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Tv Shows On Dvd

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You know what I'd like to see from the 70s and it does not seem available on DVD? Fernwood 2-Night with Martin Mull, Fred Willard etc. That's got to be one of the funniest shows of all time.


I'd love to be able to see that show again. Barth Gimble! Jerry Hubbard! Happy Kyne!

I believe it was on TV Land a while back?

I'll second THAT!! (or is it "third"?)

Yes, it was on TV Land for a while.

I own:

The Office Special

The Ben Stiller Show

On Netflix, I've watched or have lined up:

Larry Sanders (why only season #1?)

Mr. Show (hilarious "next generation" Ben Stiller Show w/Bob Odenkirk & David Cross)

SCTV (but it didn't seem to be very good episodes)

Danger Man (A/K/A "Secret Agent" w/Patrick McGoohan)

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Peter Gunn, volumes 1 & 2

Oh yeah, I have the Gunns also... forgot about them! Don't know why... I blew through most of those shows when I first got the sets for Christmas. Wish JOHNNY STACCATO would come out too.

The episodes that I've seen have been much more film noir than I expected. I think I would like and recommend them even if they didn't have the famous music.

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Avengers Megaset

Secret Agent Megaset

Danger Man - Complete

Monte Python Megaset

South Park Seasons 1-5

Office Seasons 1,2 and holiday special

Mr. Bean - Complete

Twin Peaks Season 1

Original Star Trek - All three seasons

Twilight Zone Season 1 (the only one of these that I regret)

Edited by J Larsen
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I don't know what it is, but I just can't stand Bean. Maybe it is that the character seems to slip around a lot -- sometimes simply oblivious, sometimes wantonly cruel (and often cruel to children). (Yes, he's basically a child in a grown-up body, but I don't find this scenario particularly interesting.) Maybe it was the scene in the Bean movie where he destroys the Whistler's Mother painting. I actually felt sick to my stomach watching it (and not because I was laughing so hard). The animated version is a bit more tolerable, though I wouldn't seek it out.

On the other hand, I like Blackadder, particularly the 2-4 seasons. Blackadder can be plenty cruel in those, but the witty language makes up for a lot. Maybe I just can identify better with Blackadder who is reasonably intelligent, than with Bean, the apparent simpleton. Don't know, just know I don't enjoy it.

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I don't know what it is, but I just can't stand Bean.  Maybe it is that the character seems to slip around a lot -- sometimes simply oblivious, sometimes wantonly cruel (and often cruel to children).  (Yes, he's basically a child in a grown-up body, but I don't find this scenario particularly interesting.) 

I actually do find his "child in a grown-up body" schtick to be hilarious, because he puts all of the child into it. Jerry Lewis, et.al. put the cute waif into their act, but Atkinson throws in the absolute bastard that also lurks in children. It's the wantonly cruel aspect that raises him above the others to me.

Well, that and the Rube Goldberg ideas he comes up with to solve his problems, like painting his apartment in a flash. :g

But then comedy is a very personal thing; if it was up to me, David Spade, for example, would be in Gitmo...

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Band of Brothers - Complete Series

Chappelle's Show - Seasons 1-2

Family Guy - Seasons 1-3

Friends - Seasons 1-9

Looney Tunes - Golden Collection 1-2

Man Show - Season 1 (a gift)

MASH - Seasons 1-3 (The Trapper John Years)

Monty Python's Flying Circus - Complete Series

Scrubs - Season 1

Seinfeld - Seasons 1-3

Simpsons - Seasons 1-5

Son of the Beach - Volume 1

X-Files - Season 1

I would like to get a few more seaons of the X-Files, but they are awfully expensive (unless you buy the Chinese versions).

I recently borrowed The Job from a friend, and it is one of the funniest shows that I have ever seen. Too bad that it could not have lasted a couple of more seasons.

Edited by Edward
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A lot more Bean fans around than I expected! :tup

I've been way into Bean for a long time. (Aside: does Bloomberg remind anyone else of Mr. Bean?)

Lately I've been *really* into Secret Agent/Danger Man, though. The hour-long episodes especially. That has to have been one of the greatest series of all time.

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anyone ever bring back and exchange a dvd set with a crushed corner or broken disc holder?

i always seem to get the set or cd that's fucked up..............


Maybe we're related. That happens a lot to me, too. I've returned things successfully several times. Usually the stores are pretty good about that kind of thing.

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Good Times. Any time you meet a payment.

Good Times. Any time you need a friend.

Good Times. Any time you're out from under.

Not getting hastled, not getting hustled.

Keepin' your head above water, making a wave when you can.

Temporary lay offs. Good Times.

Easy credit rip offs. Good Times.

Scratchin' and surviving. Good Times.

Hangin in a chow line. Good Times.

Ain't we lucky we got 'em. Good Times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now I've started Alias "Season 2". . . .

It's a tiny bit less interesting than the first season, at least so far (I'm about five shows in).

I never could get my wife interested in the series, so I haven't watched any of these when they were aired. I think it's better this way because you can sail through the cliffhangers.

Man, I thought this show would be like "24" but it's so much better . . . I really don't dig "24". . . cheezwhizomatic.

Edited by jazzbo
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I just started renting "The Prisoner" from Netflix.  After hearing so much about it I found the first episode ("The Arrival") a little disappointing.


The last two episodes are what really make that series. There are several good episodes on the way to the last two, as well as a few sleepers.

Overall, I think Danger Man was a better series. But I don't think I have a lot of company in that respect.

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