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The end of Easytree

king ubu

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(disclaimer: not sure this belongs on the board at all, kill this topic if you don't like it, no offense to be taken on both sides, please!)

This was posted on the Yahoo mailing list:

From: "jupiter2101" <agentesecreto@...>

Date: Wed Apr 6, 2005  6:13 pm

Subject: The End of EZT -- PLS READ !

Hello gals and guys,

We're very sorry having to tell you that we had to shut down EZT forever just a couple of minutes ago.

We got a call from our provider, they had received a few letters from a couple of lawyers. They requested EZT to be shut down immediately, otherwise we'd be sued.

As you may imagine, we do not have the funds to fight a battle we most probably can't win anyway.

We would like to thank everyone here for their contributions to EZT, one way or the other, for sharing the music, sharing an ideal, for all your mails, rants, praises...

I'm sorry, I'm still too shocked to write on... maybe later I'll find some more words or my collegues will do...

To say it with Joan Armatrading:

We had fun, fun, fun, fun

fun, fun, fun, fun

we had fun -- while it lasted...

--"Tall in the Saddle"--

You all take good care!

jupiter2101, EZT Chief Mod

Me shocked too! (Though of course this was expected, too...)


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Wow! Not completely unexpected, but this is a drag. :(

This and the late sharingthegroove were a music lover's dream. You can argue about copyrights all you want, but these sites were diligent in respecting copyright. They'd delete anything that had one.

Whoever threatened their provider with legal action is foolish. Sites like Easytree and STG effectively killed bootleggers. They took all the profit out of it for them. Now, I guess a door just re-opened for them.

Edited by AfricaBrass
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Maybe it was bootlegger lawyers that made the IP server make the call. . . ? :mellow:

That crossed my mind... ;)

Fortunately there is still some great music that is still available through archive.org or etree.org, but they are hurting in the jazz department.

My thanks to anyone here who participated in Easytree. Thank you for all the great music!

AB (last easytree share ratio 1.37) :rsmile:

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Oh please - let's not try to rationalize things with bringing up copyright. In the U.S., EVERYTHING has a copyright as soon as it's created. Whether it bears a little © or not.

Unless the copyright owners sanctioned distributing the stuff on easytree, it was not legit in the U.S.


I hope you won't sue me for quoting your post

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Oh please - let's not try to rationalize things with bringing up copyright. In the U.S., EVERYTHING has a copyright as soon as it's created. Whether it bears a little © or not.

Unless the copyright owners sanctioned distributing the stuff on easytree, it was not legit in the U.S.


Of course... that's why this has been expected by many. Still, trading of one or the other sort will continue, anyway.

EZtree was just too good a place to be real for long, I assume.

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Oh please - let's not try to rationalize things with bringing up copyright. In the U.S., EVERYTHING has a copyright as soon as it's created. Whether it bears a little © or not.

Unless the copyright owners sanctioned distributing the stuff on easytree, it was not legit in the U.S.


I hope you won't sue me for quoting your post

I wish I lived in Europe... :ph34r:

What happened to the land of the free?

Edited by AfricaBrass
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There was so much great stuff. The Who '75 Houston DVD with all the extras. Clash stuff I was never able to get elsewhere. Jazz from Europe just barely a day after it happened. Pere Ubu, just all sorts of things that could be tricky to trade for. Plus you could check the quality & if you didn't like the sound or performance erase it from your drive.

The last 2 things I downloaded were the lost Quintet in Stockholm and an '82 Kinks show.

Those "band-friendly" sites just don't have that stuff - unless you're into a friendly band. I like some of them, but I already have more Dead than I need. ;)

Shucks. :(

Edited by Quincy
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Ive only been using the site for two weeks, but im glad i did.

I already have a respectable Miles 67 collection!

The lawyers and their businesses are incredibly stupid. This is all material that is not available to purchase. And most of it never will be. All it does is energize a customer base. Which, is a very very god thing for business.

Keep us updated on new sites. Anyone else know of a place for good jazz downloads?

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