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THE best/worst AMG biography ever...


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But here it is, in case anyone can't get to it....

Biography of the band Mayhem, by Steve Huey

Formed around 1985 by Necrobutcher and guitarist Euronymous (born Oystein Aarseth), Mayhem was the first death metal band from Norway to make much of an impact in their homeland, which in the early '90s developed a burgeoning underground scene rife with violent, sometimes anti-Christian activity — as evidenced by Mayhem's non-musical history. Drummer Hellhammer, who at one time worked in a mental hospital, is the only remaining member of the band's prime-period lineup. Lead vocalist Dead committed suicide in 1991 (two years after joining the band) by shooting himself in the head; Hellhammer made a necklace using some of his skull fragments, and Euronymous reportedly cooked and ate pieces of Dead's brain. Euronymous, in turn, was stabbed to death while in his underwear on August 10, 1993, by the band's bass player, Count Grishnackh (born Christian Vikernes). Grishnackh's alleged motive was jealousy over the fact that Euronymous had a more evil reputation; he inflicted 23 separate wounds, it was also rumored, so as to outdo rival band Emperor's drummer, Faust, who was convicted in the stabbing death of a homosexual acquaintance. When police arrested Grishnackh, they found over 150 kg of stolen dynamite in his house, complete with a plan to blow up a large church on a religious holiday. Grishnackh went on to pursue his electronic-influenced project Burzum while in prison; meanwhile, Euronymous' parents requested that his bass tracks be erased from Mayhem's 1994 album, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, (which featured session vocalist Attila Csihar). Still, thanks to growing worldwide interest in Norwegian death metal, Mayhem product has continued to appear on the shelves into the next century. Hellhammer also put together a new Mayhem lineup, which has toured sporadically. During one such tour in 2003, a concert-goer in Norway received a fractured skull as a sheep head flew from the stage while band member Blasphemer was cutting the head away from the torso.

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This story is actually legendary in the black/death metal world.  This isn't the first time I've read about the brain-eating incident.

There's a great book about the black metal scene called Lords of Chaos. I don't even like the stuff but it was a fascinating read. Those dudes aren't kidding at all.


Edited by Brandon Burke
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Yikes! This is real. :ph34r:

I remember when this all was happening. I had a roomate who was into death metal and grindcore. He actually had a girlfriend who shared this passion. Here I was, the happy jazz pothead living with this couple. We made a deal that I'd listen to jazz in my room and they'd listen to their death metal in their room. :excited:

They loved telling me the stories about these guys. It was a weird time. :ph34r:

I like in the AMG biography, they have the link for vocalist "Dead" (he chose his name well) that goes to the Grateful Dead. Don't eat Jerry! :P

I now have a new rule for any band I'm in. If someone calls himself Count "Anything" they're not playin' bass for me. :lol:

I for one, am not going to purchase their Mosaic set. :lol::P:g

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That has to win the award for "most obscure Tolkien reference".


So obscure that it was not even intended to be a Tolkien reference.

I just thought that the comment about him being in his underwear in the middle of all that was extremely bizarre, to say the least. Is there some hidden significance about wearing underwear when you get stabbed to death?

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Hellhammer made a necklace using some of his skull fragments, and Euronymous reportedly cooked and ate pieces of Dead's brain. Euronymous, in turn, was stabbed to death while in his underwear.............a concert-goer in Norway received a fractured skull as a sheep head flew from the stage while band member Blasphemer was cutting the head away from the torso.

Don't let these guys bring their long-boats on tour over here. Some things haven't changed for 1000 years :alien:

Edited by sidewinder
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  • 3 months later...

Check out this AMG review

then let me tell you what's really on the album called "Songs We Taught Your Mother":

  • Lucille Hegamin, Alberta Hunter and Victoria Spivey each sing four songs.

    The accompaniments for Hegamin are by:

    Willie "The Lion" Smith, piano; Henry Goodwin, trumpet; Cecil SCott, clarinet; Gene Brooks, drums.

    The accompaniments for Hunter and Spivey are by:

    J.C. Higginbotham, trombone; Buster Bailey, clarinet; Cliff Jackson, piano; Sidney deParis, tuba; Zutty Singleton, drums.

    I don't know who this clown, Ron Wynn, is, but his "review" of this album has got be one of the most idiotic I have seen. Somewhere else, Scott Yanow describes Lucille Hegamin as a blues singer, which she was not. These guys really need to get their act together.

BTW one of my other albums is listed as having been released a week after it was recorded--damn! :g

This is the cover photo by Don Schlitten. Sorry for the wrapper reflection.

Left to right (front row): Willie The Lion, Victoria Spivey, J.C. Higginbotham, Alberta (with his trombone), Jimmy Rushing (who wanted to be there), Lucille, and Zutty.

Left to right (back row): Cecil Scott, Sidney de Paris, Gene Brooks, Buster Bailey, and Henry Goodwin.

Edited by Christiern
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He may also be deaf, as so many other AMG writers seem to be, for Lucille neither shouts nor moans, and Willie the Lion doesn't "rock."

If AMG's purpose is to sell albums--and it seems to be--they had better do quality checks. Do they pay these writers, or is it a vanity deal?

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He may also be deaf, as so many other AMG writers seem to be, for Lucille neither shouts nor moans, and Willie the Lion doesn't "rock."

If AMG's purpose is to sell albums--and it seems to be--they had better do quality checks. Do they pay these writers, or is it a vanity deal?

Have you read any of Scott Yanow's stuff? He's gotta be doing it for free!


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He may also be deaf, as so many other AMG writers seem to be, for Lucille neither shouts nor moans, and Willie the Lion doesn't "rock."

If AMG's purpose is to sell albums--and it seems to be--they had better do quality checks. Do they pay these writers, or is it a vanity deal?

Have you read any of Scott Yanow's stuff? He's gotta be doing it for free!


I would think so, but he also churns out assembly-line-type books and I'm sure he gets something out of that--beyond ego fodder.

BTW, I have seen a couple of Storyville liner notes by him that were better than the stuff he does for AMG. Scott seems to be into compiling statistical lists. :mellow:

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He may also be deaf, as so many other AMG writers seem to be, for Lucille neither shouts nor moans, and Willie the Lion doesn't "rock."

If AMG's purpose is to sell albums--and it seems to be--they had better do quality checks. Do they pay these writers, or is it a vanity deal?

Have you read any of Scott Yanow's stuff? He's gotta be doing it for free!


I would think so, but he also churns out assembly-line-type books and I'm sure he gets something out of that--beyond ego fodder.

BTW, I have seen a couple of Storyville liner notes by him that were better than the stuff he does for AMG. Scott seems to be into compiling statistical lists. :mellow:

Maybe... If he's into music he does a good job of hiding his enthusiasm!


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