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  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

It was discussed elsewhere that Bloom County is coming out in a complete edition. Might take a while to get through the run, esp. if they decide to include Outland and Opus in there as a final volume.

Anyway, getting back to Krazy Kat, I had several of the early Fantagraphics volumes of the Sunday strips, but had held off before the switch to color. After considerable passage of time, Fantagraphics has gotten through the final strips (1944) and has indeed circled around to reprint the OOP collection that Eclipse put out years ago. I was a little skeptical they would make it, but it looks like they will. (For these "reprints," they are doing 3 years at a time, so they only need 3 volumes to complete all the Sunday strips. 1916-1918 is already out, 1919-1921 hits in Dec. and I guess 1922-1924 will be mid-2011.) I was able to pick up all the color Sunday collections in one fell swoop, so that was very cool. I definitely prefer the 2 (and 3) year collections for casual browsing, but Fantagraphics will also put out a 3 volume set of all the Sunday strips (basically 9 years at a time).

There is some talk of going to the dailies now (and Fantagraphics did something called the Panoramic Dailies of 1920). While it is heretical, just in terms of storage space, I could probably live with the dailies on CD-Rom.

Edited by ejp626
  • 1 year later...

It was discussed elsewhere that Bloom County is coming out in a complete edition. Might take a while to get through the run, esp. if they decide to include Outland and Opus in there as a final volume.

Anyway, getting back to Krazy Kat, I had several of the early Fantagraphics volumes of the Sunday strips, but had held off before the switch to color. After considerable passage of time, Fantagraphics has gotten through the final strips (1944) and has indeed circled around to reprint the OOP collection that Eclipse put out years ago. I was a little skeptical they would make it, but it looks like they will. (For these "reprints," they are doing 3 years at a time, so they only need 3 volumes to complete all the Sunday strips. 1916-1918 is already out, 1919-1921 hits in Dec. and I guess 1922-1924 will be mid-2011.) I was able to pick up all the color Sunday collections in one fell swoop, so that was very cool. I definitely prefer the 2 (and 3) year collections for casual browsing, but Fantagraphics will also put out a 3 volume set of all the Sunday strips (basically 9 years at a time).

There is some talk of going to the dailies now (and Fantagraphics did something called the Panoramic Dailies of 1920). While it is heretical, just in terms of storage space, I could probably live with the dailies on CD-Rom.

Talk about a blast from the past. Bloom County recently reached its 5th and final volume. The publisher has indicated that they will be doing separate Outland and Opus volumes. Not sure if there are enough Opus strips to justify a 300 page book, so they might have to fill it up with something (A Wish for Wings that Work?)

Anyway, Krazy & Ignatz have come full circle and the entire Sunday run is in print thanks to Fantagraphics. I received mine in the mail yesterday. :tup

It is interesting that for a short period in 1922, Herriman was doing a full page Sunday sheet and a full page color sheet for Saturdays. The 1922-24 has two other super rarities -- Herriman's first comic strip Mrs. Waitaminnit and a full color Sunday comic called Us Husbands. Us Husbands is fairly interesting. Mrs. Waitaminnit is truly awful -- a one-joke premise (the wife's constant lateness always gets the husband into a jam) and it isn't well drawn either. I think for 95% of the public, a couple of examples of this would have been more than sufficient, but they are sort of taking the Verve approach I guess. :w

Anyway, it's an amazing achievement to get this back out there, so hats off to Fantagraphics. I sort of doubt that I can afford a whole run of the Krazy dailies (and where would I store them anyway?), but I'll be checking out their next moves on this front.


...The 1922-24 Krazy Kat has two other super rarities -- Herriman's first comic strip Mrs. Waitaminnit and a full color Sunday comic called Us Husbands. Us Husbands is fairly interesting. Mrs. Waitaminnit is truly awful -- a one-joke premise (the wife's constant lateness always gets the husband into a jam) and it isn't well drawn either. I think for 95% of the public, a couple of examples of this would have been more than sufficient, but they are sort of taking the Verve approach I guess. :w

Anyway, it's an amazing achievement to get this back out there, so hats off to Fantagraphics. I sort of doubt that I can afford a whole run of the Krazy dailies (and where would I store them anyway?), but I'll be checking out their next moves on this front.

