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Bought the 33 1/3 book on VILLAGE GREEN last Thursday and have been listening to that album practically every day since. "Animal Farm" is classic--surprised they didn't try to put that one out as a single. Bad luck for the LP originally that Davies pulled it at the last moment (in order to shuffle the song lineup); subsequently it came out on Nov. 22, 1968, the same day as the Beatles' WHITE ALBUM (which outsold it 2 million to 25,000). These days, though, Pye/Castle says it's their top-selling Kinks title.

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Any love for "Muswell Hillbillies?" Possibly my favorite Kinks album.

Yup, I love it. It's been a favorite, though Something Else & Village Green tend to be in a never ending battle for top spot. But why pick favorites, so much to love. :wub:


I'm a Kinks fan from way back (freshman year of college to be exact.) I must have missed this thread before.

Face To Face and Something Else are my favorite albums, but a bunch more are "up there." I don't know about "Waterloo Sunset" being the most beautiful song in the English language (a tall claim for ANY song), but you could say it's the "Burning Airlines Give You So Much More" of the 60's.

  • 6 months later...
  • 2 years later...

The Kink Kronikles is really a great compilation of classics and more unknown songs. Got that a couple of months ago:


It starts with Victoria and ends with Days, so it can't be much better.

Posted (edited)

For quite a long time Arthur was my favorite Kinks album. Then I went to the Something Else/Face To Face axis. Still like Arthur though. Somewhere shortly after Lola I had to check out of the train also.

And I got the above Kinks Kronikles compilation in that all-important freshman year of college, on vinyl (CD's hadn't come out yet.) Good intro to the Kinks.

Edited by BruceH
Posted (edited)

That's quite a revelatory interview. Ray was a guest on Steve Wright's BBC Radio 2 show a couple of days ago. Given that Wright's interview style is notoriously sycophantic, the whole thing could be pared down to:

Wright: "Ray - you're great"

Davies: "I know"

Edited by rdavenport

As far as I'm concerned, Arthur is their only album that works as a whole, but IMHO it's one of the few period concept albums that really works - largely because it's about something real. "Last of the Steam Powered Trains" is my favorite track, it's Smokestack Lightening" gone all pastorial and English and, oddly, more literal and more metaphorical at the same time. And it rocks, in a Yardbirds-gone-soft sorta way. Ray has said that "You Really Got Me" was the record any number of other London bands were trying to make at the time, an impression of sorts, which makes "Can't Explain" doubly funny since the Who were presumbly one of the London bar bands Ray was giving his impression of... I think Dave/Peter/Mick wanted to be one of those bands that rocked the London clubs but Ray just wanted that to be one color in the paintbox to use for whatever picture he was drawing at the moment. The tension there is inevitable, Ray's largely winning that battle made them stand out from the bar/club band crowd and by now Dave & Ray don't even need to see each other to fight.

  • 1 year later...

Unfortunately, The Kinks never made great albums.

I think The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society is a great album. It shouldn't be blasphemous to say — though it feels like it — but I enjoy and play this Kinks record more than The White Album, its direct contemporary. The 2009 3-disc deluxe edition of Village Green even has some great songs ("Did You See His Name," "Rosemary Rose") that were left off the original release.

Did anyone else here purchase the Sanctuary deluxe editions of The Kinks first seven records? All (except Village Green) are 2-disc sets, containing both mono and stereo mixes (except for Kinda Kinks, which evidently was only released in mono). The amount of bonus tracks, including BBC performances, short interviews, and some instrumentals, adds a huge amount of material to their catalog — and most of it is not just filler. Kinda Kinks is especially excellent — the second disc is more impressive than the first (original album) disc, with five demos (tracks 11-15) that are just lovely. In fact, I'd say that if you have any affection for this particular record (Kinda Kinks), you really need to have this 2-disc set.

In November of 2011, Sanctuary released a UK-only 10-disc box set of The Kinks in Mono, which reissued their first seven records. It's already out-of-print, and going for impossible prices on Amazon and eBay. Did anyone here pick it up? I wish I'd known about it upon its release. I would have purchased it on Day One. Any UK members here still see it in shops?


I bought all of the 2 disc deluxe editions except the debut album. I may still pick that one up, though I just never really thought much of it and I'm trying not to be a kompletist (sorry). I already had the tremendous 3 disc Village Green. I passed on the mono box since the deluxe editions have the mono albums as disc 1. There is a newer better mono remaster of Village Green in the box compared to the version in the 3 disc deluxe, but I'll just have to live with that.

