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I watched the England match vs Jamaica yesterday and boy am I jealous! 6 - 0.

The England squd is full of guys who know how to finish their chances. I never heard the final verdict on some of the injuries in that game. Hope everyone is OK.

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I watched the England match vs Jamaica yesterday and boy am I jealous! 6 - 0.

The England squd is full of guys who know how to finish their chances. I never heard the final verdict on some of the injuries in that game. Hope everyone is OK.

According to the BBC, this is the latest.

Gerrard's doesn't seem that serious so the big question mark is Wayne Rooney.

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Australia v Netherlands, 1-1.

First half: Bloody hell just like pre-Guus Australia. Passive, pathetic, letting play their pretty stuff.

Seond half: Oh my - much much betterer. Tough, too. The Dutchmen were looking a bit wobbly and some of them later complained about the Aussie tackles. But their coach Van Basten had no such problems, describing it as a match "for men". Just what both teams needed at that particular point in time, I suspect. For Australia to emerge with a draw after a weak first half and with only 10 men in the last half hour was simply a fine result for us. And the goalkeeper, Schwarzer, was fabulous.

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I didn't see the Netherlands/Australia match, but I read about it yesterday on the "Big Soccer" boards. I heard that the Aussies injured three Dutch players- one pretty seriously on a nasty challenge (I forget how specific the info was, but I got the impression that this player -a reserve?- was not going to be able to play in the tournament). It's all hearsay, so I'm not challenging you Kenny, but I do wonder why you played the final 30 minutes with 10 men... in a friendly! :unsure: Also, I'm wondering how many "A" players were involved for each team. Not sure it makes sense to have played that physically when the tournament is so near... not the time for anybody to risk injuries and/or suspensions. Anyway, if Van Basten didn't have a lot of complaints, that tempers the story as I heard it. I'm just a bit curious about this one...

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I didn't see the Netherlands/Australia match, but I read about it yesterday on the "Big Soccer" boards. I heard that the Aussies injured three Dutch players- one pretty seriously on a nasty challenge (I forget how specific the info was, but I got the impression that this player -a reserve?- was not going to be able to play in the tournament). It's all hearsay, so I'm not challenging you Kenny, but I do wonder why you played the final 30 minutes with 10 men... in a friendly! :unsure: Also, I'm wondering how many "A" players were involved for each team. Not sure it makes sense to have played that physically when the tournament is so near... not the time for anybody to risk injuries and/or suspensions. Anyway, if Van Basten didn't have a lot of complaints, that tempers the story as I heard it. I'm just a bit curious about this one...

Jim, yeah it was pretty torrid for a, ahem, friendly. But both Hiddinck and Van Basten had no complaints. My understanding is that all the Dutch players are fully fit to play. Luke Wilkshire was sent off early in the seond half for a late challenge. Yellow card? Certainly. Red card? Maybe. Both teams were at full strength (injuries aside). As I said, really just the sort of toughening up that both teams could benefit from.

Aussie Kenny (warning: bias on display!) says: These sorts of complaints I sometimes reckon come from teams who play pretty and don't appreciate teams that get in their faces and try to close them down. Hence Van basten's comments.

Here's what he said (according Melbourne's Age newspaper): "This was a match for men," he said. "It is more enriching to play in a match like this, but unfortunately three of my players are now injured. I don't regret the match because it is good to play physical football."

And here's Ruud van Nistelrooy: "They played to their capabilities. They are a very tough side, very hard to beat and that showed in their performance today. They are in a tough group but you never know. I think the spirit is fantastic, and they have got quality to decide games, too, so nothing is impossible. (Mark) Schwarzer made some unbelievable saves, especially against me. One was incredible. They just played as if it was the World Cup already, and for us it was a good test."

And the latest from AP when I got to work this morning:

Soc: Dutch injuries to players are minor WC06 Dutch

By Raf Casert

FREIBURG, Germany June 6 AP - The Dutch team was buoyed by early news that five injured players were recovering well and should be ready for the World Cup.

"At this time there is no reason whatsoever toreplace players,'' a statement from the Dutch team said as it prepared to leave for its German training camp.

Don't get me wrong. I'm glad that all's well, and I did find it pretty tough - but nor was it all one-way traffic.

