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Beechwood Aging

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Did you ever wonder, when enjoying a glass of Budweiser... What the freak is Beechwood Aging? I found the answer here:

Yeast (Budweiser yeast is a lager yeast) is added to the cooled wort in the primary fermentation tanks. It can take up to 6 days for the yeast to convert the fermentable sugars to carbon dioxide and alcohol. During this stage of the brewing process, the wort becomes beer.

After a layer of beechwood chips is spread on the bottom of the lager tanks, the beer is transferred into the tanks. A portion of freshly yeasted wort called Kraeusen is added. Beechwood Aging is part of secondary fermentation in which the yeast settles on the beechwood chips and works until the beer is completely fermented. As secondary fermentation occurs, the beer is naturally carbonated and its final flavor develops - resulting in a smooth-tasting beer. This expensive process is unique to Anheuser-Busch.

Edited by wesbed
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illogical....illogical....drink Budweiser...but enjoy....illogical...

I used to be a Beer Snob. I drank beer ony if it was served in a bottle. My beer motto was, "I don't drink beer that comes in a can." If I chose a domestic beer, it had to be a microbrew. Otherwise, I desired a European import. I considered Sam Adams to be adequate only for a Beer Snob in training. Then, one day, I decided some of the cheap beers were good. Sometimes, goddamned good.

I felt sad watching my Beer Snob dreams fade. I caught myself enjoying Old Milwaukee and Schlitz as much as I enjoyed Guinness, Bass, and Pilsner Urquell. At the same time I found a new sense of freedom in that I could choose ANY kind of beer and find something good, something enjoyable and appealing.

I'm still a Jazz Snob. I can't shake the jazz snobbishness. Although the music has never seemed snobby to me. More like cool and catchy, mind-clearing, relaxing and exhilerating.

Errr... maybe I just drink too much beer? :huh:

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memo to others when you go to wes' place it's best to BYOB and some cdrs

And some pizza and/or hot wings, please. The gifts of food would be most appreciated.

One of the times Soulstation1 was visiting, I forced him to organize my RVGs while I watched. :lol:

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Kinky! What were you wearing?

You'll have to ask Soulstation1. It had something to do with high-heeled shoes and Duke Pearson. I think I was too much under the influence to remember. I don't know.

Maybe not? :mellow:

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memo to others when you go to wes' place it's best to BYOB and some cdrs

And some pizza and/or hot wings, please. The gifts of food would be most appreciated.

One of the times Soulstation1 was visiting, I forced him to organize my RVGs while I watched. :lol:

Did he ask you if you'd cracked open your Turrentine Mosaic box yet? (I still haven't) B-)

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