goes to "hunt" their people (jews, gypsis, communiste, gay and who ever try to resit to their ideology, it wasn't war either. This "hunt" begins six years before that the second world war started.

Don't get exactly what you try to say here, but EUROPE is not a counter example for anythyng, friend.

AMERICA'S either, I 'm afraid

I've some good ARGENTINIANS friends who are not interested by soccers but by music, art, ltterature and who share EXACTLY my idea in life in general ans in politics in particular who are among the best people I have ever know. You can had some CHILLIAN TOO among these friends.

A really silly post.

Edited by P.L.M
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I wasn't trying to use Germany as a counter or any country as a counter and perhaps I shouldn't have brought politics in and if I offended anybody, my apologies.

However, I lived down there and while I know many Argentinians who are great people, based on my experiences, they are not good sports when they lose or things go wrong. That is why this is not surprising at all.

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