Edited by kenny weir
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Not the greatest defending today by Costa Rica, but still, a couple of fantastic goals by Germany. Hard to believe somebody would top Lahm's opening goal, but that bomb from Frings was pretty incredible. Nice way to start off the tournament for them. The way I saw it, CR was too tentative in counter-attacking. They repeatedly backed off (and let Germany's defense get set) when they could have pushed. At any rate, they weren't going to beat the hosts today.

Poland certainly had their share of the play- especially in the first half- against Ecuador, but their crosses just couldn't find their targets (which often appeared to be open). A clever first goal by Ecuador, and with their confidence rising as the game progressed, they moved the ball around very nicely in the second half.

All in all, an enjoyable opening to the WC. Plenty of action, no major controversies or injuries, decent refereeing (a couple of offside calls may have been missed, but they were pretty close calls).

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A very nice win by Ecuador today. They got the goal they needed and their defense did the rest. However, I have to say that the Poles helped them quite a bit, sleepwalking through the match with about 5 minutes before time. When they finally woke up, it was too late although they hit the woodwork a couple of times. However, it may be enough to give Ecuador a leg up to finish second.

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You know what? I can't see any match, a part Italy, because all the matches are broadcasted by a pay tv, and I don't have it, and I don't want to pay for it. I am a pretty damn communist and I think that football is property of the supporters. So, if Blatter, Murdoch and all this fucking asshole think I will pay for it , fuck them. I'll go to spin a record. One of this days the football's toy will broke in the hands of this exploiters of the working class, that is what it's happening right now in Italy with scandals.

Viva Lenin, Viva Marx, Viva Mao Tze Dong!


Edited by porcy62
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Germany-Costa Rica 4:2

As I told my patients today, peaking every few minutes into the waiting room tv to check the score, "World Cup is like five Super Bowls".

This game proved why.

Ecuador-Poland 2:0

Poles did it to themselves. I saw 2 sloppy teams with lack of skill. Neither has a prayer.

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Expect a lot of great goals in this World Cup just like the two in the Germany match. That ball they are using is JUICED!

That ball has produced some great goals in MLS this season and in the hands of the world's best, it's going to be magnificent!

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Poles did it to themselves. I saw 2 sloppy teams with lack of skill. Neither has a prayer.

How depressing. I really enjoyed Poland/Ecuador and thought the standard was pretty high, particularly with the winners. My main thought was: "Australia has no hope in this sort of company.

I tend to agree with you, Kenny. Of course, the same match can look different to different people, and maybe Dmitry simply remembered more of the sloppy plays than we did. Not so unusual. I don't think Ecuador looked really powerful, but I thought they definitely displayed some skill (that first goal looked pretty from here, and they executed a lot of nice one-touch combinations in the midfield). Poland did look pretty bad at times, but as I said above, I think they came close to getting on the end of some crosses to open players in the box. Sometimes luck goes against you, and I think this was an example of that... I really thought they were going to equalize for awhile there. Not only that, but hitting the post twice was a touch of bad luck as well.

BTW, you're too modest. I'm sure the Socceroos would match up just fine with either of those teams. :)

Scott, I agree, and I was going to mention that as well. The bad news for the U.S. is, we don't have many long-range shooters (as we've discussed before) who can take advantage of the liveliness of the new ball.

Edited by Jim R
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BTW, you're too modest. I'm sure the Socceroos would match up just fine with either of those teams. :)

Yeah, well like a host of Australians, I have a long history of misery with the Socceroos and a whole bunch of baggage.

So it's only fitting, pre-game, that I work myself into a mood of outright pessimism and gloom. What exquisite masochism!

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Watched some of the Germany/Costa Rica match this morning. The Germans really handled the ball well and moved it fluidly. The first goal of the game for the Germans was a laser of incredible accuracy. Wish I had a chance to watch more of such a high-scoring affair. Maybe it was just a lack of defense, I don't know the sport well enough...

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Watched some of the Germany/Costa Rica match this morning. The Germans really handled the ball well and moved it fluidly. The first goal of the game for the Germans was a laser of incredible accuracy. Wish I had a chance to watch more of such a high-scoring affair. Maybe it was just a lack of defense, I don't know the sport well enough...

It's a little of both, I think. Costa Rica did not mark particularly well, but Germany were sharp with their finishing. The opening for Lahm's rocket occurred when a Costa Rican defender slipped while tracking back toward the area. But credit (obviously) goes to Lahm on a spectacular finish. Klose wasn't marked klosely ;) enough, but there was certainly no blaming the defense on the Frings goal. :o

Edited by Jim R
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BTW, you're too modest. I'm sure the Socceroos would match up just fine with either of those teams. :)

Yeah, well like a host of Australians, I have a long history of misery with the Socceroos and a whole bunch of baggage.

