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The recent rise of out-in-the-open CDR trading...

Jim Alfredson

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Comrades, I, too, have committed capitalist crimes!!!  I trust I will be rehabilitated after a proper period of penance in the potato fields!!!  :ph34r:  ;)

Conscientious practice of self-criticism is still another hallmark distinguishing our Party from all other political parties. As we say, dust will accumulate if a room is not cleaned regularly, our faces will get dirty if they are not washed regularly. Our comrades' minds and our Party's work may also collect dust, and also need sweeping and washing. The proverb "Running water is never stale and a door-hinge is never worm-eaten" means that constant motion prevents the inroads of germs and other organisms. To check up regularly on our work and in the process develop a democratic style of work, to fear neither criticism nor self-criticism, and to apply such good popular Chinese maxims as "Say all you know and say it without reserve", "Blame not the speaker but be warned by his words" and "Correct mistakes if you have committed them and guard against them if you have not" - this is the only effective way to prevent all kinds of political dust and germs from contaminating the minds of our comrades and the body of our Party.--Chairman Mao

The only proper penance for you, Red, would be some kind of enforced apprenticeship with a Wall Street broker!



Would it net me a few mill to er, um, "enhance" my People's Jazz Library??? If so, then socialist principles be damned!!! :excited:

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  • 4 months later...

On one hand, it isn't cool to get free music that the artists aren't getting anything for, and definitely not cool if a third party is turning a profit for Pink Floyd's music.

On the other hand, the guys trading these bootleg cdrs probably have every official Pink Floyd release available and are merely fulfilling their appetite for more.

Will the bootleg material in question be remastered and sold officially, ensuring Pink Floyd gets their proper due? Or will this material never be available?

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The discussion in the Floyd thread is completely innocuous -- I asked for recommendations on the best unofficial Floyd recordings and other people responded. There's no trading going on, at least as far as I know.

I have no idea why Kevin B thinks it's relevant to this thread.


Edited by Guy Berger
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I have no idea why Kevin B thinks it's relevant to this thread.

Could it be because it's about boots, i.e. illegal recordings?

Are we going to ban discussion of illegal recordings?

BTW, at least some of these recordings aren't illegal -- they're BBC broadcasts from the 70s.


So BBC broadcasts can magically become legal recordings for sale? Interesting what you learn in Grad School.

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I have no idea why Kevin B thinks it's relevant to this thread.

Could it be because it's about boots, i.e. illegal recordings?

Are we going to ban discussion of illegal recordings?

I don't see why discussions of illegal recordings should be treated differently than discussions of CDRs on Org.

Edited by J.A.W.
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I don't see why discussions of illegal recordings should be treated differently than discussions of CDRs on Org.

Speaking for myself, I've discussed plenty of unofficial recordings on this board -- the Miles Davis Lost Quintet stuff, the Miles from 1967 and 1971, the Coltrane Half Note music, the Coltrane 11/4/63 Stuttgart gig, etc. The recent Wayne Shorter thread discussed recordings from that tour, most of which are unofficial. I think it's a real shame (and a little strange) if we say that this music is off-limits for discussion.


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I have no idea why Kevin B thinks it's relevant to this thread.

Could it be because it's about boots, i.e. illegal recordings?

Are we going to ban discussion of illegal recordings?

BTW, at least some of these recordings aren't illegal -- they're BBC broadcasts from the 70s.


So BBC broadcasts can magically become legal recordings for sale? Interesting what you learn in Grad School.

The guy said "illegal recordings", I assumed he was talking about a dude in the audience surreptitiously recording the music. Not sure where the "sale" part is coming in -- nobody is selling anything.


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Well, Jim's original post seeks to prohibit the solicitation of CDRs and boots, not necessarily to ban all discussion of them. That'd be pretty disingenuous given that "unofficial" broadcasts cuts have appeared on BFTs and there have been numerous discussions here about booted concert material and even unreleased studio material. The whole thing sounds very hypocritical to me - though I do agree with both Jim and Kevin's points about not doing any horse trading out in the open.

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Well, Jim's original post seeks to prohibit the solicitation of CDRs and boots, not necessarily to ban all discussion of them.  That'd be pretty disingenuous given that "unofficial" broadcasts cuts have appeared on BFTs and there have been numerous discussions here about booted concert material and even unreleased studio material.  The whole thing sounds very hypocritical to me - though I do agree with both Jim and Kevin's points about not doing any horse trading out in the open.

Well, I should have expressed myself more clearly - the last point you're making is exactly what I meant.

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though I do agree with both Jim and Kevin's points about not doing any horse trading out in the open.

Well, I should have expressed myself more clearly - the last point you're making is exactly what I meant.

There's no horse-trading going on in the Pink Floyd thread -- that's why I was surprised when Kevin mentioned it in this context.


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There's no horse-trading going on in the Pink Floyd thread -- that's why I was surprised when Kevin mentioned it in this context.


From the Pink Floyd thread:

Anybody have a recommendation for good Floyd downloads from DaD?  I'm not interested in every Floyd bootleg ever recorded, just in the best stuff.  Bonus points for especially good versions of "Echoes" or interesting jamming.

What else would you call this?

You beat me to it.

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What else would you call this?

Not horse trading. But I guess all of us non-lawyers read the letter of the law differently.

I don't own any Pink Floyd live bootlegs, though I've seen them for sale and heard several. I think they all sounded like crap.

But see, if you had asked around, you would have been pointed towards some that sounded great. A few of them were mentioned in the thread.

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There's no horse-trading going on in the Pink Floyd thread -- that's why I was surprised when Kevin mentioned it in this context.


From the Pink Floyd thread:

Anybody have a recommendation for good Floyd downloads from DaD?  I'm not interested in every Floyd bootleg ever recorded, just in the best stuff.  Bonus points for especially good versions of "Echoes" or interesting jamming.

What else would you call this?

You beat me to it.

Rather than hitting up a pimp here to supply a whore, he's asking which whore to spend time with at someone else's bordello.

Oh wait, we were talking ponies...

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Here is another twist to this whole thing. What do you think?

When I see PD and rip-off labels(Lone Hill/Disconforme, etc..) and their titles being discussed(where to buy, etc.), yet CD-R trading being frowned on, it makes me laugh.

These labels are doing nothing more than putting a CD-R in an oficial looking package. No license paid for, no royalties paid, no source tapes, etc.. These titles are just copies of someone's 45, 78, LP or CD, and are marketed like they are something else.

Furthemore, I would much rather trade CD-R's at this point, than have someone give their money to these outfits.

Am I alone on this??

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There's no horse-trading going on in the Pink Floyd thread -- that's why I was surprised when Kevin mentioned it in this context.


From the Pink Floyd thread:

Anybody have a recommendation for good Floyd downloads from DaD?  I'm not interested in every Floyd bootleg ever recorded, just in the best stuff.  Bonus points for especially good versions of "Echoes" or interesting jamming.

What else would you call this?

You beat me to it.

Rather than hitting up a pimp here to supply a whore, he's asking which whore to spend time with at someone else's bordello.

Oh wait, we were talking ponies...


I'm out of here.

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