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Chico Hamilton Mosaic

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I started working through the Chico Hamilton mosaic yesterday -- I've had it lying around since Aug '03 but only unwrapped it recently. I've only touched the first disc -- interesting stuff but nothing's really jumped out at me. The live stuff is a bit more exciting than the studio material.

"Blue Sands" would make an entertaining blindfold test!


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Guest Chaney

This comment will no doubt be poo pooed by others, and that's OK, but...

CAUTION: DO NOT listen to this set while operating large machinery (or eating deep bowls of soup).


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B-) :g

I disagree, but that was pretty funny!

This set grows on me more and more; sure it's not hard bop but that's its charm for me. Plus. . .the live material was possibly recorded the day I was born! Pretty fun to have that sort of thing to hear. (Also recorded that day was the Hank Jones Trio date on Savoy.

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Guest Chaney

I'm guessing that the testosterone comment refers to hard bop, and the Hamilton set being on the gentle side.


I listened to all of the Hamilton set one time. Very difficult accomplishment (FEAT!), as I remember remarking to Hans at the time.

I have no problem with music that's gentle but the Hamilton I found to be too... oh, what's the word... sedate.

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Hamilton w/Collette & Hall worked just fine for me (better than just fine, actually), but when that shifted to Horn & Pisano, well, I had no real use for it. It was the difference between difference and blahness.

They STILL need to get the Hamilton Trio PJ side out into general circulation.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I listened to the whole thing and my opinion:

The studio stuff on disc 1 is OK

The live stuff on discs 1, 2, 3 is great; even the Horn stuff at the end of disc 3 is quite good. "Fast Flute" and "Caravan" are especially good.

Things start heading south on the "music of Fred Katz" stuff. Yawn.

And they get really bad on that South Pacific nonsense.

I think the Ellington Suite is better with Eric Dolphy than with Horn and Collette, though the latter is better than the South Pacific material.

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I'm guessing that the testosterone comment refers to hard bop, and the Hamilton set being on the gentle side.

Is there anything such as soft bop?!?! :huh:

I don't find it being sedate at all - just different. They swing as hard as anybody without shouting out,

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I have gone back and forth on this set... When I first heard it ... I hated it.... I was like WHAT THE HELL was that???? Hello.... :blink::blink::o

didn't listen to it for years... and pulled it out about a week ago due to some conversation on this board (about Jim Hall, I think? maybe West Coast jazz?? :mellow: ).... and liked it much more....

Giving Disc 2 a spin right now....

Hm..... I think i may be going back and forth again... :w

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okay update.... after about 3 tracks... it was not working for me.... :angry::angry:

so away with you.... !!!

Had to slip in an Elvin Jones CD (Very Rare! W/ Art Pepper).. to get MY groove back.... (forget Stella.... That chamberjazz stuff was (in the words of super-spy Austin Powers wilting my mojo).... :wacko:

Phew.... thank you Elvin....

I have gone back and forth on this set... When I first heard it ... I hated it.... I was like WHAT THE HELL was that???? Hello....  :blink:  :blink:  :o

didn't listen to it for years... and pulled it out about a week ago due to some conversation on this board (about Jim Hall, I think? maybe West Coast jazz?? :mellow: ).... and liked it much more....

Giving Disc 2 a spin right now....

Hm..... I think i may be going back and forth again...  :w


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I got this at the last gasp along with AEC Nessa box ( True Blue promotion), very different from each other but I cope (just) by playing small quantities at a time of the Hamilton. I like most of it even if it's more like diazepam rather than testosterone.

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