So it's only fitting, pre-game, that I work myself into a mood of outright pessimism and gloom. What exquisite masochism!


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Enjoyed the opening match! Six goals in a WC opener is a good sign that the tournament will be lively!

Surprised at the weakned of the German defenders. Klinsmann has some last minute adjustement to make.

But those German attackers are dangerous even when Michael Ballack remains off the field!

The Costa Ricans were a good match.

Wish J.A.W. would post his impressions on the match!

Saw only part of the Poland-Ecuador game which was a bit dull with neither team really worthy of World Cup participation.

I will be looking for that Argentina-Ivory Coast game this evening. Wonder where the Argentina team stands nowadays? Specially their 19-year old boy wonder Lionel Messi!

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It was the usual BBC TV hype over here by Linekar & co. re: Germany are very average, the England team have way better players and should beat them etc etc. They peddle this tosh before every World Cup and every time they are proved wrong. Fire these b***tards !

I thought the Germans looked pretty impressive - created lots of space, good attacking moves and ruthless in finishing. Looks like the Germans of old to me. Crucially, they dominated in mid-field and Costa Rica never really got a look in (those 2 nice goals withstanding).

Poland v Ecuador in comparrison looked pretty lacklustre.

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You know what? I can't see any match, a part Italy, because all the matches are broadcasted by a pay tv, and I don't have it, and I don't want to pay for it. I am a pretty damn communist and I think that football is property of the supporters. So, if Blatter, Murdoch and all this fucking asshole think I will pay for it , fuck them. I'll go to spin a record. One of this days the football's toy will broke in the hands of this exploiters of the working class, that is what it's happening right now in Italy with scandals.

Porcy62, I agree with you (except I wonder what Chairman Mao's position would be on the World Cup :P )

You may get a view of live TV coverage from BBC on this link


Have not tried this yet and not sure you will be able to get into a full TV coverage.

In France we're lucky, since three of the regular TV channels (TF1, M6 and CanalPlus) carry live coverages of all those WC matches!

Good luck!

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It was the usual BBC TV hype over here by Linekar & co. re: Germany are very average, the England team have way better players and should beat them etc etc. They peddle this tosh before every World Cup and every time they are proved wrong. Fire these b***tards !

I thought the Germans looked pretty impressive - created lots of space, good attacking moves and ruthless in finishing. Looks like the Germans of old to me. Crucially, they dominated in mid-field and Costa Rica never really got a look in (those 2 nice goals withstanding).

Poland v Ecuador in comparrison looked pretty lacklustre.

I feel the same as you, Bob. I am really fed up with these guys. It is the same every single time. England are way better than anybody else and they are going to win!! Where does this arrogance come from? I really can't stand it. Every year at the start of a competition I feel like making an effort and support the England team as well as France (where I am from), but as soon as coverage starts, I can't help wishing the England team to get stuffed. Sad but true. I wish I could support the country I live in, but this shitty attitude always puts me off! :( After 40 years of failures, you would assume that these guys would have learnt their lesson and be a bit less sure of themselves)

Allez la France! :)

Edited by ASNL77
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I find it interesting that the Europeans on the board didn't think the Ecuadorians looked worthy of the tournament. I thinks it's just a different style of play.

I saw a team that dominated possesion especially in the midfield. They defended well and made Poland look very bad. They took their chances when they came and won 2-0. A solid performance.

No they didn't create wave after wave of attacks like the Germans but should've they? They had the lead and by keeping so much possesion they limited Poland's chances for counters. I see them through behind the Germans.

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England just about scraped through against Paraguay 1:0. Even though it was sufferingly hot in the 2nd half they played for far too long like rabbits caught in the headlights. And as for Ericksson's bizarre substitution strategies and timings, the less said about this the better.

The jury is out. ;)

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England just about scraped through against Paraguay 1:0. The jury is out. ;)

Agreed. I expected more from the much hyped English side. If not for the Paraguay's own goal in the early minutes, this game may have gone into over-time with uncertain outcome. 1st half was way more interesting to watch than the 2nd, with the English executing some of their famed skill.

2nd half would be more fun if Paraguay scored. Much like Poland and Ecuador, they lack a core of star players, and will not[should not] advance.

I was most disappointed in Crouch [no jazz pun intended].

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