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classical recommendations

Stefan Wood

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The Complete Liszt Transcriptions of Beethoven Symphonies, performed by Leslie Howard, on Hyperion.

This five cd set has it all: great sound, wonderous interpretations by a virtuoso pianist, incredible source material, fascinating transcriptions to solo piano by Liszt. www.broinc.com often has this for about 30 dollars.


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Whilst wandering round the grounds of Renishaw Hall in Derbyshire this afternoon, home of the Sitwells. A mix of readings of the Housman poems and settings by a variety of early 20thC composers (mainly English but Samuel Barber's in there). The poems are somewhat winsome, the music gorgeous.

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The Complete Liszt Transcriptions of Beethoven Symphonies, performed by Leslie Howard, on Hyperion.

Indeed, these works are pure fire and I was so astonished I produced a complete set too....with pianist Idil Biret as a world premiere.

Although Mr Howard's playing is very adequate, it sounds overall slightly dull to my taste, perhaps because the symphonies are only a fraction of the complete edition of the Liszt works and did not receive as complete a dedication as one would expect for these performances.

You might check the two absolute references, in my opinion, which are still available :

Idil Biret :


Cyprien Katsaris :http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=classical&field-keywords=cyprien%252520katsaris&search-type=ss&bq=1&store-name=classical/ref=xs_ap_l_xgl15/102-9616877-8347353 ; :tup:rlol:g

Both versions are absolutely stunning, but Idil Biret is the only pianist playing the 9 symphonies in concert today... :g:rofl::wub:

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