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This board needs a clear mission statement

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Oh.  ^_^

Hi Flurin! I've always known you as the King. :D

I don't think you're a bully.  :tup

Your loyal subject,


Here comes some love...  :wub:

Thanks Jeff! I can really need it. I'm feeling awfully cold at this moment.

Flurin, you and Elvis are both Kings! :tup

And a belated thanks for those Jazz in Paris tips from the thread you started way back when.

Bobby Jasper! :tup

It's wuv day! :wub:

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I don't get it.

As the writer Gertrude Stein once said of Oakland, "There's no 'there' there."

Yet no matter where you go, there you are., so maybe she just needed to buy a pair of reading glassess at Walgreens.

I know I do!


now I'm really having a tuff time with this thread. agreed standing by is not good and that's just what dizz is telling all of us but this is getting to be like some fly fisherman convention - wade into the water and ya can't help but get stuck with a hook from somewhere.

my mission statement, not that it would mean anything to anybody here, is just to go about and be decent. if someone pisses on ya, let it be known and move on. i guess not standing behind others one respects/admires puts just as much oweness on the ignorer.

dizzyspells is really upset about all of this, not that i know what it all is, but i'll now give him the due respect for that.

now i imagine ubu on the other hand can be a bully when people spend more time discussing things here than listening to those two fine discs he painstakingly put together. what a great break it would be to have some more input on those threads. and dizzy can eat, drink AND be "merry" (just have to type the answers with the other hand.) while doing that. :g


Like AfricaBrass I must be dumb, and like Sangry I just don't get it either. And i must have missed what Flurin said. :blink:

As for folks leaving the board, it's very unfortunate (at least most of the time), but I'm a firm believer, when it comes to internet chat boards, in the "if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen" principle.

I really believe we're talking about a few isolated incidents here and that all this hand-wringing is unwarranted. But like I said above, I'm dumb and clueless so somebody please fill me in and set me straight...


Thanks, Quincy! Glad you enjoy the JiP discs!

And thanks again, Jeff. I know that, but sometimes I just get a bit of a different impression. Ignoring problems is not to solve them, and chilling and relaxing, neither. This got personal for me, thus chilling is not a valuable option, anyway. It would just be nice if friends would indeed stick together, instead of telling the one who got smeared (and the guy who takes this as the point in time to start a general reflection on this and other similar incidents that do happen more often, lately, than is good) to "chill out". Sorry, but really, that is no option, not among friends.

Starting to feel a bit better again. Need to get these things off my chest.


now i imagine ubu on the other hand can be a bully when people spend more time discussing things here than listening to those two fine discs he painstakingly put together. what a great break it would be to have some more input on those threads. and dizzy can eat, drink AND be "merry" (just have to type the answers with the other hand.) while doing that. :g

Shut the hell up.


Flurin, my most sincere apologies. Don't bully me, I will get on it and post my wonderful thoughts soon.

I've got no excuse, just being plain ass lazy.


Today just goes to show that we can't let lingering animosity go untreated, IMO, it's like a cancer.

I really ask that we can find a new way to deal with each other. I've sent PM's to people to apologize in the past. I've done this because I know that things get hot and heavy around here, but I really didn't mean to come off as harsh as I did in my posts. The thought of making enemies here saddens me. This is the place I come to have fun.

I watch all the craziness in the world today and I just think to myself; what would happen if people were able to sit down and talk, see the humanity and heart of their enemy.

I'm really sorry, if I came off as negating your feelings KU. I never intended that. :(


4.  You need to relax a little.

Yes, please. Just a little.

Just saw AB's post; I'm also not aware of who got "smeared". Were they not able to stand up for themselves? I'll back people up if I think they've been wrongly attacked, and if I think it's worth the effort.


I asked you before to say it out loud.

Tell me to shut up and I will, instantly.

I wasn't thinking anything of the kind. I'm just trying to figure out where you're coming from and what it is you're asking of us.

The posts by AfricaBrass and Man w/ Golden Arm express pretty much how I feel; that I'm primarily responsible for my own words here. I've also sent apology PM's in the past. And I've occasionally spoken up in defense of another member. I also believe that silence is a statement by itself, although not quite as effective in this situation, because it could be assumed that one simply didn't see what went down.

I'm sure that Jim's not going to shut down the board, unless it gets truly out of control. I think the core group here is too strong and too close-knit to let that happen without having something to say about it.


I'm sure that Jim's not going to shut down the board, unless it gets truly out of control. I think the core group here is too strong and too close-knit to let that happen without having something to say about it.

