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What have you done for a living?

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with black beauty snorting dishwasher guy!)

I hope you had him remove all the buffers first? B-)

no, he was hardcore! bleeding was his default mode. you literally could not keep up with drying stacking, sorting when he was at the helm. and then a couple of times a night wise-guy(sic) waiters would lob a coffe cup over your head just to make sure you were paying attention. :o

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when i was a musician in the mid-70's to 80's,

Oh yes, I remember on an old BNBB thread that, unbeknowst to one another, we were both inside 'Pooh's Pub' the night the news broke about Lennon being shot? I was at the bar. That was you, correct? conf40.gif

wow, i forgot about that. yes, that was me playing in a fusion septet.

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01) first "paid" job: indexing my dad's rather extensive record collection (... was paid in Mordillo hardcovers)

01) Burger King employee (all stations, incl. garbage) until my drum set was paid for

02) musician (various more or less successful Pop/Rock/R&B bands)

03) assistant to two professors at the same time (didn't leave much time for studying)

04) freelance writer for various fan magazines and later pro publications

05) freelancing in book publishing here in Germany (secured some major authors I knew from my fan magazine work for one of the biggest German publishing houses; helped put out a slew of limited editions for a now mostly defunct publishing house)

06) web/intranet design work, both freelance and hired

07) teaching at both private and public high schools (still my day job)

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My job history is boring, but here it is anyway:

Receiving/stockboy at both Big Wheel and Meijers

Groundskeeper at Maple Grove Cemetery (yes, I dug some graves)

Couple of minutes at a place called Canvasback, which produced anything you could fashion out of canvas.

Print shop

Got fired from two of those jobs, BTW. Both times it was the best possible outcome for all involved! :g

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1 barman

2 worker in a slate factory, (do you know that under the green cloth of billiards there is a slate?)

3 underpayed factotum for an eviromentalist association

4 projectionist in movie theater

5 camera assistant for underwater and overwater photography (documentaries)

6 sound recordist for documentaries

7 run a company of documentaries production

8 sell the above company at the best price, the hardest job of my life!

and at last

9 free lance film editor for broadcasting in companies owned by other people ;)

Edited by porcy62
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First gig was a door-to-door donut salesman, age 13

Next I was bus boy at a popular cafe in the Mountains around Salt Lake City, for 3-4 yrs. It was at this job that I learned about sex and drugs, but I already knew about Rock-n-Roll.

Bus boy at 3 other restaurants

Prep cook at a diner

Pizza Deliverer, 2 years

Telephone solicitor for Greenpeace, Amnesty Intl., and other such groups. This sucked ass.

Treatment Worker w/ Autistic kids

Driver for escort agency

Lead trumpet player in disco band for 8 years

Modeled for a painting class, 5 months. Job sucked.

Counselor for mentally ill at residential apartment complex

Psychiatric Technician at mental health inpatient unit in a hospital

Film and picture delivery/pick-up

Housing Specialist, mental health agency

Door guy at jazz club

trumpet teacher

Edited by doubleM
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Mostly it's been Radio but an interesting job that I had was working at an Incense factory in West Los Angeles. The absolutely worst job I had was a brief stint in the Arizona Department of Revenue. I didn't last to long at that and it took me even less time to get over it. If I ever worked in any states Department of Revenue again I would be totally convinced that Hell does indeed exist.

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Growing up I did a lot of social science research, assisting on surveys and coding the data.

I also worked as a librarian until the end of college.

One night spent tearing down a traveling carnival (was offered a job for the summer but they didn't go anywhere I wanted to visit)

Math teacher (2 long years)

Temp all around Manhattan

Graduate teaching assistant

Transportation planner

Transportation planning consultant (same job, better pay)

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there's probably more, but here's what I remember:

grocery store bagger

burger chef employee (fired by alcoholic manager after three days)

shoe salesman

golf driving range manager and pro shop salesman (I knew nothing about golf, btw)

night shift receptionist at high rise college dorm

furniture mover for college housing department

work study job as programming assistant at a nuclear particle accelerator lab

assistant editor, Owlswick Press

assistant editor, Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine

jazz dj, WXPN, philadelphia


systems programmer

unix systems administrator

authentication engineer

Edited by alankin
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I had no idea ... I am going to check that out when I have time. I knew Dick when I was at KU, had him for a couple of classes, made contact with him a couple times post-graduation. More than anyone else, Dick fostered my interest in jazz.

Share more about the archive or PM me when you have a chance.


PS - I picked tobacco two summers ...

PSS - Just walked by Murphy on Sat after watching the Hawks spank the Horns :tup

I had three classes with Dick as an undergrad and later on in grad school. Can't say enough warm things about him. A wonderful ambassador to the music.

When I began working at the archive in 1999 it was in near complete disarray. Dick had passed away within the year, and it was quicky turning into an abandoned garage sale. Collections were misfiled or in completely different places and one of them--a significant donation of some 5,000 LPs--had yet to be processed. In fact, they were not only still in boxes, the boxes were stacked on top of one another...and had been for months. (Yikes!)

Replaced shelving. Acquired CD burner w/ analog inputs so we could burn surrogate "listener" copies. Re-organized shelving order and integrated previosuly mentioned collection into the greater whole. Created web site. Created online database of holdings (which now appears to be down since they're switching out the computer that acts as the database's server). Created lending policies and preservation plan. Assisted researchers. Etc....

It was a great time. I basically have that job to thank for getting me into archiving, as I was not yet a trained archivist or librarian. Like I said, I had spent a great deal of time there and was very familiar with the collection and several faculty members. Also, I studied the cultural history of post-War American music as an undergrad so this stuff was my bread and butter. When they ran out of grant money to pay me I moved to Austin to get an MLS in sound collection preservation.

And now I'm here in Palo Alto typing away.... B-)

Edited by Brandon Burke
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  • babysitter (jr hi/high school)
  • church organist, weddings, sing a churchy song or two at weddings (high school)
  • office 'gal' at tiny commuter airline in northern Wisconsin circa 1970: reservations, ticket sales, answer phones, tag luggage
  • "library runner" (college work-study job): went around to all the far-flung libraries on big campus, e.g., picking up genetics or engineering tomes for economics professors
  • cafeteria tray stacker/dishwasher at Univ. hospital
  • waitress State Street hangout Madison, Wis
  • paper route - delivered by car to rural/exurbs outside Madison
  • production assistant, UW press
  • grantwriter, patient education pamphlet writer, health fair organizer - community clinic, Madison
  • waitress, Cambridge, Mass.
  • was paid a pittance to sing, play piano in theater group, Boston
  • apartment paint crew (one summer) NYC
  • waitress, NYC (too many places to list)
  • little rehearsal piano jobs
  • various office things (typing, writing) in publishing -- some temp, some longer
  • brief excursion into photoproduction -- 4-color separations, etc -- when printing was semi- but not completely computerized
  • eventually made some $ with some bands (bass)
  • worked for 3 months for a psycho doctor at another research hospital before
  • landing at this research hospital where I've been for 18 years

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No, no -- EXACTLY my time! I was a freshman in the fall of 1970 and lived in Madison for the next 7 years.

I know this has come up before between me and Chuck -- not that we remember meeting, but I certainly bought records there. I think this came up on a thread about AEC at the Newman Center? I missed that concert, but went to a number of Cecil Taylor's at the music school when he was a visiting professor. (And saw John Berryman read at the Newman Center -- but I think that was before YOUR time!)

Poets in Madison? I knew people who knew the looniest ones...

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