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Well, Lon let me know I'd been missed, which is both a great surprise to me as well as a testament to the graciousness of those of you who remember me from my (old? it hasn't been that long, has it?) BN BBS days. So hello again. Good to see GOM and Late and the rest of you.

Not sure I'll be around much what with my various and sundry non-Internet obligations, but I'll make an effort.

Keep the positivity flowing!

Joe {Milazzo}

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In no particular order and without skimming even this thread to see if they are or not, I know some voices I enjoyed at the old board were: jsngry, hardbop, amirbagachelles (sp), chris albertson, lon, birdstheword, yertle, funkjazz, tony jerant -- there were a lot of others, but I hadn't been to the boards since I lost my job and had to avoid all temptation on the offering/selling board :)


Yes, Dr. J. is Tony Jerant (er, uh...me!).

I gave posting a break for a while after the BN board's demise and will be keeping it much lighter than in the past (hey, I'm now over 10 posts, glad I'm no longer a "newbie!") but for very positive reasons. We have a baby due any day now - thus the avatar, which is tongue in cheek of course, we're thrilled! - and lots of good things going on at work.

Nonetheless, I found I missed conversing with all you nice, knowledgeable folks way too much to remain exclusively a lurker. B)

Posted (edited)

Congrats on the baby, Tony! My son turns 1 on the 5th of July. You'll love parenthood and won't believe how fast the time will go... :wacko:

Welcome back!

Edited by Jim Dye

I miss nathan, especially with his reviews of all the experimental and unusual jazz that he seems to know so much about. I know he moved to NY, but that was a while ago. Michael H was a good, intelligent voice on the board but I know he left long before the BNBB demise because he was so disgusted by the general tone of the board. I still am in touch with him.


By George I think he's got it!

If you used the "search all this member's posts" function, you'd find this smoking gun, from this morning's posts:

"why do you need the pickwick masters? If you get them, you *must* reissue that one "taste of..." knockoff where the cover is a purple background, on which theres a chick in a witches hat, and long, sexy "fuck-me" boots."

The only thing missing is a "hell yeah" but the language and the grammar looks spot on. Except for one thing-this post came at 8:30 AM which would be 5:30 on the West Coast. What the heck would Aric be doing up at that hour? Of course, school should be out for the summer so he might have just gotten home. I forget the capacity of youngsters to stay out all night :)

Posted (edited)

I've gotta post the thread I linked to. The more I read it, the more I start laughing...

Duophonic, 1st post:  what in the hell. what the hell. have any of you seen this. Its actually kind of cool when you think about it. I think

Duophonic, 2nd post: oh in case anyone was wondering, it was between the Three's Company where Terri almost marries the soap actor and the Perfect Strangers were Balki and Cousin Larry participate in some whaky misadventures regarding a singles bar

I don't think there's any way this could be anyone other than Aric. I can see him sitting there entranced by "Three's Company" back to back with "Perfect Strangers"... :g

Edited by Aggie87

if you ask 50 people where to start youre going to get 50 different responses as you can already tell. For example the 1st guy named a bunch of miles davis cds. Well I say you need to get some lee konitz. thats L-e-e K-o-n-i-z. Lee Konitz live at the half note get it now

I dont need the soundtrack AS badly as i needed it last week- i copyed the movie so now i can both hear the great soundtrack AND see Vanessa Redgrave shake it at the very same time

Note its Home IN Africa (blue note screwed up). Its a Ronnie Boykins tune. For all of you conservatives out there Ronnie Boykins was the longtime bassist for Sun Ra and his Year 2000 Intergallactic Astro Infinity Cosmo Jet Set Arkestra

I have two Rhodeseses. We were jamming the other day and i was running it thru this huge amp and my friend said it was like a "laser beam of sound"

the definition of conservative i am using here is more broad than the one your comment is most likely addressing- its expanded way out off the liberal-conservative continium well into Sun Ra's territory....



Greetings from Oz! Thanks To John Shelton for alerting me to this board - I wasn't even aware of it, and it's nice to know Ed that someone remebers my name from the old days of BNBB. I've been to the AAJ board periodically - it's a bit slow over there, but plenty of good posts.

It's really nice to see familiar names over here - looks like the place to be.

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