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Wayne Shorter "Beyond the Sound Barrier"


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You've got to be kidding, Stefan.

The thread is NOT about the music played on the tour and subsequently traded as private recordings. 

Its about the music put out on the Verve CD in question.

Stereojack has heard the CD.  YOU HAVE NOT.


This is a live CD. Assuming that Stefan has heard most of Wayne's recent live recordings (extremely well circulated), he may very well have heard the entire CD.


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You've got to be kidding, Stefan.

The thread is NOT about the music played on the tour and subsequently traded as private recordings. 

Its about the music put out on the Verve CD in question.

Stereojack has heard the CD.  YOU HAVE NOT.


This is a live CD. Assuming that Stefan has heard most of Wayne's recent live recordings (extremely well circulated), he may very well have heard the entire CD.


I am well aware that this is a live CD. Are you serious in telling me that every single concert in what I imagine was a lengthy concert tour has been recorded and circulated?

Furthermore, without hearing the CD in question and the specific tunes that Verve, and presumably Wayne himself chose, how does Stefan know that he's heard the CD?

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Like I said earlier in the thread, I DO have the CD, have listened to it several times, I am a big Shorter follower - and while I don't hate the record, it's just simply not as good as Footprints Live.

Too much noodling.

That means - too many self-conciously cute lines that weave, bob, float and ultimtely end up nowhere. and not enough that forms a cogent statement. Diffuse. A bit aimless in parts. Danilo Perez is more often than not annoying in his effort to be dazzlingly virtuostic.

Not the greatest thing Wayne has done.

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I have no beef with anyone on the board -- the point that I have been trying to make, though not successfully, is that I have heard the music in question -- no, not the cd, but the music. And believe it or not, yes, every concert that he has been doing in the past five - six years has been documented! I wanted to call stereojack on the term noodling, which is a negative connotation -- what made the cd less interesting and why. I realize now that this conversation would have made better sense if we were talking face to face, cause the bboard is open to too many interpretations, in how one comes across. So I've deleted my posts. Better to talk about the cd in question.

Edited by Stefan Wood
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I think one of the reasons that some people may prefer Footprints Live! to this new disc is that the new CD doesn't feature many well known Shorter compositions. Footprints Live is almost entirely classic shorter tunes.

I still like both discs very much. I don't quite agree with the 'noodling' tag. Wayne really has become a master at deconstructing a tune. His playing has definitely changed in recent years. Perhaps it's more cerebral, and at the same time, very skeletal if that makes any sense.


It's a great disc.

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I haven't heard this new one.

I'm less and less a fan of Wayne the deconstructionist. I've made my way through about twelve discs of the recent tour (boots) several times and it's tough work. . . . I think one person's deconstructing IS another's noodling. . . . I like the group with Hancock and Holland better than the group with Perez. . . .I probably agree in spirit with Jack

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Got the disc on Monday. The material from the cd is pulled from the same live sessions as in Footprints Live, with the emphasis on newer compositions, the exceptions being a Mendelssohn tune and Arthur Penn's "Smilin' Thru". Some might find the disc as rewarding and challenging as the previus live cd, other might not. It is definitely more cerebral -- at times the group plays like a chamber ensemble, other times exploding, playing out riffs or chords, exploring variations. What comes thru especially is how cohesive a group they are -- no soloing or harmonies in a traditional hard bop or even post bop sense. Initially I would have agreed with describing it was deconstructive, but now I don't think so -- it's definitely become more abstract. Moments of bare minimal playing, areas of color, full blown jamming. But not reinterpretation, breaking it down, and building something new. Recommended, but it won't be everyone's cup of tea. It is great, though, to see Shorter still challenging, still exploring. I heard Jason Moran filled in for Perez in recent shows -- I wonder if it is for a longer stint?

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What are the exact recording dates for the tracks (including the bonus if you have it), or does the CD just say 'recorded between such and such a date'?



On Beyond the Sound Barrier there are no details. Just from Nov 2002 up to 2003 or 2004 (I don't have it with me right now to check)

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As far as exact recording dates, the CD booklet is vague:

"Recorded live November 2002-April 2004, North America, Europe and Asia"

I have only listened through the whole CD once and find it....challenging. It is not as immediately accessable as "Footprints Live" and will be harder to embrace.

I caught the group's live performance a couple of years ago playing at the New Orleans Jazz Fest. While I always find it easier to understand a subsequent live CD if you have has the opportunity to hear the work performed live beforehand, I am not sure if that axiom will prove true with this new CD "Beyond the Sound Barrier".

LWayne :huh:

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1. Anyone listened to the concert with Jason Moran yet (link above)? It's fantastic. Very interesting to hear a different piano player in this context.

2. Finally picked up the CD (gave up on waiting for the bonus cut). I love the way Wayne is playing with Miles' 'It's About That Time' during his solo on 'Over Shadow Hill Way'.


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