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More images can be found here (link on next line below)... They're kinda big, so I won't clutter the thread with all of them, but there are plenty of close-ups of the keys.


So, then, what the hell is a Rothophone??? - you might be asking yourself... The answer is below this next picture...


Link: Rothphone or Saxorusophone

Basically, "rothphones are nothing but sarrusophones built in saxophone form". :blink::blink::blink::g


A Bb/A piccolo rotary valve trumpet




From left to right:

1. King Manzello/Roland Kirk/Key of B Flat

2. Buescher Curved Tip Soprano / Key of B Flat

3. Buecher Straight Alto / Key of E Flat

4. Lyon and Healy Slide Sax / Key of C

5. C.G.Conn Bass Sax / Key of B Flat

6. Raffiel and Husted Slide Sax / Key of C

7. Conn O Sax / Key of F

8. King Saxello / Key of B Flat

9. Martin American Professional / Key of B Flat


The Lyricon:



Posted (edited)

Sorry, the pictures won't link. This one appears to be a custom "one of a kind" instrument described as...

"The Monitor Trumpet is also known as Violists Revenge. Now The Trumpet Player hears exactly what the rest of us hear."

Go here to see the Monitor Trumpet :wacko::lol::wacko::lol:

Edited by Rooster_Ties

A friend of mine who plays Bari Sax (he used to play with Horace Silver), well, his ultimate goal is to play BASS saxophone. He wants one very badly. Says he played one in an NYC music store...$23,000! Wow. I'd love to hear one though. :wub:

Posted (edited)

The Tubax, which has the same pitch-range as a contrabass sax, but is physically smaller.


And here's a real, honest-to-god, Contrabass Sax. God damn, how heavy is it??????


"This saxophone is about 6'9" tall and it weighs about 45 pounds." (source)

Probably easier to play the world's smallest saxophone, the Bb 'Soprillo', which I think is one octave higher than a standard Soprano sax.


Edited by Rooster_Ties

A friend of mine who plays Bari Sax (he used to play with Horace Silver), well, his ultimate goal is to play BASS saxophone.  He wants one very badly.  Says he played one in an NYC music store...$23,000!  Wow.  I'd love to hear one though. :wub:

There are some great samples of the Tubax (basically a contrabass saxophone) at this site:


Click on "English" from the opening page, then click on "Recordings" on the lower left-hand corner of the main page, and select "Tubax". Three tune samples to pick from, the first one is the best (IMHO), but all three are cool as hell. :tup:tup:tup B) B) B)


OK, this isn't that weird, but I sure wish it was used more in jazz. I love bass clarinet, but often think it's pitched a little lower than I'd like it to be. The standard Bb clarinet is often too high for my tastes. So, then, I give you the beloved (but often forgotten) Alto Clarinet...



Rooster, did you catch the short article in the New Yorker a few weeks back on the fellow in Brooklyn who plays in the Orchestra of Excited Strings and Paul Simon's band (what a combination!) and manufactures all of his own instruments? I can't remember his name off the top of my head.


Rooster, did you catch the short article in the New Yorker a few weeks back on the fellow in Brooklyn who plays in the Orchestra of Excited Strings and Paul Simon's band (what a combination!) and manufactures all of his own instruments? I can't remember his name off the top of my head.

Afraid I didn't, but sounds interesting!

  • 3 weeks later...


1) Kawai EP608

From the early 80's comes this electro-acoustic, upright piano. Standing less than a metre tall and only about 120cm in overall length, this piano is quite compact. Well, small for a real piano anyway…..and this is a real piano, with wooden keys, hammers and a strung iron frame harp section. Some concessions have been made - the keyboard is 76 notes long, and the top and centre sections of the harp have only one string per note. (An acoustic piano has 88 notes with two strings per note in the centre section, and three strings for all the top notes.) Other than this, the EP608 is, in all other aspects, an amplified acoustic piano. I would imagine that Kawai chose the single strings for ease of tuning while on the road. As for the keyboard length, a full 88 would've made the whole thing considerably larger all round, thereby reducing it's appeal for stage use. (Ever lugged a CP80?!) The whole thing is enclosed in a lightweight plastic casing, with steel stand-type legs supporting it. The keyboard section swings down through 90degrees to become totally enclosed within the plastic casing…..a clever concept. All controls are mounted on an aluminium panel just above the keyboard at the left-hand end. There you'll find three push-button tone controls with different filters producing quite noticeably different tones. Tremelo has also been added, with dedicated pots for speed and depth. Outputs are on the front (this side toward the enemy!) of the unit….stereo, of course. The 608 doesn't have a damper pedal (not very necessary in it's intended applications), but has a cable operated sustain pedal not dissimilar to a Wurlitzer's .The real beauty of an electro-acoustic instrument such as this, is in it's ability to customise the action…….which is bona-fide acoustic piano, so various things like key depression depth and weight can be altered. All in all, this makes an ideal unit for a home project studio, or an excellent instrument to have at home for practice or pleasure….Hey,…you can even play the thing with headphones and avoid unwanted nocturnal visits from that grumpy neighbour!!





Believed to have been manufactured by now defunct Japanese company Gyu Sashi Gyoza, we now know for a fact that this unit was not regularly used by Ray Manzarek of the Doors. I guess that when this was made ,Bass wasn’t considered too important because this instrument has the choice of a massive two sounds…..Mellow or Bright –(really only basic tonal filters) As well as the standard Sustain/Percussive attack features and Slow/Fast decay times, the manufacturers in their infinite wisdom chose also to include a vitally important "Fuzz" facility – ideal for that authentic "Electric Prunes" total square wave sound. Two octaves long with very fashionable grey and white keys, this was one keyboard that expired well before it’s use by date.


Posted (edited)


Wyschnegradsky in 1935 in front of his quarter-tone piano.

More pictures of the same guy...



And pardon my french (I guess I'm having an 'Aric' moment)...

...but holy shit, what the fuck is this???!!!!!!! :blink::blink::blink:


Edited by Rooster_Ties
Posted (edited)

Some frightening instruments on these pages!

Joe Lovano plays straight tenor on at least one of his recordings...

I saw Lovano play his straight tenor. It was very strange looking, almost like a soprano on steroids.

Edited by alankin
  • 2 months later...


KS1 - Keyboard Sitar "The most bizarre instrument we've yet seen." quote from KEYBOARD MAGAZINE . This bizarre instrument has ten strings, 2 allocated for drones, 8 tuned in unison or various intervals for each of the 24 chromatic keys played. Laid out in a distorted piano key format. Built into its own wood case. You play the keyboard with one hand, while other hand strums. It produces a wild, monophonic string (8 string unison) sound. Tune however you wish! tune-key included. Made from the hills of India. Sold as is. Folks love them. No manuals or MIDI . For the adventuress musician! KS1 is $100.00 Colors vary. Folds up into a compact wood suitcase.24" x 6" x 3 1/2. Shipping $15.00


KS2 A Larger version of the KS1. This fun keyboard from India has a interesting 28 note keyboard. Has ten strings, 2 allocated for drones, 8 tuned in unison or various intervals. Folds up into a compact wood suitcase.24" x 6" x 3 1/2. You play the keyboard with one hand, while other hand strums. It produces a wild, monophonic string (8 string unison) sound. tune-key & pick included. Barbarically made from the hills of India. Sold as is. $150.00 Great for recording, videos, live performance, music experimentation & ethnic stuff. Can be used with the Melodica Pickup. While supplies last. Click for larger photo, description & Modifications Shipping $20.00

Source: http://www.melodicas.com/melodicas.htm

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