Next up is both a 5 CD/1 DVD and a 2 disc BBC set. Details can be seen here (scroll down a little). I haven't pre-ordered yet but it seems that for those of us in the US the 2 online vendors in the running are deepdiscount vs. amazon.co.uk. Although many turn their nose up on '70s Kinks the Christmas footage on the DVD is fun, so I'm happy they're including it and I can toss my bootleg.

I think the 2 disc (and 3 disc VG) deluxe editions are some of the best sounding and best compiled rock reissues ever done. Andrew Sandoval (Big Star box) is behind the remastering, so while I know there are certain ears that may detect a tad more compression than they'd like I think most will love the sound, especially given the alternatives on CD. I believe a Lola deluxe is held up for lack of material though it's supposed to be in the works. Also Muswell. Believe it not Kelvin was worked on although it's impossible to lessen the crowd noise because of the way it was recorded. I think I'll pass on Kelvin even if they do release something. :lol:


For a long time, I had the Kinks only on vinyl. In the last year or so, I got the deluxe CD editions of "Face to Face" and "Village Green."

The deluxe editions include both mono and stereo mixes, as well as various singles, B-sides and oddities.

I need to get "Something Else" and "Arthur."


Unfortunately, The Kinks never made great albums.

I think The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society is a great album. It shouldn't be blasphemous to say — though it feels like it — but I enjoy and play this Kinks record more than The White Album, its direct contemporary. The 2009 3-disc deluxe edition of Village Green even has some great songs ("Did You See His Name," "Rosemary Rose") that were left off the original release.

Did anyone else here purchase the Sanctuary deluxe editions of The Kinks first seven records? All (except Village Green) are 2-disc sets, containing both mono and stereo mixes (except for Kinda Kinks, which evidently was only released in mono). The amount of bonus tracks, including BBC performances, short interviews, and some instrumentals, adds a huge amount of material to their catalog — and most of it is not just filler. Kinda Kinks is especially excellent — the second disc is more impressive than the first (original album) disc, with five demos (tracks 11-15) that are just lovely. In fact, I'd say that if you have any affection for this particular record (Kinda Kinks), you really need to have this 2-disc set.

In November of 2011, Sanctuary released a UK-only 10-disc box set of The Kinks in Mono, which reissued their first seven records. It's already out-of-print, and going for impossible prices on Amazon and eBay. Did anyone here pick it up? I wish I'd known about it upon its release. I would have purchased it on Day One. Any UK members here still see it in shops?

Why do you need to make such a direct comparison to a Beatles album? This isn't the Hoffman forum!

It's like your trying to get someone to state a contrary opinion which, for me, is that I can UNEQUIVOCABLY state that there is no one Kinks album that I enjoy more than any one Beatles album.

I can understand being an anglophile when it comes to rock music -- I'm one myself. But in the world of English rock band influence and history, the Kinks would not even make my top 50.


For a long time, I had the Kinks only on vinyl. In the last year or so, I got the deluxe CD editions of "Face to Face" and "Village Green."

The deluxe editions include both mono and stereo mixes, as well as various singles, B-sides and oddities.

I need to get "Something Else" and "Arthur."

Both these are classic albums. :tup Especially "Something Else" is wonderful.


Why do you need to make such a direct comparison to a Beatles album?

Because those two albums were released at the same time. That fact just popped into my head. I love both The Village Green Preservation Society and The White Album, but happen to play the former more often than the latter. No baiting intended.

Quincy — have you heard the new mono mix of VG from the box set? That would be the main reason I'd buy it.

Posted (edited)

Quincy — have you heard the new mono mix of VG from the box set? That would be the main reason I'd buy it.

No I haven't. I think this album ties if not outright wins for the most times I've bought a CD version (3) and I'm just not ready to do it again, as much as I love the album.

Edited by Quincy

Quincy — have you heard the new mono mix of VG from the box set? That would be the main reason I'd buy it.

No I haven't. I think this album ties if not outright wins for the most times I've bought a CD version (3) and I'm just not ready to do it again, as much as I love the album.

Gotcha — thanks for letting me know. I've purchased Giant Steps four times, so I know where you're coming from! Of course, I'll probably still drive myself crazy wondering what that new mix sounds like. :crazy:

  • 2 years later...

Hey guys,

I have a question. I've long loved the Kinks, but mostly listen to them via streaming. I was thinking of picking up the key material on CD.

Here's what I am interested in:

1) The core albums: Kinda Kinks or Kink Kontroversy through Lola (or Muswell Hilbillies)

2) Key singles / non-album tracks (including the classic early singles)

Here's what I am not interested in:

3) Alternate mixes, rough takes, etc

Are the 2 CD deluxe editions of the albums the best path to take? I realize they include a bunch of #3, but I can live with that in order to get #2.

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