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Dave James

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After watchful waiting for over a year (i.e., hoping for massive new product upgrades), I did the deed and bought a 40gb last Saturday. Went to Best Buy and Circuit City (both were out of stock) and then got smart and went to an Apple store. Got home, loaded hours of stuff and plugged my iPod into my XP USB 2.0-nothing. After some tech calls, determined my iPod was a DOA. Got a replacement on Sunday and, with more tech help, finally downloaded my music. Lot of effort, but used the thing on a long plane ride yesterday and it was money...big money. Agree with Couw-regular bit speed leads to very acceptable sound quality. Will upgrade the headphones since too much music is lost by the loose fit of the standard Apple ones-probably Etymotic ER-4p.

Couple of questions:

1. What do I need to get to hook my iPod to my Bose radio in the office?

2. When should I start getting concerned about the amount of space on my computer hard drive taken up by the music I have loaded?

3 Does anyone have a nice carrying case for the iPod and the brick when traveling?

Thanks for the help. Needless to say, with all the hiccups I had, I highly recommend this product.

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1. You could go to Radio Shack and get one of those "Y" connectors that go from the mike output to the left right inputs of the Bose.

2. How big is your hard drive storage space? 40 is okay, but you will need to get more storage space.

3 & 4. Belt clip? Sleeve for the ipod? Check out ipodlounge for reviews of all those products.

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I've been charging my iPod in the car while driving using a charger I bought at Radio Shack. This is about 50% of the time I am using the iPod; the other 50% is in the subway or at work, where I am running it on the battery. I hope this does not use up the battery prematurely.


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After watchful waiting for over a year (i.e., hoping for massive new product upgrades), I did the deed and bought a 40gb last Saturday. Went to Best Buy and Circuit City (both were out of stock) and then got smart and went to an Apple store. Got home, loaded hours of stuff and plugged my iPod into my XP USB 2.0-nothing. After some tech calls, determined my iPod was a DOA. Got a replacement on Sunday and, with more tech help, finally downloaded my music. Lot of effort, but used the thing on a long plane ride yesterday and it was money...big money. Agree with Couw-regular bit speed leads to very acceptable sound quality. Will upgrade the headphones since too much music is lost by the loose fit of the standard Apple ones-probably Etymotic ER-4p.

Couple of questions:

1. What do I need to get to hook my iPod to my Bose radio in the office?

2. When should I start getting concerned about the amount of space on my computer hard drive taken up by the music I have loaded?

3 Does anyone have a nice carrying case for the iPod and the brick when traveling?

Thanks for the help. Needless to say, with all the hiccups I had, I highly recommend this product.

You need two things: 1. An imac; and 2. Sennsheiser Noise Reduction headphones, which are great on a plane ride.

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Here's another question. I have an ipod and my son wants an ipod mini for his birthday. Will two ipods work on 1 computer and would I have to load the software for the mini onto the computer. Wouldn't having 2 ipods on 1 computer confuse things?

You can run two iPods on one version of iTunes. Just tell it which songs you want to update versus updating the whole thing.

Another alternative - set up two user ids/log-ons in Windows, one for you and one for your son. Each user has their own version of iTunes and songs. This way is a bit cleaner.

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