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Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Mosaic


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I was never able to get the Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Mosiac, and while I do keep my eyes open on ebay, I haven't been fortunate enough to score yet.

How much of this is in print or relatively easy to find OOP CDs? In other words, would it be easier to try to reconstruct the box by buying the individual sessions or is Mosaic definitely the way to get this material? Thanks.


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Only two of the sessions are currently in print: Central Park North and Consummation. However, I would guess that another title is due to be released this year, as Blue Note has been putting out about one each year for the last couple of years.

If you have a turntable, it may be easier to fill out the rest on LP.

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A couple of the earlier ones were out on "budget" CDs - they could still be around somewhere.

Avoid that budget LRC CD under all circumstances - there is nothing on it that isn't on the two Blue reissue CDs, which sound a lot better - part of the LRC was dubbed from a scratchy LP!

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The Solid State LPs are relatively easy to find at second-hand vinyl stores. The only possible issue with them though is the presence of 'reverb', thanks to the original Sonny Lester production. Mosaic sorted that out.

I got one of the Village Vanguard LPs ( forget which) on SS not very long ago, I have to say that the sound is very good and I can't hear any added reverb.

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