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I've thinking of taking a hiatus from the Politics Forum.

do it. it's good for the peace of mind and after less than a week you are less likely to forget verbs when writing stuff.

anyhow, can a hiatus be *taken*? isn't a hiatus more of the factual kind that is imposed instead of a being choice?

serious question


I've thinking of taking a hiatus from the Politics Forum.

do it. it's good for the peace of mind and after less than a week you are less likely to forget verbs when writing stuff.

anyhow, can a hiatus be *taken*? isn't a hiatus more of the factual kind that is imposed instead of a being choice?

serious question

A hiatus is a break in activies.


I've thinking of taking a hiatus from the Politics Forum.

do it. it's good for the peace of mind and after less than a week you are less likely to forget verbs when writing stuff.

anyhow, can a hiatus be *taken*? isn't a hiatus more of the factual kind that is imposed instead of a being choice?

serious question

A hiatus is a break in activies.

Okay, I thought it was more a gap than a break. Like a temporal hiatus in geological deposits. Nothing anyone can do anything about really.

Guest DizzySpells

couw, I think you might have gotten it confused with this:

What is a hiatus hernia?

A hiatus hernia occurs when the upper part of the stomach, which is joined to the oesophagus (gullet), moves up into the chest through the hole (called a hiatus) in the diaphragm. It is common and occurs in about 10 per cent of people.

What are the symptoms?

Most people are not troubled by their hiatus hernia, but if reflux of the acid contents of the stomach occurs (called gastro-oesophageal reflux), you get heartburn. This is a painful burning sensation in the chest, which can sometimes be felt in the throat. Sudden regurgitation of acid fluid into the mouth can occur, especially when you lie down or bend forward. These symptoms are a problem when you go to bed and can wake you up. Other symptoms include belching, pain on swallowing hot fluids and a feeling of food sticking in the oesophagus.

Who gets a hiatus hernia?

It is most common in overweight middle-aged women and elderly people. It can occur during pregnancy. The diagnosis is confirmed by barium meal X-rays or by passing a tube with a camera on the end into the stomach (gastroscopy).

What are the risks?

Hiatus hernia is usually not serious; however, it can cause inflammation of the lower end of the oesophagus. This is called reflux oesophagitis, and it may cause bleeding (perhaps anaemia) or a stricture. Cancer in a hiatus hernia is very rare, but there is a slight increased risk of it developing in the inflamed area.

What is the treatment?


    * Keep to your ideal weight.

    * Avoid stooping.

    * Avoid smoking.

    * Reduce alcohol and coffee.

    * Avoid tight corsets.

    * Adjust your bed.

    * Take antacid.

    * Have small meals.

    * Avoid spicy food.

    * Avoid hot drinks.

    * Avoid having supper.

    * Avoid gassy drinks.

Looking at that list, self-help is out of the question for me. :(


couw, I think you might have gotten it confused with this

I use the geological concept in every day work, so if I confuse than not with some scary medical conditions!


Has Deus gone Dizzy?

Dizzy is my pal, I invited him to the board.

He came and felt right at home.

I'm gonna stick a piece of gum in his hair when he ain't lookin'.

if you only leave the damp newspaper-paper be.

come to think of it: save your gum for the more deserving.

BTW: Dizzy lacks a beard.


Just a reminder....  If memory serves, it was the Politics that really brought down the old BNBB.

Must have been, cuz I'm sure it had nothing to do with exchanging CD's, or people's opinions of one lovely young songstress, or their hostility toward her new fans, or certain adult content on a site that was drawing lots of new pre-teen fans... ;)

Sure, the "Norah Thing" really was the nail in the coffin there, no doubt. But it always seemed like the Politics section was teetering on the verge nearly all the time. Don't think we have the same problem here, although I wouldn't know since that section is invisible to me.

I know a lot of folks (o.k. usually it's two or three that always argue each other) enjoy the section. But those who tread in those waters ought to be aware of making Jim step in and and break it up. If it goes to that point, well, that's just out of hand (please ignore the sermon, just a friendly reminder from the Jim Alfredson Fan Club).

Guest DizzySpells
Posted (edited)

Has Deus gone Dizzy?

I'm not Dizzy.

I'm DizzySpells ... of the Hampton, Wilson and Goodman type.

Big difference.

And most of my friends are couws.


Who the hell is Deus? :blink:

Edited by DizzySpells

Has Deus gone Dizzy?

I'm not Dizzy.

I'm DizzySpells ... of the Hampton, Wilson and Goodman type.

Big difference.


I thought you were feeling light headed.


Has Deus gone Dizzy?

I'm not Dizzy.

I'm DizzySpells ... of the Hampton, Wilson and Goodman type.

Big difference.

And most of my friends are couws.


Who the hell is Deus? :blink:

Well... if you are Deus...

I'm glad you're here. :tup

and if you're aren't...

Welcome! :tup


Who the hell is Deus?  :blink:

Great. Another frickin' athiest...

You might be confusing him with Zeus, you friggin' Moose! B-)

zeus had too many wives. He even dated a cow once. We're still recuperating... :ph34r:

Guest DizzySpells

Welcome! :tup


This place is crazier than a nuthouse.

I'm gonna feel right at home.

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