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Guest ariceffron

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Maybe Aric could be allowed back after a suspension, and he and SS1 could be automatically relegated to each others' ignore lists by Jim.

However, I respect Jim's decisions thus far and think he has been more than reasonable.

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I've got an idea.... Let's invite Aric and Deep back and give them their own catagory. That way, all their fans could go play with them and enjoy the abuse, and the others could stay out of harm's way.

Honestly, to say either of them really added anything of substance is a stretch. Mostly it is abuse sprinkled with knowledge. Lightly sprinkled.

Come on folks, a little support for Jim here. I see very little of it.

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I definitely support Jim's decision in this and I think we should move on.

I do like the idea, tho, of having a separate "train wreck" section where these guys

along with the jazzwank fella can set up their own circle jerk corner.

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I definitely support Jim's decision in this and I think we should move on.

I do like the idea, tho, of having a separate "train wreck" section where these guys

along with the jazzwank fella can set up their own circle jerk corner.


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I support Jim's decision. Honestly, I was thinking this thread was closed and if not, it should be soon.

Aric had his moments, but he really had gotten out of hand lately, forcing Jim to edit and tone down his posts (remember The Floor Above Her). Maybe he really was having some trouble adjusting to new meds, but enough is enough.

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Allright people, let's just settle this thing once and for all and hand out an appropriate punishment ---- Rooster gets banned for violating the 'too much sucking up on one thread' rule.  :P 

BUT, seriously, (and probably most importantly!!) -- I still think this is Jim's board, and therefore think that Jim ought to do whatever he thinks is best, including ignoring what I think.

Whatever. It's Jim's board, and it's Jim's call, and I'll back whatever he decides.

I've given Jim all the support I can, without risking my own neck further. :ph34r:

It's all up to the rest of you at this point...

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I support Jim's decision. Honestly, I was thinking this thread was closed and if not, it should be soon.

Aric had his moments, but he really had gotten out of hand lately, forcing Jim to edit and tone down his posts (remember The Floor Above Her). Maybe he really was having some trouble adjusting to new meds, but enough is enough.

Maybe his doctor can give Jim a call with the all-clear later this year...

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jim- give aric another chance. put him on probation. ;)

I think Aric should be given another chance, but not for another 6 months or more -- maybe a full year even. And on second thought, much as I love his antics, we all know eventually he'll pull the same shit as he did here recently, and back on the old BNBB.

Sometime early in 2006, let's think about maybe letting Aric back. But not until he's had some SERIOUS time to chill out.

Also, let's not forget that this all just creates more headache for our host, Jim. I'm sure all this is mostly just a pain in the ass for him. (I'd say more, but doing so would run the risk of me being banned. :g )

Oh, and I second the motion to have this thread locked. All in favor???


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Someone ought to start a new BBS, somewhere far, far away, call it ELBAnned, and open it up to all the banished ones from this an other boards. I bet it would be lively and eminently stalkable. :g


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Sometime early in 2006, let's think about maybe letting Aric back. But not until he's had some SERIOUS time to chill out.

Do you honestly think that a guy's going to be sitting around on pins & needles for a full year anxiously waiting for an invitation to come back to an online bulletin board? :rfr If that's the case, he needs his head examined. Jesus Christ, he's history!! .....let him move on with his life!!! :ph34r:

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I hadn't noticed that even the title of this thread has been changed :angry:

Really unhappy with what's going on here!

Since it's still a goodbye thread, I'm taking a few steps backward!

Bye Bye and good luck to Organissimo!

Another unfortunate byproduct of Aric perpetually being thrown off these jazz boards. Usually takes a one or two good people with him.

Hope you reconsider Brownie. Wish you could understand that our host has the right to ban people that threaten to kill him and his family. Seems like Jim's been real even handed here on this board. Also, he's a working musician who probably doesn't need any of this grief.

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I hadn't noticed that even the title of this thread has been changed  :angry:

Really unhappy with what's going on here!

Since it's still a goodbye thread, I'm taking a few steps backward!

Bye Bye and good luck to Organissimo!

I respect your opinion and your decision to leave, but please reconsider.

Aric has made a lot of wild and crazy threats over the past many months, which are well documented in this thread (just scroll up, they're all in one post, which has been quoted multiple times). I understand the title of this thread was originally in very poor taste, and was a threat as well (with linked images in the first post that were very much against board rules).

Taking all that into consideration, I think Aric's ban is fully warranted. The way it all went down, with Ss1 baiting him and all was unfortunate (and very much unnecessary), but the fact of the matter is that on nearly a dozen occasions, Aric has gone over the line. And he's bumped right up to that line a bunch too. Don't think that he was banned because of this one incident alone -- there is a cumulative effect to consider too.

The board will be a lesser place if you leave, brownie. But if you feel that strongly about it, then by all means go. I wish you all the best, and hope you stop back sometime. Best wishes.

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Oh, and I second the motion to have this thread locked.  All in favor???

Yes! Before we piss off more people like brownie.

Maybe it's time to nominate an additional Moderator, so threads like this can get locked a little more quickly -- when Jim and "The Fist" aren't around.

Maybe he don't want the job, and maybe b3-er don't want nobody else to have that kind of power on his board (and I can respect that)...

But regardless, I herby nominate JIM SANGRY to have Moderator powers on this board.

Sangry has shown nothing but the best judgment about everything around here. He's on the board quite a hell of a lot, and he's earned it --- not through his post-count, but though the value and depth of his participation in this board, and others.

Anybody else think this would be a beneficial addition to the moderation of this board??? I'm not asking Sangry to suddenly run the place -- but it might be nice to have another chance to keep things on the rails, before they spin out of control every once in a while. Hell, Sangry might only lock two or three threads per year, but if one was a thread like this one -- it'd be worth it.

Note: This is in no way meant as a criticism of the job Jim (b3-er) and his bro are doing.

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