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No more Monday Night Football on ABC

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I hope that at the very least they get rid of the ESPN crew. Those guys are awful. I actually turn the TV down rather than hear them. They'd be well advised to use Michaels and Madden (although I'm not sure he'd like being only on cable).

If Madden had to choose between being on cable and not cashing that big ass paycheck-well he seems like he's a fairly smart man.

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And anyway, there will still be games on Monday night to drive musicians to murderous rage. That TV over your head will just be tuned to ESPN.


and as far as the whole big-brother ABC being upset - c'mon. This was a corporate decision to let MNF go to the sports network. It still stays in the family, and the fact is, MNF has had declining ratings for quite a few years now. I'm not at all surprised ABC let ESPN get the deal.

Yes, who could ever imagine watching musicians play music live when you could actually watch jocks on t.v., like you said even the musicians are watching (must've been a real interesting gig).

Yes Jim, the endtimes are near (live musical endtimes that is). But not from dustygroove. It's from sports, t.v. in general, dvds, movies, the internet.

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