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Where's shrugs?

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Anyone know what happened? Shrugs hasn't posted here since November last year, and judging by the recent stream of neutral and negative feedbacks on eBay (seller ID: shrugs), he seems to have vanished into thin air...

Edited by J.A.W.
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Even though the three LPs were purchased by 'thesquaresaol' on different dates, it's quite odd to see an 'A+' sandwiched in between 2 negatives. That's a first. :rfr

It seems that nothing was ever shipped from the auctions ending in January. He had flawless feedback until a month ago, then got 40 bad or neutral in a row.

Most alarming is this feedback, submitted by the same user for 20+ auctions:

No records or response to e-mail. Unlike Dave. Something must have happened.
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Hmmm.... was/is he still in the military reserves? I believe his pal "Joe Christmas" was. Maybe he got called into action?

I thought he served on submarines... I seem to recall him posting either here or at JC that it was unlikely he'd be called back up. Not that that means much these days, though.

Edited by ghost of miles
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This does not look good.

There are in fact more cases of members "disappearing" - for whatever reason - than those brought to general attention lately. Shrdlu, for instance, seems to have suddenly stopped posting in November last year. And unlike shrugs he remained very active up to that point.

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Well, shrugs did get married fairly recently, I believe. I imagine that could be playing a part--although probably not enough of one to explain why he hasn't followed through with his ebay transactions.

Shrdlu's wife passed away at some point (he mentioned it here) and I wouldn't be surprised if that has something to do with his hiatus.

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Shrdlu's wife passed away at some point (he mentioned it here) and I wouldn't be surprised if that has something to do with his hiatus.

The passing of shrdlu's wife was quite some time before his recent hiatus. He announced it, wasn't around much for a while, and then came back and was a fairly regular contributor.

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I just called and left a message on Joe McPhee's machine. He and Craig Johnson were in touch with Shrugs from time to time, so it is possible that they have heard from him or seen him at a performance. Anyway, this is quite disturbing and I'll stay on the case. Hope to be able to report a sighting.

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I just had a call from Joe McPhee. He last saw Shrugs about a year ago when he and his new bride came to a concert in New Orleans. He has since learned that the marriage ended, so Shrugs may have gone back to the Navy. Perhaps he is just taking time off to readjust. Let's hope he's okay.

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