Thanks Joe! I hope you guys keep this place going for a long time. Thanks to Jim for his patience with us.

I really don't know what I'd do without this board... work, I guess. :lol:

Actually, my internet would be broken. :(


Today just goes to show that we can't let lingering animosity go untreated, IMO, it's like a cancer.

I really ask that we can find a new way to deal with each other. I've sent PM's to people to apologize in the past. I've done this because I know that things get hot and heavy around here, but I really didn't mean to come off as harsh as I did in my posts. The thought of making enemies here saddens me. This is the place I come to have fun.

I watch all the craziness in the world today and I just think to myself; what would happen if people were able to sit down and talk, see the humanity and heart of their enemy.

I'm really sorry, if I came off as negating your feelings KU. I never intended that. :(



I really don't know what I'd do without this board... work, I guess. :lol:

It would be nice to finish up a couple of projects. :w



I really don't know what I'd do without this board... work, I guess.  :lol:

It would be nice to finish up a couple of projects. :w


I've been meaning to get this gum out of my hair all day.


Edit: Re who got smeared.

Just today?

Flurin is a bully.

Nobody spoke up. As usual.

I'm repeating myself.

P.S.: Ask some of the people who left to write you up a list. It's been circulating here long enough. A cut-and-paste job should do it.

That's me, btw, in case some are not aware of it.

You're all welcome to bring me some love. First thing would be to stick together a bit... (thanks to John B!)

Oh. ^_^

Hi Flurin! I've always known you as the King. :D

I don't think you're a bully. :tup

Your loyal subject,


Here comes some love... :wub:

Thanks Jeff! I can really need it. I'm feeling awfully cold at this moment.

Dude, what Dan said is totally appropriate: calilng you a bully is like calling Aric a well-adjusted mature adult.

Just because one, ONE, nitwit calls you a "bully" sure-as-hell doesn't make it so.


I really don't know what I'd do without this board... work, I guess.  :lol:

It would be nice to finish up a couple of projects. :w


I've been meaning to get this gum out of my hair all day.

Let that gum where it belongs and make an entry over there.



??????? What is going on here?

And who is DizzySpells to be telling anyone how to act or how to post? He wasn't around two months ago.

Let's not let this guy make the Board a place of craziness. That's what's happening.


....and it it weren't for The King (Ubu), I wouldn't be listening to the best darn live Prince shows on the planet.

A big purple kiss for you, Ubu...



I really don't know what I'd do without this board... work, I guess.  :lol:

It would be nice to finish up a couple of projects. :w


I've been meaning to get this gum out of my hair all day.

Let that gum where it belongs and make an entry over there.


Yes sir. B-)


??????? What is going on here?

And who is DizzySpells to be telling anyone how to act or how to post? He wasn't around two months ago.

Let's not let this guy make the Board a place of craziness. That's what's happening.

I don't think DizzySpells is actually a new member.


Ok, I've just read the latest installments in the Aric thread now and am starting to get it it.


Ubu is totally cool.

This "bullying" crap is passive-agressive control mechanism bullshit, and/or the whiny immaturity of a fragile ego that can dish it out but can't take it in return. Probably seeking revenvge for some long-ago emotional scars that still haven't healed. Call me a bully for saying this, but there it is. I've been called worse by better, and really won't lose any sleep over it.

Brownie & Hans will be missed. A wealth of knowledge there, shared wwiht generosity and good vibes. Hopefully they will return in their own time and of their own volition. They will definitely be welcomed back when/if they do.

Aric? He's gone, the bad with the good, and vice-versa. Life goes on, and troubled but lovable souls like him gotta learn that the bad they do sometimes overwhelms the good.

One or two problematic individuals do not define a community unless they are given the power to do so. I, for one, refuse to do that. Not now, not here, not ever.

Yours in obesity,

Daddy Pop


??????? What is going on here?

And who is DizzySpells to be telling anyone how to act or how to post? He wasn't around two months ago.

Let's not let this guy make the Board a place of craziness. That's what's happening.

I don't think DizzySpells is actually a new member.

Dizzy is not new at all, no.

We're cool, rachel (only I need to catch up with all that Prince stuff lying around while you obviously are listening to it...)

Thanks Daddy Pop for *getting it*... I didn't want to complicate things even more by posting links and shifting the focus of this thread even more. Noted & appreciated. :tup



Me either.

Yes, there has been some odd changes in the weather around here recently but nothing that we members and Jim (if necessary) can't handle in the normal course of things. (In fact, I think it's been handled quite well just that way.) Any "remedy" beyond that seems likely to make things worse.

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