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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Banned pregnant graduate walks anyway


MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- A pregnant student who was banned from graduation at her Roman Catholic high school announced her own name and walked across the stage anyway at the close of the program.

Alysha Cosby's decision prompted cheers and applause Tuesday from many of her fellow seniors at St. Jude Educational Institute.

But her mother and aunt were escorted out of the church by police after Cosby headed back to her seat.

"I can't believe something like this is happening in 2005," said her mother, Sheila Cosby. "My daughter has been through a lot and I am proud of her. She deserved to walk, and she did."

The school's guidance counselor delivered Cosby's degree to her house earlier Tuesday, but she still wanted to participate.

"I worked hard throughout high school and I wanted to walk with my class," she said.

Cosby was told in March that she could no longer attend school because of safety concerns, and her name was not listed in the graduation program.

The father of Cosby's child, also a senior at the school, was allowed to participate in graduation. <_<


The father of Cosby's child, also a senior at the school, was allowed to participate in graduation. <_<

That's the truest bullshit part right there...the hypocrisy involved. If you're going to stand for morality (which is righteous, especially at a catholic high school), you need to do it on both sides. Way to preach un-Biblical principles, St. Jude's.


I can't help thinking that this girl obeyed her Catholic high school's teachings in at least 3 ways (plus she had good grades):

  • she didn't use birth control
  • she didn't have an abortion
  • she informed the school as soon as she found out she was pregnant (story HERE)

I'm really not being sarcastic -- I don't know THIS particular girl, but plenty of Catholic girls feel like they're in love and behaving morally in a "2 out of 3 ain't bad" kind of way (they got the birth control and abortion part right, and as for abstinence until marriage, they feel emotionally "married"). The school STATES IN THEIR HANDBOOK that a girl needs to notify them as soon as she finds out she's pregnant! Meaning they expect it's gonna happen! :wacko: Seems like the least they could do is not pin a scarlet letter on her...

Posted (edited)

There sure are a lot of people running around calling themselves Christian that ain't really Christian at all. As Mr. Roach once said, "Deeds, Not Words".

Some of em' even have crowns and fancy robes.

Edited by Johnny E

So if she had sex and used birth control or had an abortion and never told anyone then she's off scott-free, nobody the wiser.

She had sex, didn't use birth control AND told the truth, so she gets punished. Makes me glad to be an ex-Catholic.


I don't understand this girl.

She's a Catholic apparently, which would mean she accepts the church teachings about resurrections. She accepts their belief that you have to eat crackers to avoid hell. She accepts talking snakes, parting seas, and pregnant virgins.

Why can't she accept that she's not allowed at her Catholic school after getting knocked up?

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