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Vote for organissimo

Just thought it would be kind of cool, as the sponsors of this website

are worthy of some additional recognition, and it seems like a pretty

democratic concept on Blue Note's end.

Just click on "suggest artist" and scroll down to Organissimo. I noticed

they weren't on the list yet, so I got it rollin'. Felt better than giving

blood... well except for the cookies and juice thang.


That's honestly some of the funniest stuff I've seen on the ol' Organissimo board (Sorry Chuck, I'm laughing with you on this). I just love the music biz..."who the f are you...oh, that's our new manager! :huh::winky::D


BTW, if you decide to vote again, you can vote for my old high school friend and one of the great drummers of his generation, Obed Calvaire. (Someday I'll make a killing licensing the crappy demo I did with him on drums. ;) )


First post? Who are you and WTF is this?

Whoa, down Chuck!!! :o:g

Greg is a good friend and our new manager! Welcome!!


Yeah, but Greg still has to post 9 more times before he can sell anything here, right?? ^_^


Chuck is right. An introduction would have been more appropriate. I've been on

the phone all day with agents and club owners from various parts of the

country. So, I guess I still had my plaid used-car-salemen vibe in tow.

Saw the Blue Note site. Noticed the "suggest artist" option, and the rest

is now part of my ignoble history.


Hello, My Name Is:

Greg Nagy

I am the newly appointed manager for the incredibly smokin' hot band,

Organissimo. This position is a great honor, for never in my life have

I felt such love and happiness (except for that Al Green tune) from a musical

pressing. Do they press CDs?

Moreover, in a very short time, Organissimo will be unleashing a product

that will likely change the very nature of the universe, as we 'think' we know

it. Young children will dance and sing, and old women will weep.

Politicians will learn the errors of their collective ways, and criminals

will display emotive contrition, unconditionally.

So, at the very least, given the nature of the world today, a vote for

Organissimo as 'suggested artist', is a vote for humanity.

Thank You

P.S. In all seriousness, sorry about the faux paus.


I don't see no place to vote for anything, much less Organissimo.

Hey Mr. Bo Peep!

Click on the link and then looky to yer left and you'll see

the "main menu" - look for "Suggest Artist" and click.

You'll see a pull down and you have to go waaaaaaaaaay down to the "O"s

and you'll see it there.

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