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Red or green?

Red with anger? Green with envy??? A Christmas thing???I am confused by the color reference, but it may be because I haven't been to sleep yet! :eye:

If my last post was confusing, I meant I was right in the first place about never thinking the story would have a happy ending......Perhaps if she will share the movie of the week cut with the fiance, this story won't have too unhappy an ending.

Edited by BERIGAN
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Hey, it doesn't have an unhappy ending. She wasn't in danger, she just wigged out. Hopefully she's okay now. Fortunately, no one on this board has ever lost it and made an ass of themselves, so we can berate her, but not everyone is that lucky.

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Red or green?

Red with anger? Green with envy??? A Christmas thing???I am confused by the color reference, but it may be because I haven't been to sleep yet! :eye:

It's a New Mexico joke. Much of the food there is served w/chili "gravy", and the question is always "red or green/", as in what kind of chili do you want on your food.

I always go green myself - red is supposed to be spicier (but isn't, always), but green's got the FLAYVA!

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Red or green?

Red with anger? Green with envy??? A Christmas thing???I am confused by the color reference, but it may be because I haven't been to sleep yet! :eye:

It's a New Mexico joke. Much of the food there is served w/chili "gravy", and the question is always "red or green/", as in what kind of chili do you want on your food.

I always go green myself - red is supposed to be spicier (but isn't, always), but green's got the FLAYVA!

Or you can indeed have it "Christmas" & get both.

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I suppose the question is really how this reluctance to get married spun out of control.

Most women [and men] who suddenly, just before the wedding, decide that they don't want to get married just tell the other person, tears are shed.............over. On with their lives.

This woman seems to have lacked the intestinal fortitude to tell her fiance that she really didn't want to marry him.

This was further complicated by the HUGE spectacular wedding that the families and friends were all invited to attend. The expense must have been gigantic. SIX HUNDRED GUESTS!!

Many brides have gone through with a wedding like that, just because they are unwilling to admit that all the trouble everyone has gone to is for a wedding she really doesn't want.

Where it spun out of control seems to be that she hatched an unbelievable web of lies, instead of being an honest person, who is allowed to make a mistake.

Sure, she would have been embarrassed at cancelling this huge extravaganza, but nobody ever died from embarrassment.

But, in her defence, I must say that had she gone through with the wedding, she wouldn't have been the first bride standing at the alter who wondered what the hell she was doing there.

It's going to take YEARS for her to live this fiasco down.

What a gutless idiot.

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Maybe he's setting her up to pull the old vanishing groom trick on HER! How hilarious would that be?

"Sure baby, the wedding is still on. See ya at the church. ;) "

That or either he's going to be way ahead in the "you owe me one" scorebook.

(twenty years into the marriage)

"Honey, could you help me in the kitchen?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute. Just like you were at our wedding!"

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So the question is... Would you still marry a girl that pulled that stunt?

Dude got a get-out-of-jail free card handed to him on a silver platter. He can walk away from this one and no one in the world would blame him.

I agree about the "get out of jail free" card, but the guy should go through with it and save it for after the marrige. Can you image the possibilities?

Her: "You're having an affair with your secretary? How could you!"

Him: "At least I didn't fake my own kidnapping."

Her: "You want me to do what to you where?"

Him: "So what exactly did those fake kidnappers do to you anyway?"

Her: "But honey, a station wagon would be so much more practical than a new sports car."

Him: "You faked your own kidnapping. I want a sports car. Nuff said."


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