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Posted (edited)

Been burned and with both feet on the ground,

I've learned that it's painful comin' down.

No use runnin' away, and there's no time left to stay;

Now I'm finding out that it's so confusin',

No time left and I know I'm losin'.

Flashed and I think I'm fallin' down,

(Flashed and I think I'm falling down.)

Crashed, and my ears can't hear a sound.

(The sound.)

No use runnin' away, and there's no time left to stay;

Now I'm finding out that it's so confusin',

No time left and I know I'm losin'.

Now I'm finding out that it's so confusin',

No time left and I know I'm losin'.

Burned and with both feet on the ground.

(Burned and with both feet on the ground.)

I've learned that it's painful comin' down.

No use runnin' away, and there's no time left to stay;

Now I'm finding out that it's so confusin',

No time left and I know I'm losin'.

Neil Young, Burned

Edited by Joe
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Another Warne Marsh recording that I did not see mentioned: Ne Plus Ultra. I am also a big fan of Tenor Gladness with Lew Tabackin.

I have a bunch of unreleased Warne live performances. If you look at the discography in An Unsung Cat it lists most, if not all, of the existing unreleased live stuff. I have come by copies of about 15 different performances, mostly from the early 80s and a few from the mid seventies.


To let folks know, Aric Effron has recently been banned from several email lists dedicated to CDR trading because he ripped people off and just accepted discs without fulfilling his part of the deals (and then played ignorant/righteous about the whole thing). Apparently the Money Jungle thing was just the beginning. All should beware. Now he just searches for new places to use his old tricks. He has absolutely no shame and his presence here may well mark the end of my participation. I see absolutely no reason why he shouldn't be exposed as the dishonest person that he is. The constant reminder isn't getting through to some people, it seems. Why he is tolerated at all is beyond me. Would you invite such a person into your home?


Guest Chaney

I'm really disappointed to hear that Mike. And I mean REALLY disappointed as I was willing to give the kid a clean slate.

Damn... That stinks BIG time.

Posted (edited)

and i am the" A$$hole"

he doesn't even have a cdr machine of any sorts and is trying to do some swappin'!

ask any of the people i've done business with and my record is 100 % clean.

swappin' and paying for music i need.

if anyone "feels" the need to pay off other people's debts, i'll send you my next credit card statement. just send me your address and i'll hook you up, i swear!


if you do trade with dip-shit, make sure you get the stuff from him first, before you send him his stuff and see what happens.

the last time i got a email from ae he was braggin' about using heroin, "hank would be proud". real funkin' cool....

Edited by Soulstation1
Posted (edited)

To let folks know, Aric Effron has recently been banned from several email lists dedicated to CDR trading because he ripped people off and just accepted discs without fulfilling his part of the deals (and then played ignorant/righteous about the whole thing). Apparently the Money Jungle thing was just the beginning. All should beware. Now he just searches for new places to use his old tricks. He has absolutely no shame and his presence here may well mark the end of my participation. I see absolutely no reason why he shouldn't be exposed as the dishonest person that he is. The constant reminder isn't getting through to some people, it seems. Why he is tolerated at all is beyond me. Would you invite such a person into your home?


I appreciate and respect your opinion Michael (on this subject, and of course, many others!!) -- but please (and I do mean please) -- please don't stop posting here because of Aric. Certainly he can be ignored by all those who choose to ignore him (presumably a group that would include yourself). Thank you for explaining the situation with Aric's past trading history, which is entirely appropriate.

Never the less, I'll confess that I've kinda missed Aric's rantings since he was last banned on the BNBB. He does have a certain charm, and often can liven the place up a bit.

( Aric's better than Musicboy, in my book. )

Edited by Rooster_Ties
Posted (edited)

and i am the" A$$hole"

Yes you are.

The comments were not laid at your doorstep because of your battle with Aric, but because of your stupid multiple posts of the album... uselesly eating up space and basically destroying a Warne Marsh thread... which might have been your intent as it was started by Aric.

Your response was that you were just " having fun".. but now that you have a supporter in Mike.. you go back to the self righteous mode...

Had you posted once.. your point would have been made.. as it is.... you named it.


funny ...isn't it

Edited by P.D.
Posted (edited)


i don't even know you and don't really want to know your ass.

when did YOU decide what can be posted and what can't?

i was at work all day and just got home so you don't know what you are talkin' about, as for me "waiting" for support. i really don't need any support.

you should mind your own business, if you don't what you are talking 'bout, cuz it makes you look stupid....

is it ok too call you an asshole? cuz you are THE BIGGEST asshole!

if that's how you want to talk to people, then its on...


if takes an ass to know an ass

Edited by Soulstation1

-1980 period Genesis.: this has nothing to do with warne right now but ive been playing along with the 1st two songs to 'Duke' all week.  I know it seems weird but it if you dig w/in the songs sonically its prog rock in disguise, just with more modern synth  sounds and new elec. drum sounds.

Yeah, it's a good album, a few of my favorite songs are on there.

Edit: Ah thanks Jazzmoose, if not for your warning i would not have noticed what a complete pile of crap this thread had degrated into. And Soulstation, you better hope I don't catch you doing that again.

P.D. said

The comments were not laid at your doorstep because of your battle with Aric, but because of your stupid multiple posts of the album... uselesly eating up space and basically destroying a Warne Marsh thread... which might have been your intent as it was started by Aric.

Yup, you are exactly right PD, as b3-er just explained to me on the phone. So now I won't have to explain to Aric why his thread was smashed.


Boy, that was stupid.

I'll state it again, we will not let this board devolve into the senseless flaming and bickering that marked the end of the BNBB. Take it to the PM or to email, but don't waste everyone's time with this bullshit.

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