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Another Idol season


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But no show of this sort is gonna find you the next John Lennon, Bob Dylan or Willie Nelson.

And it's not intended to. It's meant to find the next Christina Aguillera or Whitney or Josh Grobin or whoever's the current flavor of pop vocalist. Now if such a singer has enough talent and artistic integrity, then maybe he/she can parlay the "break" that the show gives them into a career. We're seeing that happen with a couple so far - notable Kelly imo - and with some time and experience maybe one or two of them will ultimatetly become "great." But it does nobody any favors by constantly comparing the winners to some of the very best musical talent of the last century. Heck, most artists out there - from Idol or not - aren't in the same league as those you mention.

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As long as I live, nothing will ever make me run screaming from the room like hearing Kelly Clarkson sing "Sgt. Pepper." Nothing against Ms. Clarkson, for whom I actually have a lot of respect. But what a horrid choice of tunes and an utterly incongruous arrangement. :bad:

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The problem American Idol runs into is that it's purely a "singing competiton." It's not looking for artists that write their own material or have a concept of their own. I do notice they're starting a band competition now....

Despite the fact that Simon keeps saying that, its not purely a singing competition. If that were truly the case, Melinda would have won, and Sanjaya and Antonella would have left a lot sooner than they did.

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And don't think it's slipped their attention that the biggest selling Idol star on records was not one of the winners, and was one of the few who did write their own songs and play an instrument, Chris Daughtrey.

I'm sure that is part and parcel behind the new "search for an American band" show. . . .

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And don't think it's slipped their attention that the biggest selling Idol star on records was not one of the winners, and was one of the few who did write their own songs and play an instrument, Chris Daughtrey.

I'm sure that is part and parcel behind the new "search for an American band" show. . . .

Along with the likelihood that they'll make truckloads of money as well.

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I'm just relieved that we won't be assaulted with more "beat boxing" in the near future. He bites the big one but unfortunately his run of success will surely lead to more of that crap in the next group of auditions. :bad:

Jordin, on the other hand, has a terrific voice and a bright bubbly personality. We'll see if she is "the greatest female recording artist of all time" as Barry Gibb predicted (I kinda doubt it myself).

He is, after all, arguably the greatest Australian recording artist of all time, for whatever that's worth...

Ouch, matey! :D

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So, did or did not everybody get off the island?

They're still there.


Not that island. :g

LTB started switching between Idol & Lost, but before too long, we stayed with Lost until, like 8:57 or so, just in time to catch the inevitable, and then we ran right back to Lost. Worked for me.

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Egads. Bones and House? They could disappear for all I care! UGH! To each their own!

Idol will be back in January. I'm eager for it's return as my wife, who doesn't get enough pleasure out of life for medical reasons, just loves Idol!

Edited by jazzbo
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Idol will be back in January. I'm eager for it's return as my wife, who doesn't get enough pleasure out of life for medical reasons, just loves Idol!

I know it can't compare to your woes, Lon, but I understand completely in my own way. My kids have grown up watching the show, love it, and it's one of the few shows we can all watch as a family. I've taken much delight, especially this year (the girls are six now) that they've really developed their own favorites and don't just dig whoever Sheri and I like. I found it amusing that their two favorites this year were Antonella and Sanjaya, but I was also encouraged that it meant that they were developing their own preferences and passions.

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I know Mike (Soul Stream) is getting a similar family satisfaction from the show.

Neither Helen and I really relish the "auditions" episodes but it's fun for us both to anticipate and sit side by side on the sofa and enjoy the top 24 and beyond episodes.

And as I'm running my TV through the Decware system now, I'm really enjoying the sound!

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Yes, I've really grown to enjoy the show. Not so much for the show itself, as that it's the one program that we sit down together as an entire family and watch....laugh...discuss.... The kids love it and look forward to that family time. I look forward to it every week for that reason and will miss it until it returns in January. Pancho Sanchez and his group were at my gig a few weeks back, and the trombone player said he did a lot of arrangements for the latin show they did this year. I do enjoy hearing the band and listening to some of the arrangements. I also thought Tony Bennett captured the audience like no other in the final show. So other than the usual 'pop' trappings you'd expect, there are things I genuinely enjoy about watching the show.

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Well, I'm agin' it. It's hard enough competing with "amateurs" without them being on stage. It reminds me of the mom telling a kid "You're good, honey," when the kid sounds like fingernail scrapping a blackboard with the time of "Seinfeld's Elaine." :bad: I mean, like, I'll survive, but why encourage that kind of behavior to go public? Keep it confined to the shower/home, immediate family. We need to whittle down the competition. I hate it when crap's the norm. :cool: No, I ain't particularly elitist, just old school, I guess.

Edited by MoGrubb
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Well, I'm agin' it. It's hard enough competing with "amateurs" without them being on stage. It reminds me of the mom telling a kid "You're good, honey," when the kid sounds like fingernail scrapping a blackboard with the time of "Seinfeld's Elaine." :bad: I mean, like, I'll survive, but why encourage that kind of behavior to go public? Keep it confined to the shower/home, immediate family. We need to whittle down the competition. I hate it when crap's the norm. :cool: No, I ain't particularly elitist, just old school, I guess.

But that's the thing: the "crap" isn't the norm. The early episodes do rely heavily on the untalented, but that's done in a humorous way and the no-talents are ridiculed for it. Personally, I find it fascinating (from a psychological, socialogical, whatever level) that there really are parents out there who tell their tone-deaf kids that they truly are god's gift to music... only to see them fall on their faces in public. Yeah, I suppose the show encourages this, but I don't see the harm. As for the competetion part of the program, I don't see it so much as a contest among amateurs as a means to let the would-be/could-be pros rise to the surface amidst mediocrity. I think one thing the show is really good at (even though it's not necessarily its objective) is showing just how thin the line is between good and bad, success and obscurity.

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