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7 hours ago, jazzbo said:

Went to see this with Lucy yesterday. Quite a nice movie! Entertaining, well acted.


On my list for the next couple of weeks - I don't think it's out here yet. 

This afternoon:


Very enjoyable, tense thriller in Le Carre's latter-day spying amongst the jet set style (as opposed to his 60s spying amongst dowdy, bad-tempered ex-public school boys style). Release nicely timed with the release of The Panama Papers - London as the money-laundering capital of the world. 

Posted (edited)


Icelandic thriller broadcast a few months back but just got round to episode 1 last night. Enjoyed it although it's not really got going yet. Must congratulate it for having even worse weather than 'Shetland'.  

Edited by A Lark Ascending

Watching AMC's "Preacher." Wasn't really going to, then saw that Ruth Negga is in it and decided to, I really like her, think she's beautiful and she can act. (It's not surprising she's in this as she and the lead actor are an item). It's an ultraviolet irreverent show, I'm enjoying it so far.




Posted (edited)

I finally picked up a new computer (the last one wasn't quite BNBB days, but it was close!) and have discovered that streaming video actually work.  I've been binge watching Bosch today.


Edited by Jazzmoose


Excellent. Spent most of it wondering where I'd seen Miranda (Jessie Buckley) before...turns out she was Marya Bolkonskaya in the recent BBC War and Peace. Also D.I. Thursday (Roger Allam) from 'Endeavour' as Prospero. 

Posted (edited)


Ultimate Rome: Empire Without Limits

Four part social (mainly) history of the Roman Empire - very good with stunning photography from Northumbria to Judea. Worth it just to watch Mary Beard ripping a pizza apart in order to illustrate what happened to the Empire when it got too big to manage from Rome alone. Beard reminds me of my Anglo-Saxon history professor at uni (she taught Anglo Saxon history, she wasn't an Anglo-Saxon).  

Edited by A Lark Ascending
Posted (edited)

Last episode of 'Peaky Blinders' was edge of seat stuff. Still disturbed by the power to manipulate you - I was willing the priest to come to a nasty end from the off (he did!). Even when Alfie Solomons revealed Thomas' true nature to him, you remain on his side. Interesting twist at the end. Really pushing the limits of your sympathy. 


Storm Troupers: The Fight To Forecast The Weather

Fascinating historical documentary about how the science behind Britain's national pastime was uncovered (in an out of Britain...well done Bergen!). 

Edited by A Lark Ascending

Daredevil, Netflix series Season 2 via promo DVD set. Violent! But quite a good series. I'm one of the few people who liked the movie. This falls as far grittier. My ideal Daredevil is somewhere in between the movie and the TV series, that's sort of how the best years of the comic book were in my estimation (the Miller version).

I'm also getting caught up on 12 Monkeys. I didn't really "feel" the beginning episode of this second season and stopped it halfway and changed my DVR settings. But others have told me that I should have stuck at it. I'm about five episodes in and okay, it's better than I thought. . . but not essential viewing. 

And I just re-watched the last twenty minutes of last night's Cavs vs. Warriors again via DVR just for the heck of it. It was an unexpected joy to see them win at Oracle Stadium last night.





Thought this was rather an old-fashioned sort of film. Reminded me of the way historical films were made in the 60s/70s rather than the 90s. 


Revolution and Romance (BBC4)

Enjoyable three part history of music in the 19thC. Suzy Klein can't help herself joining in, dressing up and resorting to cheesy visual puns but it's all very easy to watch. Made me listen to some things that I've never really cared for. And I really need to hear/watch 'Die Freischutz'. 


OJ : Made In America


Half way through.  Not being American, the degree of his fame and stature as a ' football ' player were unknown to me and came as quite a surprise.

Well done and thought provoking, with a rare nod of approval from my better half.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, kinuta said:

OJ : Made In America


Half way through.  Not being American, the degree of his fame and stature as a ' football ' player were unknown to me and came as quite a surprise.

Well done and thought provoking, with a rare nod of approval from my better half.

Simpson's been a bit of a dormant topic, but he's trending upwards again.  I wonder why the renewed interest in him...

(But to add:  it's a very well-done documentary, at least the first three of five episodes.)

Edited by Ted O'Reilly
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Some mid-sixties show I have absolutely no memory of.  It's like picking up a copy of "Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane"-your first thought is complete confusion, because obviously it couldn't have come from our world.  But I couldn't stop watching.






8 hours ago, kinuta said:

Half way through.  Not being American, the degree of his fame and stature as a ' football ' player were unknown to me and came as quite a surprise.


An article I read the other day made an interesting point:  there are more people alive who are too young to remember the trial than there are old enough to remember watching him play football.  So I guess even here it's now a 'minor detail'.

Posted (edited)


BBC1 From a few weeks back but only just got round to this. Excellent drama that has you squirming in your seat as the undercover policeman married to a civil rights lawyer sees his anonymity slowly stripped away. Adrian Lester and Sophie Okonedo are superb. Came under some criticism for being unrealistic from someone who lived through a similar experience. But as drama, very powerful with lots of moral ambiguity. 


Mum (BBC2)

Really nice series of 30 minute comedies - bitter-sweet based around a mother recently bereaved and her dealings with her family. Overplays the incomprehension of the 20-somethings to 'old people' and they do come across as all airheads, but gently funny nonetheless. Suburban, middle class comedy, perhaps (like 'Nina' on BBC1) but that's my world.  

Edited by A Lark Ascending


Been a long time since I sat down and watched this series.  I decided to watch the original versions instead of the ones with redone FX, that's the way I remember them and it satisfies the nostalgic element.  I don't think I've ever actually watched the series in sequence, grew up seeing it on reruns on TV, so it should be an interesting trip.



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