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Can anyone give me the personnell on this Dizzy Gillespie date, "Live At The Downbeat Club, Summer 1947 on JazzGuild.  Is it his big band or a small group. Thanks........mrjazzman

From Bruyninckx:

-Dizzy Gillespie live at the Downbeat Club- : prob pers. Dizzy Gillespie (tp,vcl) Dave Burns, Matthew McKay, Ray Orr, Elmon Wright (tp) Taswell Baird, Bil1 Shepherd (tb) John Brown, Howard Johnson (as) Joe Gayles, James Moody (ts) Cecil Payne (bar) Milt Jackson (vib) John Lewis (p) Ray Brown (b) Joe Harris (d)

Kenneth Hagood (vcl)

"Down Beat Club", New York, July 1947

I waited for you (theme) Jazz Guild JG1010

Groovin' high -

Oop-pop-a-da (dg,kh vcl) -

Cool breeze -

Stay on it -

Lady bird -

Dizzy Gil1espie and his Orchestra : poss same or similar pers

"Down Beat Club", New York, August 1947

I waited for you (theme) Jazz Guild JG1010

Woody'n you -

Two bass hit -

Oo-bop-sh'bam (dg,kh vcl) -

Hot house -

Ray's idea -

Pan-Dameronia (incomplete) -


MrJazz: I did not know that! Thanks for sharing! I'm sure many of us would be interested in any stories about your dad you'd like to share in a thread somewhere!


My Dad Elmon Wright, Raymond Orr, Dave Burns, Willie Cook, Matthew McKay and of course Diz made up the SCREAMING trumpet section(I don't think they were all together from beginning to end)of what was without question the best bop/afro-cuban big band there ever was. Of the group, only diz and burns were soloists. Check Dave Burns out on Warming Up and Dave Burns. At one point in time, Cab Calloway's trumpet section consisted of my Grandfather Lamar Wright Sr, Dizzy Gillespie and Mario Bauza. My uncle Lammar Wright Jr. played with Charlie Barnet. I'm sure everyone knows about the spitball story where diz threw a spitball from the bandstand that hit Cab in the head as he sat in the audience, he swore until his death that it was my Grandfather who threw that spitball. I had a huge laugh with him about that at the UC Berkeley Jazz Festival of many years ago.........mrjazzman

Posted (edited)

that led to the knife incident - where Diz cut Calloway on the buttocks - apparently, from what I was told, he did this because that's a spot that takes forever to heal (because of all the skin bending and stretching) - what did your dad do after he left Dizzy?

Edited by AllenLowe

he worked with earl bostic and buddy rich. he did a lot of local stuff and was pretty tight with stanley turrentine and milt jackson. my mother has said that sarah vaughan used to bounce me off her knee. last june while in new york, i visited joe gayles and while in his apartment spoke to dave burns on the phone. joe gayles is in his 80's and doing well. there is a brief bio of my dad at allmusic.com. the last gig i remember him having was in the house band of a female impersonator joint in the village. by the 70's he was out of music and working for the nyc sanitation dept. i believe one of his last recordings was a big band date with milt jackson. i am unaware of any recorded solos by him, if there are any out there, please let me know........mrjazzman


the following are two excerpts from a May, 1939 Metronome article by William Costello about my Grandfather Lamar Wright Sr. titled Lammar Wright Hailed As Cab's 'Iron Man'

I have often sat and listened to Wright hitting notes ranging from F above high _C to B-flat above high _C. I have heard him end various numbers on F above high F

If you are interested in securing some records on which Lammar Wright plays some high notes, I would suggest that you hear Shout Shout; Three Swings And Out; When You're Smiling. Each record is a Decca, and on Shout Shout, Lammar hits a B-flat above high C.


I am glad that place as such exist on earth (virtual, that is) where people can share few words about theirs parents and relatives - famous jazz musicians and sidemen.

Thanks mrjazzman...


Thank you all. I'll share one more with you. I used to live in a three flat bldg. at 2145 Grove St. in San Francisco. Mr. & Mrs. Velez lived next door. Turns out that he and Miles were friends. I was about 15 and had just got hooked on jazz after listening to The Promise and Afro Blue from Trane's Live At Birdland set and was facinated by Miles, the music and the persona. Miles', with arguably his best quintet: Shorter, Hancock, Williams, and Carter, was appearing at Basin Street West on Broadway street in S.F. and he asked me if I wanted to go. I was FLABERGASTED, SPEECHLESS, I almost fainted. Of course I said yes. Seeing Miles in person at such a young impressionable age was facinating. I thought it was so cool the way he would at the end of his solo walk off the stage and start mingling in the audience then come back on stage just in time to re-state the head. After the show Mr. Velez and I went back to Miles' hotel room where his BEAUTIFUL wife Francis was waiting. She was drop dead gorgeous, had on what was for that period a very provacative, almost see through chifon dress. It was like I was frozen in time, I couldn't believe I was experiencing this. Of course I heard Miles speak for the first time in that famous raspy voice. My father had sent me a trumpet and I was playing second trumpet in the Ben Franklin Jr High School band in S.F. and I asked him about practicing and I never will forget him telling me 'man, I never practice, don't have time for that shit'. One of the greatest nights in my life. sorry if this was to long......................mrjazzman


My Dad Elmon Wright, Raymond Orr, Dave Burns, Willie Cook, Matthew McKay and of course Diz made up the SCREAMING trumpet section(I don't think they were all together from beginning to end)of what was  without question the best bop/afro-cuban big band there ever was. Of the group, only diz and burns were soloists. Check Dave Burns out on Warming Up and Dave Burns.  At one point in time, Cab Calloway's trumpet section consisted of  my Grandfather Lamar Wright Sr, Dizzy Gillespie and Mario Bauza. My uncle Lammar Wright Jr. played with Charlie Barnet. I'm sure everyone knows about the spitball story where diz threw a spitball from the bandstand that hit Cab in the head as he sat in the audience, he swore until his death that it was my Grandfather who threw that spitball. I had a huge laugh with him about that at the UC Berkeley Jazz Festival of many years ago.........mrjazzman

Came to this thread a little late but I'd just like you to know for a brief period I knew your uncle, Lamar Wright Jr., on whom I did a brief audio documentary for a class I was taking at the New School. At the time, Lamar gave me a couple of photos, one of which is a real gem - he and Dexter Gordon as young boys in L.A.

If interested, PM me privately for more details.

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