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Worst film ever...

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I used to be into the Power Rangers when I was little.  ^_^ Those were the days. I was only allowed to watch the show, not get any of the stuff.  :lol:

If you are of an age when you were actually 'into' the Power Rangers, then you're still little in my book.

:lol: I was thinking the same thing. Heck, I thought I was young because I remembered Lassie as a forest ranger's dog rather than belonging to Timmy and June Lockhart...

Lassie was once a forest ranger's dog???

You bet yer ass; I was a Lassie Junior Forest Ranger, with a certificate and everything!

Hmmm...I keep forgetting to put that on my resume...

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Weizen - Goldie Hawn wasn't in Stripes - are you thinking of Private Benjamin?? That movie is total crap. Stripes is funny (at least the first half is!) - Murray, Harold Ramis, PJ Soles, John Candy. Both movies have similar plots however - city slickers join the army.

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I thought Private Benjamin was okay. Certainly not in the realm of movies that are being discussed here. As for Stripes, it was a pretty darn good half-a-movie, until they realized it actually wasn't a one hour TV pilot and had to tack on the last part. But then making a movie about boot camp has to be just about the easiest thing in the world. The first half of Full Metal Jacket was great. Then it began to meander. Hell, even Jack Webb was able to do it.

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  • 5 years later...

A little late but I have to say I really really really hate Titanic. Technical achievements aside, its just appalling, and the absolute worst part of it is the contrived stupidity of the ending. Are we really supposed to believe:

  • That it takes her two days to actually notice the necklace has been in her pocket all that time? When she's been freezing he ass off since she went in the water?
  • That she held on to this priceless diamond for 70 years, even though, since she isn't marrying dipshit, she and her mother are now in deep financial straits?
  • What the hell happened to mom anyway?
  • And then finally, she's told her story, and she decides to throw this priceless jewel into the north atlantic .... WHY? Is this a tribute to her beloved Jack? He didn't give it to her, and dipshit tried to use it to frame Jack by planting it on him and claiming he stole it.

I could deal with all of the melodramatic shit in this film but the ending is just appalling.

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HEAD is in my personal list of top-five favorite movies. Whatever one thinks about it, you gotta admit there is an element of brutal honesty throughout the film: about the Monkees, about the sixties, about damn near everything. Rafelson, Nicholson, & the Monkees themselves took no prisoners (even pointing the proverbial gun at themselves a lot of times). Sure, it doesn't make a helluva lot of sense as a whole, but as individual vignettes it almost becomes a peek under the psychedelic carpet to see all the bad shit that was really going on back then.

KISS Phantom..... well, yeah, of course it's bad! Even the band knew it was bad! Loved it when I was a kid, still love it now but for far different reasons. It comes across now as a very deliberate "wink wink, nudge nudge" act by a band riding high on the wave of popularity and you either allow yourself to enjoy the ride or you let yourself be insulted. Personally, I think I'll do the fun one!

I've never sat all the way through TITANIC, but I will admit to being fascinated by the sinking ship scenes. But any movie that gives us that GD Celine Dion song..... only one other song makes me angry enough to want to punch someone/something, and that's Kenny G's "Songbird." Both songs have whiny grating sounds at their center.

Worst movie ever? No contest for me: "Hot Rod." Pretty much anything with Andy Samberg's a piece of shit in my book, and they all seem to replicate the MO of this one: mean-spirited, unfunny, and just plain stupid.

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I can't say what the worst film I've ever seen was, I tend to quickly forget the dire ones and dwell on the good ones. However Glen Or Glenda has to be up there in the upper echelons of The Grand Stinkeroo Gallery.


Maybe the Frank S. film was The Devil At Four O Clock.

Edited by kinuta
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Man, I hated this movie! And I love a well done action flick. Has to be one of Bruce Willis' worst movies, right down there with Last Man Standing

I remember the writer was paid a then record amount of money ($1.75 Mil, just looked it up for the exact dollar amount) to write the screenplay. Funny, that writer (Shane Black) basically got out of writing screenplays after a few more huge paydays...since he was not really liking what he had to do, and everyone was harping on how much he got. Still, even if he was paid a dollar for this one, it was too much.

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There have been many bad movies throughout the years. In recent memory, one of the worst I can think of was "Dragon Wars".


It was heavily hyped, with commercials touting it during primetime television for weeks before its release. Luckily, I didn't get to see it until the local library got a copy on DVD. Ugh. What a stinker. The worse thing about it was the comically bad acting. The Mystery Science Theater guys could have a field day with it. Combine really bad acting with a plot with enough holes to drive a bus through and you get a movie that you have trouble watching after about 10 minutes.

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There are so many different types and degrees of bad movies, just as there are many different types of good ones, that choosing a single worst one is simply absurd.

(Although, having said that, I must admit that watching Hudson Hawk on the big screen has to be one of the most unpleasant movie-going experiences of my life.)

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There are so many different types and degrees of bad movies, just as there are many different types of good ones, that choosing a single worst one is simply absurd.

I'm pretty sure "Hot Rod" would be the worst movie ever made regardless of type, degree, category, race, religion, or creed. ;)

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