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HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jazzmoose!!! I know I'm late, but it's not the first time and I'm certain it won't be the last.

Hope the day brought cake and a nice glass of wine.

But, I must say that I really miss your old avatar. It made me smile.





First, my apologies for taking so long to respond to this thread; yesterday was pretty busy, what with an extremely unusual bit of overtime at work, my traditional Birthday dinner of spaghetti with homemade marinara sauce and then an enjoyable bit of time spent with my best birthday present (Simpsons season 5, of course!). But thanks to all!

Yeah, Greg; I remember the days of one present under the tree wrapped in birthday paper well...not exactly traumatic, but certainly an odd childhood memory...

As to the where I've been question, well...I actually decided to cut back on my time here. When the board started, I felt obligated to post as much as I could out of fear that we'd become one of those boards that hardly ever has anything new to read when you log on. I really wanted this place to make it, and wanted to do my part. Well...I guess I got in the habit, because even when it was obvious that this board was secure and here to stay, I kept on posting like a madman. Then this month it dawned on me that I was spending more time on the board here than I was spending on actually listening to jazz. Yeah, I'd have jazz playing while I was here, but as far as actually listening...well, jazz had become my internet background music. And we all know the music deserves better than that. So, I've made a concious effort to cut back on my board activities and spend more time listening.

Plus my 'no new CDs until the end of the year' pledge is just about to expire, so there's finalizing my 'go nuts and make up for that stoopid idea' spending spree to work on...

Just don't get the idea that this is one of those farewell posts or something, though; I'm still gonna be here. And who knows how long I can keep my mouth semi-shut...once a heavy poster, always a heavy poster probably. We'll see!

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