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I recall that in the liner notes to his Blue Note 12-inch LP, Herbie Nichols speaks affectionately of Heitor Villa-Lobos piano music, particuarly his Rudepoema. Today I was listening to a fine ASV Villa-Lobos CD by pianist Alma Petchersky, available cheap from Berkshire (it includes Rudepoema), and found some Nichols pre-echoes in several of the pieces from the sequence Cirandas.


Noted. I have a list going for a nice stack of new music after this week's paycheck. This sounds like a good buy. Larry, can you recommend me a couple of items from the Nessa catalog as well? Hopefully not too off-topic and thanks for the recommendation!


can you recommend me a couple of items from the Nessa catalog as well?

I'm not Larry, so I hope you don't mind the recommendations:

I would highly recommend all of these:

Von Freeman - Serenade & Blues (absolutely beautiful. One of my favorite albums on Nessa)

Von Freeman - Have No Fear

Fred Anderson - The Missing Link

Air - Air Time

Also, the Art Ensemble box is a limited edition, and somewhat close to being out of print, if I remember correctly. Great music and a truly historic set.


Larry B! What's up! Thanks John. Actually, I have all of those except the Vons. I've heard a Von record at a friend's house and really felt it, so I'll be taking your advice.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


if you want to get a little more "out" I also really enjoy Wadada Leo Smith's Procession of the Great Ancestry and Roscoe Mitchell's LRG/The Maze/S II Examples.

I would definitely recommend the two Von discs to you first, however.


There was (is) a great Rudepoema by Nelson Freire (1974 Teldec LP, reissued in Europe in 2003 on Warner) but Petchersky on ASV is close behind and the price at Berkshire ($5.99 I think) is right. Terrific recording job too. At one point Berkshire had three albums of her Villa-Lobos.


The Freire was on a 1987 Teldec CD as well - a very good recording.

I have the Cirandas and Cirandinhas by Roberto Szidon on French Le Chant du Monde, which I can recommend.

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