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God, Keanu Reeves is horrible...

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So they're playing Dracula on CineMax, the one from 1992 directed by Francis Ford Coppolla. I remember seeing this in the theatre when I was 15 (yeah, I'm young) and thinking, "THAT WAS COOL!"

This is the first time I've seen it since. Criminey bejesus, Keanu Reeves is frickin' horrible. He's like the Kenny G of acting.


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Oldman and Hopkins are the only thing good in this movie. That and the effects.

Anyone remember the SNL with Sinbad hosting that was on around the time Dracula came out? One of the sketches was "Brahm Stoker's Blackula" and Sinbad had a big afro "butt" on his head, just like Oldman in the movie. It was frickin' hilarious! :)

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Keanu is dollar for dollar the worst actor EVER!

Heck, forget the money, I don't think that guy could walk off the street and get a bit part in a Rogers Arkansas Little Theater production.

The fact that people keep putting him in movies is beyond me. I have no idea what the draw is. He's not overly handsome, or sweet, or funny, or good at action scenes, just overly BORING.

Thank God you all feel this way as well. When I mention how bad he is usually at least someone there defends him.

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The only reason he worked in the first Matrix is because the character spent half the movie being confused.


That's the truth!!!!

Keanu is a genius at playing "the confused guy."


I can just picture what he's thinking while acting.

Uh... pretend that I'm high so I'll appear confused .... oh yeah.... I am high.... and I'm confused.... what.... oh yeah.... okay


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