For the complete Herriman fanatic, Fantagraphics are going to reprint something called Stumble Inn, coming out most likely in Nov. Stumble Inn Apparently, this was going to be paired with Us Husbands in a book called Herriman's Hoomins {Humans}. That still makes more sense than putting Us Husbands in with Krazy Kat, but they must have had their reasons.

They still seem set on doing the Krazy dailies, but it's hard to imagine this working out. Personally, I would be a lot more interested in a one volume "best of the dailies" with a CD-Rom of all the dailies.


Talk about a blast from the past. Bloom County recently reached its 5th and final volume. The publisher has indicated that they will be doing separate Outland and Opus volumes. Not sure if there are enough Opus strips to justify a 300 page book, so they might have to fill it up with something (A Wish for Wings that Work?)

Anyway, Krazy & Ignatz have come full circle and the entire Sunday run is in print thanks to Fantagraphics. I received mine in the mail yesterday. :tup

The Outland volume is available for preorder on Amazon, and looks to be coming out next month:


I also noticed that the 2nd and 3rd Bloom County volumes appear to already be out of print with ridiculous asking prices, despite only having been published a couple of years ago. Too bad I didn't get them when I had the chance, but for anyone that's interested, Edward R. Hamilton has remaindered copies of the first volume for $11.95 - quite a good deal:

Hamilton link

Looking forward to the final Krazy & Ignatz volume, I have the first two and they are magnificent.


Talk about a blast from the past. Bloom County recently reached its 5th and final volume. The publisher has indicated that they will be doing separate Outland and Opus volumes. Not sure if there are enough Opus strips to justify a 300 page book, so they might have to fill it up with something (A Wish for Wings that Work?)

Anyway, Krazy & Ignatz have come full circle and the entire Sunday run is in print thanks to Fantagraphics. I received mine in the mail yesterday. :tup

The Outland volume is available for preorder on Amazon, and looks to be coming out next month:


I also noticed that the 2nd and 3rd Bloom County volumes appear to already be out of print with ridiculous asking prices, despite only having been published a couple of years ago. Too bad I didn't get them when I had the chance, but for anyone that's interested, Edward R. Hamilton has remaindered copies of the first volume for $11.95 - quite a good deal:

Hamilton link

Looking forward to the final Krazy & Ignatz volume, I have the first two and they are magnificent.

Wow -- that is wild. I tried to get one of the signed editions but they kept cancelling it on me. I do have vol. 1-5 and have pre-ordered Outland, so I guess I'm set. Bloom County was one of my favorite cartoons and much of it still holds up. If nothing else it reminds me of some of the general craziness (and crassness) of the 1980s that I sometimes overlook when thinking about the past (through rose colored glasses).

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Talk about a blast from the past. Bloom County recently reached its 5th and final volume. The publisher has indicated that they will be doing separate Outland and Opus volumes. Not sure if there are enough Opus strips to justify a 300 page book, so they might have to fill it up with something (A Wish for Wings that Work?)

Anyway, Krazy & Ignatz have come full circle and the entire Sunday run is in print thanks to Fantagraphics. I received mine in the mail yesterday. :tup

The Outland volume is available for preorder on Amazon, and looks to be coming out next month:


I also noticed that the 2nd and 3rd Bloom County volumes appear to already be out of print with ridiculous asking prices, despite only having been published a couple of years ago. Too bad I didn't get them when I had the chance, but for anyone that's interested, Edward R. Hamilton has remaindered copies of the first volume for $11.95 - quite a good deal:

Hamilton link

Looking forward to the final Krazy & Ignatz volume, I have the first two and they are magnificent.

