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DRAT! We missed Jim R's birthday!

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Well, just like last year, I let the 23rd of February slip by without mentioning that it's the birthday of a great guy, an insanely (and insane) funny poster and e-mailer, and the man most responsible for introducing me to the wonderful world of Jobim (both the album and the music in general).

Happy (very belated AGAIN) birthday, my friend! :party::party::party:

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And a "very merry unbirthday" today to JimR and everyone! :party::party::party:

(I had this Disney single when I was 3 or 4 that had "Happy Birthday" on one side, and "A Very Merry Unbirthday" on the other... and at the end of each song, a voice would tell you to flip it over and play the OTHER side... drove the adults NUTS when I kept obeying the voice at the end of each side!)

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wasn't it JimR who put up that "Happy Birthday to Everybody!" thread?

so Happy Birthday to JimR and everybody! :party:

I thought it was Sangrey who posted that... but I do remember chiming in. ^_^

Okay, this is hard (always is), but my name is Jim R and I'm a birthday thread slacker. But you guys know I mean well, right? I just posted on the "Happy birthday, Big Al" thread, so maybe there's hope (but don't count on it :g ).

But seriously, my computer is SO slow (HOW SLOW IS IT?)... uhhhh, my computer is so slow, I just found out that we're all gathering at Organissimo, and not the Harlem.org board! Okay, that wasn't very serious. But it does take me a long time to go from thread to thread, and to try to keep up with everything on the TAT page, and I just try to cut every corner I can. That's my excuse... (at least, it's the best one I could think of right now)... :w

Okay, SERIOUSLY. I really appreciate all the posts here... some heartwarming, some hilarious, some kind of nauseating. No, no, really, it's very nice of all of you... although... :unsure: ... I noticed that the "Happy Birthday, Jazzypaul" thread got more replies than this one. :o

:g (sorry, I guess I have trouble being serious)

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I noticed that the "Happy Birthday, Jazzypaul" thread got more replies than this one. :o

:g (sorry, I guess I have trouble being serious)

I know, I hate him; he has more replies than both of our birthday threads combined. I say that we withhold our humor from him until he apologizes. That'll teach HIM, right? Right?

(man, the crickets are chirping awfully loud this early in the year, ain't they?)

(And you think YOU have trouble being serious!) :g

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