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The Original "Longest Yard"

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Guest Chaney

Vlassic (sic) pickles? Eddy Arnold?

Maybe is was Eddy Arnold who was to co-star in The Longest Yard (and Green Acres?) but Eddie Albert mistakenly got the call.

What a strange thread this has become.


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I always hated Sandler for his stupid ass, Billy Madison and Big Daddy movies, but he's kind of maturing. I liked his acting in Longest Yard. Except for the beginning where he's drunk and acting like a moron, he was pretty much the straight guy, throughout the movie.

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My young son wants me to go see this - but that's because Sandler and Rock are in it. I don't think he'd quite get the original.

Reading above about the Possideon Adventure remake - I was reminded of reading Mad Magzines as a kid in the mid-70s. I couldn't watch these films at the theatre, but felt like I knew them and the actors through the spoofs. I think that one was Poop-side Down Adventure, or some sort.

I miss those old Mad writers!

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