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I'm going to be more patient with those I love and less patient with those whom I don't love.

I'm going to start listening to the records and CD's I have more carefully before I spend my hard-earned folding currency on more records and CD's.

I'm going to learn how to cook, beyond my approximately twelve no-fail recipes. I guess that will involve my becoming more interested in food, more as a sensual pleasure and less as a means to merely staying alive.:)

Beyond that, I'm going to continue to mentor a work-mate whom I've recently introduced to jazz and to another whom I've helped nurture his interest in photography, thus passing along my two passions.


Cutting back CD purchases is my primary goal for the year. I've got a huge backlog of music I need to listen to (at least 100 discs), and buying music is beginning to feel more like a burden than a pleasure. Also, I plan on going back to school in the spring of 2006, and it would be nice to have the extra money that I would save from not buying how ever many discs it is that I've been buying per year for the last few years (probably 300-400 per year). :mellow:


Probably I won't buy less CDs this year but if I reduce the backlog it will be considered as a great achievement...

And also to reduce the consumption of this:


…so I'll have more money for CDs….


I'd like to be able to buy less cds but I don't know if that's going to happen. However, I'd like to be more patient and calmer with my family since I'm not the most patient person in the world.


Lose weight

Exercise more

Eat healthier

Paint at least one new painting a month

Complete my Master's Degree

Climb Mt Everest

Just checking to see if you're paying attention :g


scan several thousand photos & slides and burn to disc.......take a foreign language class........give Shorter's 'All Seeing Eye' one last spin & see if 'clicks'.

Skip the ASE. It doesn't, trust me.


Appreciate life and my loved ones more! After a year of recovering and surviving cancer, every new day is a gift! It was really nice to hear from Hans and Brad and Weizen over the past few days, Happy New Year to all and I resolve to check in here more often during the New Year, even though I can't estimate how much money I've saved by not being tempted to buy from reading about new and re-issued jazz discs ;)


and I resolve to check in here more often during the New Year,

Will he be checking in as well? ;)parrot.gif

Naw! The little bastard has developed a taste for Mozart and Bach, so I guess I'm on my own here!! :P


Gain weight

Squander more money

Hey, I set my goals in the 'achievable' range.


You've made me reconsider my resolutions!

Let's see: try to smoke a whole pack a day, never get ANY work done at my job, eliminate all physical exercise, plunge into Chapter 11...

Given my track record with wholesome resolutions, maybe I'll be better off aspiring to and failing to achieve some bad ones!!!


Appreciate life and my loved ones more! After a year of recovering and surviving cancer, every new day is a gift! It was really nice to hear from Hans and Brad and Weizen over the past few days, Happy New Year to all and I resolve to check in here more often during the New Year, even though I can't estimate how much money I've saved by not being tempted to buy from reading about new and re-issued jazz discs ;)

Glad to see you out and about Tod! :tup:tup:tup

My New Year's Resolutions....

Finally find out once and for all, who Norah Jones' father really is!!! ;)

Start going back to the gym, and live a little healthier.

Not be such a pain in the ass.

Return to piano lessons.

Buy MORE cds!

Choose a new place/area to live.

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