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AAJ / Organissimo / JC


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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Enough of your merriment, AB! :angry::ph34r:

Seriously, what'd they ban you for--brightening their day?

Thanks Ghost!

Actually, in one of the threads, someone mentioned that they were looking for a certain guitar and I made the mistake of telling them that I had what they were looking for and was thinking of selling...

It did me a favor... hanging out at that forum made me spend too much money. Being addicted to cds is nothing, just try guitars. Oof! :P

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I post on all three threads.

The numbers I saw you post (I didn't read this entire thread mind you) are about my experience of all three forums.

JC is very active, and there are some great posters on there, some of which are jazz critics, label owners, etc. Lois keeps promising that Anthony Braxton will be posting for us, but I am still waiting.

Anyway, because there is more posting on particular subjects, it feels more active. You have to keep up, but some good exchange can take place.

Also there are a lot of promiscuous music freaks (like me) who listen to EVERYTHING, from popular music to the outer reaches, and I like their company. Sergio, Jon Abbey, Lazurus, and a few other come to mind.

That said, there are a lot of really annoying posters there. Trolls who wait for their issues to pop up and spew verbage. Or some who just constantly spew verbage regardless of anyone cares (goodspeak). I hope I have not been too bad about that, spewing verbage that is, but I admit being in the trenches has made me much more a participant. And posting frequently (my average is about 3 a day as of today, though on days off I can post much much more than that) certainly there is room for more verbal economy.

I post here 2nd most. The reason I don't post as often is probably cause I am new here, and also I find threads to be less active than I would like. But I see that is changing. This forum rocks, and there are some serious music freaks here-something I look for to surround myself with.

The AAJ is not very active, threads are often almost or totally forgotten which I find annoying. I am still getting to learn how to use this software. But I like it here.

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I no longer visit AAJ--It appears to me that Michael and Clifton have a bad, arrogant attitude that tends to alienate posters. They also have itchy delete-button fingers that go beyond maintaining decorum and into the realm of censorship. AAJ has become a rather unpleasant place to be and it is increasingly attracting a trollish element.

(...) Before leaving AAJ, I suggested to Michael and Clifton that they pay attention to the way Jim, et al handle the administration of Organissimo--I think it is exemplary. I should also, in fairness, mention that I think Michael's decision to allow Organissimo discussions and updates on AAJ during emergencies deserves applause.

I couldn't agree more.

Before I saw this post, I (not having anything better to do) was looking at AAJ and saw that Heaney thread and the self righteous attitude of the administrators. I was pretty disgusted at their attitude. What ever happened to free speech and lively discussion. I let them know it (it'll probably be deleted). They justify everything on the basis that "we have to grow AAJ." I have no goddamn idea what that means. Are they a corporation where they have to increase the profits. Sounds like Human Resources-speak to me. The whole tone, look and approach seems very stilted, even what they call forums ("Talk Jazz"). In a way it's condescending.

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You will all get banned from AAJ for posting observations about AAJ here that are probably regarded as negative by Mike Ricci - at least that's what happened to me. B-) :)

So... have you been recently banned, Hans? :blink:

I liked watching the covers you inserted in your posts on the "WAYLT?" thread !!! ^_^

And it was specially interesting to discover whether they were 20-bit, 24-bit, TOCJ, UCCI or whatever rare Japanese issue! :lol:

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And it was specially interesting to discover whether they were 20-bit, 24-bit, TOCJ, UCCI or whatever rare Japanese issue!  :lol:


Just a (bad?) joke, as many times you insert covers of Japanese editions, and you sell that kind of stuff in the "Offering and Looking for..." forum. :huh:


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For the edification of anyone who might have caught my little rift with AAJ (more accurately a prominent troll at that site), you should know that Michael Ricci and I are in touch. While they have been a bit heavy-handed over there, they also have far more than a bulletin board to maintain. It is still a losing proposition (money-wise), supported by Michael's other business venture. It is easy for us to criticize, as I have done, but not always fair. Every board has its trolls and Heaney is a particularly pesky one--it would be easy to simply ban him, but he is also capable of contributing positively. The fact is that there [i[have been intelligent discussions on a Wynton thread, but Heaney inevitably pops in and tries to disrupt--so far, he has succeeded, but I think Michael and Marc simply need to tell him to lay off the personal insults and discuss Wynton and the J@LC operation rather than fawn beyond all reason upon them.

The communication between Michael and I will not make me rush back to AAJ, but I hope it can at least clear the air. I think we all want to see the jazz boards succeed and our difference discussed amicably.

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Thanks, GregK.

I just had a good phone conversation with Michael Ricci. Chuck, you have not been barred, but there have been times when people couldn't sign on. Michael is going to check your access today. I won't go into details re our conversation, but I think I have a good understanding of what Michael and Marc are up against, and I will try to help, if I can. We tend to forget that the BBS is but a small part of AAJ, a terrific site that just keeps getting better, and keeping it all together is a time-consuming task. Part of the job is, of course, to see that we who post on the BBS don't get out of hand (and I'm guilty here, too), but that problem would be eliminated if we all made an effort to abide by the board's rules--doing so while maintaining civility will not restrict our freedom of expression.

I am not saying anything here that we all don't already know, so let's just call it a reflection on the obvious.

Edited by Christiern
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I no longer visit AAJ--It appears to me that Michael and Clifton have a bad, arrogant attitude that tends to alienate posters. They also have itchy delete-button fingers that go beyond maintaining decorum and into the realm of censorship. AAJ has become a rather unpleasant place to be and it is increasingly attracting a trollish element.

(...) Before leaving AAJ, I suggested to Michael and Clifton that they pay attention to the way Jim, et al handle the administration of Organissimo--I think it is exemplary. I should also, in fairness, mention that I think Michael's decision to allow Organissimo discussions and updates on AAJ during emergencies deserves applause.

I couldn't agree more.

Before I saw this post, I (not having anything better to do) was looking at AAJ and saw that Heaney thread and the self righteous attitude of the administrators. I was pretty disgusted at their attitude. What ever happened to free speech and lively discussion. I let them know it (it'll probably be deleted). They justify everything on the basis that "we have to grow AAJ." I have no goddamn idea what that means. Are they a corporation where they have to increase the profits. Sounds like Human Resources-speak to me. The whole tone, look and approach seems very stilted, even what they call forums ("Talk Jazz"). In a way it's condescending.

The ironic thing is--and I say this with admiration for what AAJ has done elsewhere on their board--that the current forum attitude is precisely what is discouraging growth at AAJ. IMHO, of course.

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Updated statistics as of December 29, 2004 12:30 AM GMT+1 - Central Europe hour


AAJ 4.603; Jazzcorner 2.269; Organissimo 936


Jazzcorner 276.244; Organissimo 261.504; AAJ 82.766


Organissimo 14.446; Jazzcorner 8.486; AAJ 6.633

Most users ever on-line:

AAJ 247 (Dec 26th, 2004); Jazzcorner 120; Organissimo 76

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