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Sam Rivers Trio in Tucson May 21st

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SS1 - It's worth pulling out all the stops to see Sam Rivers with the current trio, if you can do it. He's also an extremely gracious guy and was very happy to sign the Mosaic booklet that I brought along to the gig. It's worth seeing if Sam will sign it (much easier I think at the smaller gigs).

PS - his handwriting is also nice and artistic too.

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Check out the earshot jazz calendar at http://www.earshot.org/.

Looks like Ellery Eskelin & Sylvie Courvoisier are playing there tonight.

Nice place to see a show.

Of all the weeks to visit the parents in Wisconsin it had to be this week...damn!


Thanks, Alejandro! I'd heard about this, but never seen it.

Thank goodness I didn't miss Michael Franks tonight!


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The good news is that he signed the Mosaic booklet.

He also played well.

The bad news is that the set was 35 minutes(& there was no 2nd set), he looked alarmingly thin (to me), & he was obviously having trouble breathing presumably due to the altitude.

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The bad news is that the set was 35 minutes(& there was no 2nd set), he looked alarmingly thin (to me), & he was obviously having trouble breathing presumably due to the altitude.

I'm considering going to the show tonight. But, damn, only 35 minutes? On the other hand, how many opportunities will I get to see Sam Rivers? Just this one, methinks.
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sam played for a good 1 hour, he did an encore

good show he performed around 8 songs

he played the soprano/tenor/flute and piano

i asked sam if had listened to "into somethin'" recently, he said no, but he remembers the session

i didn't see wes at the concert, i'd say maybe 100 people attended this concert

took some pictures and might post them after i see how they develop

i am not a professional photographer

the one thing that really bugged me about the concert in the middle of the stage was a damn tv and vcr on a stand. someone should cover that thing up during concerts

got my mosaic booklet and into somethin' signed

i was joking about my hammond a-100


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was the concert last night a jazz festival?


At the Albuquerque concert there were 2 groups. The "opener" was a local group called The Rumble Trio (2 basses & tuba) augmented by a woman bassoon player from Los Angeles. They played 30 minutes of "noodling".

Sam & his trio then played for the previously mentioned 35 minutes. Did get in all of his instruments. An "encore" was enthusiastically requested by the 100 or so people present. The person who runs The Outpost came out & apologized saying "there's a lot of altitude here". Sam was obviously having trouble breathing.

Those were the only 2 groups that night, so I'm not sure I'd call it a festival.

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