Wow -- that is wild. I tried to get one of the signed editions but they kept cancelling it on me. I do have vol. 1-5 and have pre-ordered Outland, so I guess I'm set. Bloom County was one of my favorite cartoons and much of it still holds up. If nothing else it reminds me of some of the general craziness (and crassness) of the 1980s that I sometimes overlook when thinking about the past (through rose colored glasses).

If anyone is interested in the earlier volumes of Bloom County, it appears they have reprinted them and the prices are back down to normal levels. The Collected Outland is shipping now. Ideally this would have included the full set of Opus strips, but it will probably be one last trip to well. Curiously, I have been scanning (and finally discarding) all kinds of things from my yooth, and I came across 36 Opus strips I clipped from the papers. I actually did get the Sunday Chicago Tribune simply for the cartoons for 9 months. I can't remember now if the Trib dropped the strip, or if this was when I moved to England.

Edit: Well, I didn't realize Opus ran nearly as long as it did (2003-2008), which is about the same length of time as Outland, so it clearly will need a separate volume. It also means that there are somewhere north of 200 Breathed strips I've never read, so something to look forward to. There isn't a firm date on the Opus book, but I'm guessing some time in 2013.

Edited by ejp626

Talk about a blast from the past. Bloom County recently reached its 5th and final volume. The publisher has indicated that they will be doing separate Outland and Opus volumes. Not sure if there are enough Opus strips to justify a 300 page book, so they might have to fill it up with something (A Wish for Wings that Work?)

Anyway, Krazy & Ignatz have come full circle and the entire Sunday run is in print thanks to Fantagraphics. I received mine in the mail yesterday. :tup

The Outland volume is available for preorder on Amazon, and looks to be coming out next month:


I also noticed that the 2nd and 3rd Bloom County volumes appear to already be out of print with ridiculous asking prices, despite only having been published a couple of years ago. Too bad I didn't get them when I had the chance, but for anyone that's interested, Edward R. Hamilton has remaindered copies of the first volume for $11.95 - quite a good deal:

Hamilton link

Looking forward to the final Krazy & Ignatz volume, I have the first two and they are magnificent.

Wow -- that is wild. I tried to get one of the signed editions but they kept cancelling it on me. I do have vol. 1-5 and have pre-ordered Outland, so I guess I'm set. Bloom County was one of my favorite cartoons and much of it still holds up. If nothing else it reminds me of some of the general craziness (and crassness) of the 1980s that I sometimes overlook when thinking about the past (through rose colored glasses).

If anyone is interested in the earlier volumes of Bloom County, it appears they have reprinted them and the prices are back down to normal levels. The Collected Outland is shipping now. Ideally this would have included the full set of Opus strips, but it will probably be one last trip to well. Curiously, I have been scanning (and finally discarding) all kinds of things from my yooth, and I came across 36 Opus strips I clipped from the papers. I actually did get the Sunday Chicago Tribune simply for the cartoons for 9 months. I can't remember now if the Trib dropped the strip, or if this was when I moved to England.

Edit: Well, I didn't realize Opus ran nearly as long as it did (2003-2008), which is about the same length of time as Outland, so it clearly will need a separate volume. It also means that there are somewhere north of 200 Breathed strips I've never read, so something to look forward to. There isn't a firm date on the Opus book, but I'm guessing some time in 2013.

Good to know about the Bloom County volumes. I wound up getting vols. 2 & 3 from a local Barnes & Noble, where they were languishing unappreciated on the shelves. 10% B&N member discount + a couple of 20% off coupons they'd sent me in the mail, so I actually get a slightly better deal than what Amazon's currently offering them for.


Excellent news! However, figuring out how much of this I already own in my MANY volumens of C&H is more complicated than trying to figure out similar predicaments with CDs :)

Back atcha, Chris....I'm in the same boat as you.

BTW, I love that avatar; one of my all-time favorite albums. :tup

But who did the mastering?


This is almost as cool as The Complete Far Side!


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