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I have mixed emotions about this.  But if they can get Flip Saunders, it'll be worth it... maybe.

Saunders is a very good coach -- maybe not as good as a well-motivated LB, but definitely better than a bored LB.



I don't know guys. I think Saunders is a good coach, but even with KG and a pretty good supporting cast, he could never get out of the first round. I'm 99% sure that's who Detroit will hire, but it should be interesting to see how this works out. Personally, I think the Pistons just got worse.

Up over and out.


If Flip can't make good adjustments with this Pistons squad, then we'll know where he stands as a coach. The TWolves never had a team as solid at every position as the Pistons. Saunders never had a bench like that, that's for sure.

LB's a proven winner, tough to see it as anything but negative for Detroit.


I have issues with how Brown has been painted in the media. Just think of the Rick Carlisle situation 2 years ago. The Pistons organization is trying to say that Brown has no loyalty to the team, but what did they do to Rick Carlisle as soon as Brown became available?

And now they're doing the same thing to Brown after two years two NBA Finals and one championship because Saunders is available.



I don't know guys.  I think Saunders is a good coach, but even with KG and a pretty good supporting cast, he could never get out of the first round.

Disagree. The first season that he got a good supporting cast for KG, they made the conference finals. The second season was more about certain players' egos than about his coaching.


Posted (edited)

Hi guys,

You knew I would show up sooner or later. Well, when the Pistons won their title I said then that Larry Brown would find a way to bail out on the Pistons. While some of you are still laying accolades on him, just remember he also tore apart the present team with his ego narcisstic attitude by breaking his own teams morale with all that bs about the Cleveland job. That was like saying I am leaving you no matter if you win or not. That will tear at any team. The Pistons didn't even show up for the first two games in this last Finals. (not making excuses)

Now Brown is trying to hijack the Pistons into getting ALL the money without producing anything else but headaches. Larry Brown, whom I used to like, is just another asshole.

:bwallace: the team still rocks though!

p.s. note: Darko has been training enough now to get some playing time as the backup center. Mark my words.


Edited by BruceW

While some of you are still laying accolades on him, just remember he also tore apart the present team with his ego narcisstic attitude by breaking his own teams morale with all that bs about the Cleveland job.  That was like saying I am leaving you no matter if you win or not.  That will tear at any team.  The Pistons didn't even show up for the first two games in this last Finals.  (not making excuses) 

Yeah, Larry Brown undermined the Pistons so much that they almost repeated! :wacko:

(I've never bought into this Larry Brown media melodrama).

I sure hope that Joe finds a coach who's at least half as good as LB. I'm not very optimistic at this point.


may the pistons be dismantled like the fakers


Oh shit Soulstation, that was a good one..

Anyway, SEK does not quite understand what I meant. Yeah he coached them well till they got to the finals, THAT is when he ripped their morale apart. Maybe he thought they would win anyway before the shit happened.


The rumors about Cleveland started during the Heat series -- it's implausible to argue that Brown "ripped their morale apart" only during the finals.

Brown isn't stupid enough to take the Knicks job. I will do it if the money's right, Isiah can PM me if he's interested. :)



the flipster is a definite downgrade...

are they trading :bwallace: to the heat?

he could doing some serious banging for the heat

i saw in the usa today that the pistons only offered lb a top scout postion. that's some weak ass shit. lb brought them the edge they needed to get over the top.

oh well ......... one day lb will haved coached every team in the nba

go heat!

Posted (edited)

Don't give LB too much credit. Rick Carlisle built that team. Joe Dumars added Rasheed during LB's tenure and waala, a championship. Sheed was the edge that got them over the top.

LB may not be as good as you think.


Edited by BruceW

IF Larry Brown signs with the New York Knicks, will his mantra be......

"Well, like I said, I wanted to coach in Detroit but they didn't want me."

LB is one slick mofo and a huge whinner.


the flipster is a definite downgrade...

are they trading :bwallace: to the heat?

he could doing some serious banging for the heat

i saw in the usa today that the pistons only offered lb a top scout postion. that's some weak ass shit. lb brought them the edge they needed to get over the top.

oh well ......... one day lb will haved coached every team in the nba

go heat!

The Heat might need a center. I don't think Shaq's body can handle a full season + title run anymore, and it's only going to get worse.



And who would the Pistons possible trade Ben Wallace for on Miami's team? Big Ben is the heart and soul of the Pistons, not LB. I like Larry Brown as a coach but I think Saunders will do a great job.

Saunders is more offensive minded, which is what the Pistons need. They have the defense thing wrapped up. Now they need some PLAYS and to acquire a shooter in the off-season. If they keep they do that, they'll be unstoppable.

Posted (edited)

And who would the Pistons possible trade Ben Wallace for on Miami's team?  Big Ben is the heart and soul of the Pistons, not LB.  I like Larry Brown as a coach but I think Saunders will do a great job.

Nobody except Wade. Aside from him, Shaq and Eddie Jones, the Heat suck.


Edited by Guy

Since the NBA is a players league, it's all about whether the Pistons will play for Flip or not. LB was able to get guys to buy into the team concept, look at 'Sheed, he was a monster for Brown. My perdiction is that Rasheed will walk all over Flip Philips, er, I mean Saunders, and then wind up being traded. Since the bottom palyoff teams in the East are weak, Pistons go out in the second round next year. Despite all his baggage, LB was able to get the Pistons over the hump, and in professional sports, that's all that matters.

Posted (edited)

i don't think lb is at fault on this one...

weren't the pistons just average when he took his leave towards the end of the season??

go heat and don't talk bad about shaq...pleazzzeeee


Edited by Soulstation1
Posted (edited)

Well everything has happened just like I said it would. LB was just on ESPN whinning his ass off about "they let me go and uh,...." Enough LB. You got a six million buy out just like you always do with teams and now you are going to sign with the Knicks (most of us don't like that either). LB is a manipulator and an asshole and he just screwed the team that I like.

Hey guys, the handwriting was on the wall for a long time ever since they won the title in 2003-2004. LB wants too much control and the Pistons did not give him that and they shouldn't have. LB preaches about teaching so the Knicks are prime for him, they need to be taught to win and then he will bail out on them also.

It is very sickening to hear his whinny voice on TV trying to make it look like the Pistons did him in. They also interviewed Joe Dumars and he said he would have loved to have LB but that there were a lot of things the public does not know about and he was not going to air their linen.

So give up trying to paint LB as some kind of basketball saint. He is not!! and I still love the Pistons.

peace :D

Edited by BruceW

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