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... and otherwise experience a happy REALTY ...

No man — not possible. We've been house-hunting for way too long now, and in a seller's market no less.

Oh, wait. Wuzzat?

ouch, but hopefully it is leading to what will be a happy home

good luck!!!!

I've bought five of them ... always thought I was in a buyer's market and felt like I overpaid each time ... but made money selling the first four ... it is hard to see that when you are in the heat of it though ... B-)

Edited by Eric
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not me

the whole thing seems pretty absurd to me

why don't we have a TV show celebrating the best teachers of the year? or most impactful charities? or spiritual leaders?

of course I know why we don't and that's why I don't give a crap about the Oscars ...

What I don't understand, if you truly care so little about them, why you even bothered, wasting your time, to start a thread bashing them... :blink:

And for the record, they *do* give awards to "best teachers" - it's just that millions of people don't care about watching them on TV. I can't vouch for the charities or spiritual leaders... ^_^

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not me

the whole thing seems pretty absurd to me

why don't we have a TV show celebrating the best teachers of the year?  or most impactful charities?  or spiritual leaders?

of course I know why we don't and that's why I don't give a crap about the Oscars ...

What I don't understand, if you truly care so little about them, why you even bothered, wasting your time, to start a thread bashing them... :blink:

And for the record, they *do* give awards to "best teachers" - it's just that millions of people don't care about watching them on TV. I can't vouch for the charities or spiritual leaders... ^_^

Typical RDK enterance. I love you, but you are like one of my vinyl copies of Cornbread.

What I don't understand, if you truly care about them, why you even bothered, wasting your time, adding your useless input to a thread that bashes them? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Hey, Foxx had Ray and I have RDK. Come up with some new shit, would you.

I haven't seen the Oscars in 10 years, but I still have the personal integrity to say what I think about them.

Edited by wolff
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And, besides, dig Gwyneth!

She's nice, but that's about it. She'd kill to have one per cent of Grace's class.

Why bother about Oscars if you like good filmmaking... this is about show business, not about films. And hell, Scorsese should have gotten Oscars for "Taxi Driver" and "Mean Streets", and if not for those he should have at least gotten it for "Age of Innocence"... nowadays he seems to go commercial, just as Coppola did two decades ago. Sad that so few american directors and/or actors pull their thing through. Look at Robert Altman for a role model (ok, ok, fire away now...)


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I must confess that the Oscars are one of my guilty pleasures. I love the excess and it's nice to see everyone get awards at such a dressy occasion. Of course film is not as important as the jobs that teachers, doctors and others do, but I like the Oscars. Just call me shallow.:rolleyes:

The actor I wanted to win won, Jamie Foxx, who I thought did a superb job as Ray Charles in "Ray".

Best gown?? Hillary Swank's. WOW!!! Elegant. Simple. Absolutely the best, IMO.

It didn't hurt that she had been working out for her role in "Million Dollar Baby" and her back is astounding.

Edited by patricia
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I generally watch as much as I can stand (before falling asleep, it goes past my bedtime).

IF you follow the year's movies it adds a level of interest; I have been following movies the last four or five years and so I've been watching the Oscars. Enjoying most of what transpires before I go to bed.

I worked yesterday afternoon though, was tired, didn't make it much past Natalie Portman's presenting an award. . . glad Jamie won, wish there had been a different big picture win (NOT a boxing movie fan).

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Well, Scorsese now joins the ranks of Hitchcock and Altman for "Most times nominated without winning" (5). Sure, THE AVIATOR isn't his best movie--not by a longshot--but I would've much preferred seeing it win over the Eastwood flick.

I didn't watch the show--my wife and I don't have cable by choice. We watched HORSEFEATHERS on DVD instead. Much better choice, IMO. ^_^

Edited by ghost of miles
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not me

the whole thing seems pretty absurd to me

why don't we have a TV show celebrating the best teachers of the year?  or most impactful charities?  or spiritual leaders?

of course I know why we don't and that's why I don't give a crap about the Oscars ...

What I don't understand, if you truly care so little about them, why you even bothered, wasting your time, to start a thread bashing them... :blink:

And for the record, they *do* give awards to "best teachers" - it's just that millions of people don't care about watching them on TV. I can't vouch for the charities or spiritual leaders... ^_^

Typical RDK enterance. I love you, but you are like one of my vinyl copies of Cornbread.

