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brownie, that catalogue was sold here, too, for the prize of a JiP CD - same in Paris, or was it for free?

mr. never will also need the nice large A4 paper brochure, with infos for all the discs (except the recent releases and that one that they discontinued, that very nice Chet disc).


That unnumbered disc plus catalogue was sold as a regular JinP issue. Not for free.

The A4 brochure on the other hand was available for free until all copies were grabbed!


That unnumbered disc plus catalogue was sold as a regular JinP issue. Not for free.

The A4 brochure on the other hand was available for free until all copies were grabbed!

Same deal as here. I'm sorry I just took one catalogue with me, and even more sorry I made some crosses in there (for discs I wanted, discs I had, etc... useless, now that I have all of them).

Is there any music in there? Or just a CD-ROM catalogue?


Couw posted (# 55) a link to that CD plus catalogue. The booklet was CD sized.

I stopped writing on catalogues several years ago when I went back to old BN catalogues from the Lion/Wolff era and a Saturn brochure and found all my added notes on them! I keep the new items pristine nowadays!


Couw posted (# 55) a link to that CD plus catalogue. The booklet was CD sized.

sometimes posting here is like talking to a wall... <_<


Ahem, you "walls"... my question was if there was any unreleased music on the catalogue CD, not what size the catalogue has - obviously having posted that I've seen it in stores here, I know it's CD-sized...

And that link the Dutch wall posted tells me there's one unreleased track on the disc, but not which one it is and if that track may be a reason to get the catalogue or not... you see, talking to you (unlike posting links) is indeed almost like talking to a wall :g


And that link the Dutch wall posted tells me there's one unreleased track on the disc, but not which one it is and if that track may be a reason to get the catalogue or not... you see, talking to you (unlike posting links) is indeed almost like talking to a wall  :g

why don't you go through some trouble, find a tracklisting and compare it to your brochure. Looks like it's the final track, an 8min26 version of St Louis Blues by Bill Coleman.


And that link the Dutch wall posted tells me there's one unreleased track on the disc, but not which one it is and if that track may be a reason to get the catalogue or not... you see, talking to you (unlike posting links) is indeed almost like talking to a wall  :g

why don't you go through some trouble, find a tracklisting and compare it to your brochure. Looks like it's the final track, an 8min26 version of St Louis Blues by Bill Coleman.

I hate trouble, I'm lazy, I'm at work - you know all of that don't you? And finally: I am a wall, so what do you expect :crazy:

(A crazy wall, obviously)

But thanks for the info - will check if I can still find that catalogue anywhere! The Coleman disc is a beautiful one!


You guys are just freaks.

Who the hell wants to listen to a CATALOGUE, one tune or not?

Jeez, jazz fans.



That post *so* just bumps back at you, you know :P

You're talking to a wall, thus all your arguments will fall back on your own head, you lunatic! :g

And if you want to know how to listen to a catalogue (seems you never did this before, so I explain): put a catalogue on a table, open it randomly. Make sure there is some draught, then just sit in the room, most quietly, and listen to the wind changing pages of tha catalogue. You will, after doing this for some time, easily be able to distinguish an old Mosaic catalogue from a more recent one, or from a Fantasy catalogue, or from a Trueblue catalogue... You will, from a totally different angle, be able to appreciate the quality and thickness of paper, the size of the catalogue, the weight etc.

A whole new aera of experience will open up, you shall see!


You guys are just freaks.

Who the hell wants to listen to a CATALOGUE, one tune or not?

Jeez, jazz fans.


And if you want to know how to listen to a catalogue (seems you never did this before, so I explain): put a catalogue on a table, open it randomly. Make sure there is some draught, then just sit in the room, most quietly, and listen to the wind changing pages of tha catalogue. You will, after doing this for some time, easily be able to distinguish an old Mosaic catalogue from a more recent one, or from a Fantasy catalogue, or from a Trueblue catalogue... You will, from a totally different angle, be able to appreciate the quality and thickness of paper, the size of the catalogue, the weight etc.

A whole new aera of experience will open up, you shall see!

Yo, funny man! I just wanted to add to my explanation that, depending on how strong the wind blows, you can hear several different tunes coming from just one catalogue. Also you can freely combine catalogues, of course, which allows endless creative creationism (as opposed to evolution, that is) :excited:

Now it's time for to go back into my cage... :crazy:


I just tried it, ubu.

The first movement was cool (a big fat Universal catalogue), the Mosaics were a bit to thin on the reeds, but when I added the IKEA catalogue, I got those annoying false starts that just didn't seem to work ... I gave up.

You guys are still freaks, freaks, FREAKS! :beee:


I just tried it, ubu.

The first movement was cool (a big fat Universal catalogue), the Mosaics were a bit to thin on the reeds, but when I added the IKEA catalogue, I got those annoying false starts that just didn't seem to work ... I gave up.

You guys are still freaks, freaks, FREAKS!  :beee:


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