What I don't understand, if you truly care about them, why you even bothered, wasting your time, adding your useless input to a thread that bashes them? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Hey, Foxx had Ray and I have RDK. Come up with some new shit, would you.

I haven't seen the Oscars in 10 years, but I still have the personal integrity to say what I think about them.

The problem I have with Eric's initial post - and, truthfully, with your "I haven't owned a TV in ten years" shtick - is the implication of elitism and superiority about it. It smacks of: TV may be for the masses but it's beneath me; or I only watch indie or foreign films, none of that Hollywoood garbage, or pop music sucks, I only listen to jazz. <_< Perhaps I'm being overly sensitive, but I've heard each of those responses many times over the years, from many different people. Personally I don't give a fuck if anyone owns a TV or not or digs awards shows - and last night's Oscar telecast was a snooze imo - but to castigate entire cultural genres - let alone media delivery devices - seems utterly foolish to me.

And I've still never quite understood the desire to start and propigate threads about things that have no appeal and interest for me... :rolleyes: I guess to validate one's negative opinions...

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RDK, I don't look down on people who watch TV. Hell, I watched enough as a kid and a teenager to fill a lifetime quota, and I buy series collections on DVD (LARRY SANDERS SHOW, DICK VAN DYKE, PETER GUNN, etc.--still waiting for HILL STREET BLUES to come out :w ). And I get a serious jones for things like TVLand and Turner Movie Classics sometimes. It's just not for me these days, though; sort of like giving up smoking. Folks may be inclined to brag about not watching simply because they're often treated like weirdos (i.e., "How could you not have a TV?! Gasp!?") for going without. Somehow we've been inculcated with the notion that having cable TV is a necessity of modern life. Bosh to that, I say! I'd rather spend the $500-600 a year on something else.

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Considering that millions and millions of people have at least one television in their house, I think that it's ridiculous for so many to claim they "never watch TV". Of course they do.

It always amuses me when decorators go to such lengths to create ways to hide the TV. We watch it. Of course we do. I despair at all the schlocky "reality" tripe and much of the other stuff not worth watching, but come on, we watch TV. :rolleyes:

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We honestly don't watch it. We can't! Even the regular networks won't come in without cable in our neighborhood. We have a television, but it's there only for DVD viewing. In our old apartment, we had cable for free--and you bet we watched. That's one reason why we decided against picking it up when we bought a house. I think I miss it most when something big happens in the news. When the Oklahoma City bombing occurred, I watched CNN a great deal, whereas on 9/11, we no longer had TV and I listened instead on ABC Radio. I also miss it during the baseball playoffs and sometimes go over to a friend's house. That's why I don't snub people who watch it; but I feel a lot better now that I don't.

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I watch TV. I enjoy TV. I've been on both sides. The years I didn't watch TV were some of the most productive years of my life. I'm not elitist at all. I just think it's a drag that celebrities are so honored in our society. I appreciate their work and the work of filmmakers in general, but many people do treat them like gods.

I've got a bunch of DVDs I enjoy watching, so I'm not against TV itself, but I do hate the time I have wasted watching so much of it. So we gave the Oscars a hard time; big deal, it's not like we started a war or something...

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I do agree that the Oscars are usually more of a fashion show than a salute to the arts. And alot of it is just that Hollywood phoniness.

But when it comes down to it, I love film. I love it nearly as much as I love music, and because of that, the Oscars will probably always be one of the few times each year that I turn on my TV to watch a TV show. I don't care about who is dating who and all the glamour and glitz. But I do care that Million Dollar Baby won its well deserved awards. And I am happy that Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind won the screenplay award. If you can see through the bullshit, good art is getting recognized.

As I don't care about pop music or TV, I'll never watch the Grammy's or the Emmy's. But there were some really good films that came out this year, and it was nice to see them get some recognition.

If jazz was as popular as film, and they had some razzle dazzle jazz awards ceremony, I'm sure most of us would be tuning in...even if it meant we had to sit through Joan Rivers asking Herbie Hancock about his tux.

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After Swank won, did anyone else notice that Annette Bening started clapping hard enough to break a hand, all the while looking to see if the camera was still on her? As she was “clapping,” the look on her face said, “That bitch beat me AGAIN!!!” Wonder if, as soon as the camera was off Bening, she immediately stopped clapping? And then to have to listen to Swank’s interminable speech!

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